Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 561

Chapter 561: Hufflepuff’s Change

Chapter 561: Hufflepuff’s Change

“Great, Ron!”

“Good job!”

“You kid, you should have told us you had entered!” bellowed Fred; he looked half annoyed, half deeply impressed. He put his arms around Ron’s shoulder and was overjoyed.

“I didn’t expect our little brother to become a Hogwarts champion!” George followed.

“I have already written to tell my mother about this, and she will definitely cry out excitedly.” Ginny laughed and came over.

They were all laughing and jumping around Ron.

“If it couldn’t be me, at least it’s a Gryffindor!” Angelina had also swooped down upon him.

“We’ve got food, Ron, come and have some…”

Everyone was celebrating, as if they were mad.

Yeah, if it couldn’t be me, at least it’s a Gryffindor!

Angelina’s words spoke of everyone’s thoughts. After the initial shock, they all accepted the fact that Ron became a champion. Although it was shocking, it was a good thing, wasn’t it?!

Gryffindor had its own champion, everyone was celebrating and revealing. This was the glory of all Gryffindors.

Lee Jordan had unearthed a Gryffindor banner from somewhere and draped it around Ron like a cloak.

The crowd around him closed ranks, surrounded him, forcing another butterbeer on him, stuffing crisps and peanuts into his hands.

Everyone seemed to have lost all their senses and entered a state of revelry. Everyone was asking Ron, wanting to know how he had done it, how he had tricked Dumbledore’s Age Line and managed to get his name into the Goblet of Fire…

There was a steady stream of congratulations, and celebrations, and Ron became in the spotlight for the first time.

At first, he didn’t adapt to it, but he soon got involved and enjoyed it very much.

He began to brag about it to others and talked a lot.

Of course, most of it was nonsense. He also did not know how he became a champion, but that did not prevent him from quickly accepting the change of status and enjoying the vanity of the championship.

Hermione stared at everyone angrily for a while, dissatisfied with Ron’s behavior. She did not join the party and turned directly back to her bedroom.

Evan also followed, and he was still thinking about the matter.

The party lasted for a long time, until the middle of the night, without a break.

Fred and George even went to the Three Broomsticks Inn in the dark and came back with a lot of butterbeer.

When Professor McGonagall came to stop it, everyone went back to bed.

The next morning, Evan got out of bed.

He saw Colin sitting there with two big dark circles under his eyes, mechanically wearing his robes.

” What an rush we’ve had last night! I still can’t believe that Ron became a champion!” He yawned. There were two deep shadows under his eyes. “I took all the photos and mailed them to professor Lupin in a short while. This will definitely be sensational news. By the way, I think I should ask Ron for a signed photo. My brother wants to collect it.”

“Yeah, I didn’t think it would be Ron!” said Evan. He had always thought it would be Harry.

When they walked into the Great Hall, they found that everyone was discussing what happened last night.

Harry and Ron hadn’t come yet, and Hermione had already sat in her seat early.

“What’s the matter with these people?!” Hermione said discontentedly, motioning Evan to look at the other long tables.

Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin were all looking at the Gryffindor long table with suspicion, with a look of contempt on their faces, everyone whispering, most of them focusing on Evan and Hermione.

From their looks, it seemed like they suspected Evan had helped Ron become a champion.

However, no one dared to look at Evan in the eyes. When Evan looked back at them, they all looked down. 

“These guys have been pointing fingers at me all morning!” said Hermione, “As if I was the champion!”josei

It was not surprising. Everyone knew that Evan, Harry, and Hermione are Ron’s closest friends.

“Where are Ron and Cedric?” asked Evan, taking a piece of bread for himself.

“They haven’t come yet, everyone is waiting for them.” said Hermione, “I thought about it last night. This fact is too strange. Who wants to frame Ron? There is no reason. If it was you, or Harry, it would make sense…” 

Indeed, their current enemy was Barty Crouch, hiding in the dark.

Voldemort needed Harry’s blood to regain his strength. He needed someone to bring Harry to him. Caresius had already confirmed this point. Making Harry a champion to compete in the Triwizard Tournament should be the best choice for them.

That is unless he knew something that made him choose Ron as candidate instead…

As for Evan himself, it made no sense to make him a champion. The three tasks were not difficult for him.

“Ron didn’t realize the seriousness of this matter. He was still complacent there!” said Hermione in a serious tone. “I think we should write to Sirius and tell him about this. He might give us some advice.”

“Let Harry write…” said Evan; he really wanted to hear Sirius’s opinion.

Sirius’s current status as an Auror allowed him to know a lot of things.

He might have some intelligence that they didn’t have access to, such as things about Barty Crouch.

Evan even wanted to write to Percy to ask about Crouch, but Percy would definitely say nothing.

Just then, Ron walked into the Great Hall, followed by Harry, Fred, George, and others.

Gryffindor’s long table cheered enthusiastically, and there were boos from the three other Houses.

“How about going for a walk?” said Hermione, holding up a stack of toast, which she was carrying in a napkin.

“Why do you want to go, the atmosphere here is quite good, isn’t it?!” said Ron, taking his seat.

He did seem to be in a good state of mind and in high spirits.

Looking at him, he seemed to think that once everyone got used to him as a champion, things would get better.

But Ron might have made a big mistake. Besides the Gryffindor students, everyone else thought this was a disgrace.

Not to mention the Slytherins, who had a bad attitude, the most surprising thing was the change of the Hufflepuffs.

It was known that they had always got along well with the Gryffindors in school.

Hufflepuff students were not people who liked to be in the limelight, and their abilities and achievements were generally relatively ordinary. Most of them were students who studied hard with their heads down but had no results. They were obviously complementary to Gryffindor’s character.

They were not good at dealing with the wise Ravenclaws, nor were they willing to deal with the despicable Slytherins.

On the contrary, many Hufflepuff students and Gryffindors were good friends.

But now it was not the case at all. They were collectively indifferent to all Gryffindor students.

It seemed that this was definitely a big deal.


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