Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 667

Chapter 667: The Nifflers

Chapter 667: The Nifflers

“Look, they’re very useful little treasure detectors,” said Hagrid happily, seemingly satisfied with the performance of this Niffler.

In his opinion, a cute magical creature should open its mouth and expose its fangs to bite others.

The fiercer its momentum was, the sharper its teeth and claws were, the more it was recognized by Hagrid.

As for animals that were cute in appearance and gentle in character, they had never been the focus of Hagrid’s attention.

“Do these Nifflers bite?” said Colin worried. “Should we stay a little further?”

“Don’t be silly, they’re only interested in sparkly things of value.” Evan replied and followed forward.

“Okay, I thought we’d have some fun with them today. See over there?” Hagrid pointed at the large patch of freshly turned earth and regrouped the crowd. “I’ve buried some gold coins there. I’ve got a prize for whoever picks the Niffler that digs up most. Just take off all your valuables, and choose a Niffler, and get ready to set them loose.”

Evan went over and picked a Niffler. It put its long snout in Evan’s ear and sniffed enthusiastically. This little thing was really quite cuddly. It was actually very easy to control a Niffler to find gold coins.

As soon as Evan stood still, the Niffler he had chosen dived in and out of the patch of earth as though it were water. In a short while, it scurried back to Evan and spit gold coins into his hand, and licked his hand as though taking credit.

The Niffler was both cute and really practical, especially in the search for treasures. Even Evan could not help but want to have one.

As for the others, they had been around Hagrid to ask this question.

This was easily the most fun they had ever had in Care of Magical Creatures, and everyone was very happy with the Nifflers.

“Your families wouldn’t agree to have a Niffler at home,” said Hagrid grinning. “Nifflers can’t stay idle. They wreck houses, looking for valuable things. Well, you hurry to find gold. I’ve buried a hundred coins.”

Evan didn’t keep up. He stayed to chat with Hagrid, hoping to make him cheer up as soon as possible.

“Don’t worry, Evan, I’ve got it all,” said Hagrid, glancing at Beauxbatons carriage, a bit sad. “That woman is not worthy of my grief. She doesn’t even dare to admit her identity.”

“Madame Maxime just has too many concerns. She’s Beauxbatons Headmistress after all, and needs to take other people’s opinions into consideration …” Evan thought for a moment and went on, “if you can, you should try to talk to her and give her a chance.”

“That’s what Harry and Hermione told me this morning. You’re good kids!” Hagrid said, grinning hard, but his eyes were wet again. “I’m glad to be friends with you guys. As for … By the way, if you don’t have class on Friday afternoon, you can come to my cabin with Harry and the others. I’ve prepared a new pie. You’ll like it.”

“Well, I’ll come!” Evan doubted he would like Hagrid’s pie. But looking at Hagrid’s appearance now, it was really not suitable to continue to irritate him.

“Evan, aren’t you going to look for gold coins? There’s a reward,” Hagrid continued. “Ron got the most in the morning class. The Niffler he picked dug up nearly half of the gold coins.”

“Yeah, he’s always been very good at such things. I’d like better talk with you for a while,” said Evan.

He knew it was leprechaun gold, and it would vanish after a few hours.

Even if it was not, Evan was not interested in gold digging with the others. He did not care about Gold Galleons.

Evan looked at the Niffler and put a small leprechaun gold coin in his hand. This gold coin was no different from the real Gold Galleons, even its weight was exactly the same, and could only be distinguished from the magic reaction on it.

It had to be said that this magic was really amazing, and the leprechauns had this ability!

Evan thought of Ron’s gloomy face and upset appearance when he was eating at noon, and he kept muttering about gold coins from time to time. He also pointed at a potato and said something like ‘I hate being poor.’

Harry and Hermione did not say a word at that time, and Evan was a little puzzled. Now he knew what had happened.

Ron must have known from Hagrid, in the morning’s Care of Magical Creatures class that the leprechaun gold would disappear. He thought of the leprechaun coins he had picked up and given to Harry at the Quidditch World Cup for the Omnioculars he had received from him.

Harry had told him that the Omnioculars were his present for Christmas. But on Christmas Day, Harry gave Ron a Chudley Cannons hat, which was very expensive.

Because he had no money, Ron gave him a bag of Dungbombs. Of course, there was no way to compare it with the Chudley Cannons hat, but at least it was interesting.

At the very least, Harry didn’t care at all. He didn’t even notice the disappearance of Ron’s gold coins. Or he noticed it, but he didn’t care at all. There was no need to calculate so clearly between friends. 

But after a few years of contact, Evan knew that Ron was very concerned about this kind of thing. Unlike Fred and George, who were struggling to make money and be positive, Ron was always negative in this regard.

He placed too much emphasis on money, power and strength. This was not a good thing, and it had always worried Evan.

As long as there were these weaknesses, it was easy to be lured and bewitched by Voldemort. But so far, Ron had been able to wake up at a critical moment, which showed that his nature was not bad.

Immediately, Evan thought of Peter Pettigrew. He was not a bad person in nature, and all the people he met and contacted were very decent. However, his subsequent life experience eventually went further and further on the wrong path…

In Sirius incident last year, Ron had proved that he was different from Peter Pettigrew.

But there was another point that could not be ignored. He had not yet faced Voldemort…

Linking Ron to Pettigrew, Evan suddenly felt that it was not a good sign.josei

He shook his head in a hurry, but Peter’s appearance became clearer in front of his eyes.

Evan couldn’t help but think that Peter Pettigrew was still in Azkaban. Without his help, who would Voldemort choose to contribute part of his body to finish the magic this time?!

What’s more, was it a wrong choice to let Voldemort recover his strength?!

Evan watched Durmstrang ship rise and fall in the lake with the wind. He knew he was too nervous right now.

In the face of Voldemort, who was about to return … in the face of the most dangerous Dark wizard in history, no one would care at all.

Not to mention, Voldemort was now associated with the terrible evil god…


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