Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 706

Chapter 706: Evan’s Dark Magic and the Phoenix Song

Chapter 706: Evan’s Dark Magic and the Phoenix Song

Dark magic, Fiendfyre!!! 

The ancient and mysterious curse was read by Evan, and his wand drew a complex track in midair.

Without any warning, a red pillar of fire rose from the ground.

That was like a signal, followed by another, more and more…josei

Cylindrical pillars of fire rose into the sky, they gradually grew thicker and larger, exuding hot temperatures, and a rolling heat wave came head-on.

When Evan’s magic was completed, that desolate space became a world of fire almost instantly.

The raging flames devoured everything, and surrounded mercilessly the Death Eaters who had not figured out what was going on.

They felt the fear brought by Fiendfyre from hell, shouted in the flames, and called desperately.

These sounds were of no use; they would only make this inferno even more desperate.

With Evan as the center, everything in the space was burning, and the grass and trees were turning into steam.

Several Death Eaters attempted to attack Evan, but their spells were also devoured by the fire.

A Death Eater rushed towards Evan in the gap of the flames. Evan waved his wand, and instantly, that Death Eater was ruthlessly devoured by the fire wave. He struggled in the flames, curling into a great ball of fire, before his ashes were quickly blowing with the wind as he disappeared from the world!

Evan didn’t seem to see this terrible sight. His wand was raised vigorously, calm and steady, like the conductor of a large concert. Under his guidance, the flames were animated and all pillars of fire quickly merged together.

It seemed determined to burn all the beings on the scene and to dominate the world with the will of fire.

The heat wave began to mutate, forming a gigantic pack of fiery beasts: Flaming serpents, chimaeras, dragons, Basilisks, and Manticores. Under Evan’s control, they roared and tumbled from the sky to the ground, and rose again…

They attacked the stunned Death Eaters and let them experience what a real hell was.

Unlike last time, with Evan’s current magic level, he could now control Fiendfyre.

Although the fire would burn more and more, and even if he would not be able to control it in the end, he and Harry would have left by then. How to deal with the aftermath was something Voldemort needed to consider. His wand was waving hard, so that the Death Eaters had no time to breathe, when a powerful magic appeared in his mind!

The demonic Dark magic, “Doomsday Inferno”!!! 

That was the powerful black magic Evan had found in the Room of Requirement. He had just finished his research and study recently.

The wand in his hand didn’t stop. When he pronounced the last syllable of the spell, green circles began to appear on the ground. These circles formed by magic power quickly expanded outwards, and there were bubbles in them, which were obviously highly poisonous.

The Death Eaters around the circle scrambled to dodge, greatly reducing their speed and making them more panic-stricken.

Even more terrible, when Fiendfyre and the poisonous liquid collided, a blast of explosive sound was issued under the magic shock, forming a huge and terrible impact.

The blood-colored haze was swirling, filled with endless gloom in terror and despair.

Evan nodded, and it seemed that the Fiendfyre spell could be used in conjunction with the magic of Doomsday Inferno. The effect was amazing.

In this terrible scene, he began to look for Nagini, ready to take this opportunity to eliminate that big snake.

The two powerful dark spells consumed a lot of Evan’s magical power, but the effect was also very obvious.

Under the influence of these two Dark magic, the Death Eaters who’d been caught off guard had already been defeated and completely lost their fighting spirit.

At that moment, those powerful Dark wizards had no intention to attack Evan… they just wanted to flee and save their lives.  

Evan had turned into a demon in their eyes. Although that boy who had just changed from a little girl looked very funny and ridiculous in girls’ clothes, no one dared to despise him anymore. Many even thought of surrender.

The Death Eaters fled their heads in their arms, and cunning ones like Lucius Malfoy, Disapparated directly, leaving the dangerous place.

Others cried out to Voldemort for help. They believed Voldemort was stronger.

In fact, Voldemort might be able to easily solve Evan’s magic, but he didn’t care about it now.

When his Killing Curse collided with Harry’s Disarming Spell, something unexpected happened.

The beam of light connecting the two wands became bright, deep gold, and the wand in his hand was shaking, rejecting his will.

Totally caught off guard, Harry felt his feet lift from the ground. He and Voldemort were both being raised into the air, their wands still connected by that thread of shimmering golden light. They were spinning in midair, watching everything happening below.

They saw Evan cast two powerful Dark curses. Without protection, the Death Eaters suffered heavy losses. Some died; some were Disapparating, and more fled in confusion in the flames and the green poison liquid on the ground.

“A bunch of rubbish!”

Voldemort wanted to order his Death Eaters to calm down and organize a counterattack, instead of foolishly crawling around like a hot pot ant, defeated by a thirteen-year-old young wizard, but before he could shout out, the golden thread connecting him with Harry splintered!

But the two wands remained connected, and a thousand more beams arced high over Harry and Voldemort, crisscrossing all around them, until they were enclosed in a golden, dome-shaped web, a cage of light.

The arcs of light intertwined around them, and finally formed a domed gold net, a cage made of light, beyond which the cries were strangely muffled, and only Harry and Voldemort were in the cage.

Harry saw Voldemort’s red eyes wide with astonishment at what was happening in front of him, fighting to break the thread of light still connecting his wand with Harry’s.

Harry held onto his wand more tightly, with both hands, and the golden thread remained unbroken.

And then an unearthly and beautiful sound filled the air. It was coming from every thread of the light-spun web vibrating around Harry and Voldemort.

It was a sound Harry recognized, though he had heard it only once before in his life: phoenix song, the voice of Fawkes!

It was the sound he connected with Dumbledore, and it was almost as though a friend were speaking in his ear…

‘Don’t break the connection!’

‘I know!’ Harry told the voice, ‘I know I mustn’t…’ But no sooner had he thought it, than the thing became much harder to do.

His wand began to vibrate more powerfully than ever… and the beam between him and Voldemort changed too… it was as though large beads of light were sliding up and down the thread connecting the wands.

Harry felt his wand give a shudder under his hand as the light beads began to slide slowly and steadily his way!

The direction of the beam’s movement was now toward him, from Voldemort, and he felt his wand shudder angrily…


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