Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 691

Chapter 691: Preparations

Chapter 691: Preparations

Although Evan and Gabrielle were honest and prone, many changes had been made inadvertently after the identity exchange.

In the next Charms class, Evan easily finished the task assigned by Professor Flitwick.

That would normally not be a big surprise. He usually did the same and everyone was used to it.

But after Evan finished the work as Gabrielle, he received unimaginable attention and amazement!

She was a lovely girl with a beautiful look, gentle character, sweet temperament and excellent magic talent…

Gabrielle was very liked among junior boys. They looked at her and made Evan feel uncomfortable.

On the other hand, Gabrielle used her advantage to get along with Ginny and other girls very happily as Evan.

Many people were surprised to find that Evan was so good at getting along with girls.

Colin actually came up and secretly asked Gabrielle for “girl advice”…

After a whole morning’s experience, both of them felt very tired.

When he walked into the Great Hall for lunch, Evan hoped that it would end very soon.

Ludo Bagman had already sat at the teachers’ table, and seemed quite happy. Fudge did not show up.

A few minutes later, Fleur made a rare appearance at the Gryffindor table, and winked at Evan with a smile.

“My lovely sister, after lunch, Madame Maxime has something to tell you!” She walked over and said, naturally sitting next to Gabrielle, which was originally Colin’s place, “She’ll be in the hall. You can go to her alone.”

“Got it!” Evan replied, looking helplessly at Fleur.

When she didn’t use “Gabrielle”, but expressions such as “my lovely sister” and “my dear sister”… Couldn’t Fleur keep a low profile?!!

There was a murmur around. They saw Fleur and Evan sitting together, Gabrielle and Hermione sitting opposite.

Associated with the scene they saw in the hall this morning, many young wizards began to think their minds hadn’t been functioning correctly…

Because Fleur suddenly appeared, the atmosphere at the table was strange, and Ron was nervous and speechless.

There were too many people around, and some words were not easy to say here.

After lunch, Evan shook Hermione’s little hand vigorously, then walked alone to Madame Maxime.

Madame Maxime was already waiting at the door, worried and distraught.

“Here you are, Gabrielle,” said Madame Maxime. “Follow me to Dumbledore’s office. Everyone is there.”

“What’s the matter?” Evan asked, looking up at Madame Maxime, imitating Gabrielle’s tone.

“About the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, every champion needs to find someone to cooperate with to complete the task,” said Madame Maxime, pulling Evan upstairs. “Gabrielle, you are the most important person to your sister Fleur. According to the arrangement, you will be sent to the lake in front of the castle, waiting for her to rescue you!”

“Go into the lake?!”

“Yes, although Dumbledore has repeatedly promised to ensure your safety, you are too young to go into the deep lake …” said Madame Maxime anxiously. “If you refuse, I can find someone else.”

“I want to be in,” said Evan. He had turned into Gabrielle for this purpose. How could he refuse?

He followed Madame Maxime to Dumbledore’s office, where Dumbledore, Karkaroff, Ludo Bagman, Moody, and Snape were already waiting.

In addition, there were Professor Flitwick and Cho Chang, who was the most important person to Cedric, and a chubby Durmstrang boy, Krum’s target, whose name was Poliakoff.

According to Krum’s original intention, he wanted to choose Hermione, but neither Evan nor Hermione agreed. The matter itself required the consent of the chosen target, and Karkaroff randomly found a replacement for him.

Dumbledore happily greeted when Evan stepped in, “Good afternoon, Gabrielle!”

“Hello, Professor Dumbledore!” Evan replied, sitting in a chair in the corner.

Dumbledore had identified him and everything had been arranged.

After a while, Harry followed Professor McGonagall into the office. He looked around and walked to Evan.

“All right, everyone is here,” said Dumbledore gently. “You should already know what will happen. You will enter the lake in front of the castle. I will personally cast a spell on the four of you, which will make you sleepy and breathe underwater. I can assure you that the whole process is not dangerous and you will wake up as soon as you come out of the water. Is there any problem? “

The four shook their heads, having no objections.

“Very well, you know, the whole process of the task is confidential to the champions. I suggest you don’t have to go back in the afternoon until the end of the task tomorrow!” said Dumbledore. “We have prepared a guest room on the first floor of the castle where you can sleep tonight. Dinner will be delivered by the house-elves. We will be out at six tomorrow morning.”

Throughout the afternoon, Professor Dumbledore explained in detail the whole process of the task to Evan, Harry, Cho and Poliakoff. He led them to the lake to experiment with the spell. He communicated with the female leader of the Merpeople who looked very rough and fierce, and kept producing a sharp and screechy voice.

Obviously, he could also speak Mermish.

Cornelius Fudge came to Hogwarts at about three o’clock in the afternoon, and his face was tense and he seemed a little unhappy. Five Aurors were following him, and Sirius was among them. They would be responsible for preparing the entire playing field to ensure that there would be no accidents.

In Evan’s view, Fudge brought so many Aurors here mainly to protect his own safety. Crouch’s disappearance brought him a wake-up call. He realized that the wizarding world was not as peaceful as he thought.

As for ensuring that there were no accidents in the task, these few Aurors would have little effect. During the task, they would not go into the lake, not to mention Barty Crouch Jr. would also participate in the security work.

All in all, preparations for the second task were carried out in an orderly manner.josei

With the exception of Evan, the other three who were going to the lake were a little nervous, especially Poliakoff, who was not familiar with the others.

Harry seemed to want to communicate with Cho Chang, but didn’t know what to say, so he could only follow the team.

In the end, Cho talked with Evan all afternoon, and it was her who was speaking most of the time.

Cho was more talkative than Evan had previously thought. She talked about all kinds of recent events, from gossip and rumors in the school to the upcoming task, as well as her impression of boys. Many of them Evan heard of for the first time.

She seemed to think that she was getting along well with “Gabrielle”, and because she was scared, she invited her to sleep with her at night…


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