Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 252 - 252. Suspended

Chapter 252 - 252. Suspended

Magnus seemed to be genuinely concerned that something must have happened in the hall. But, now he seemed to be in an awkward situation, however, he didn't feel embarrassed because almost all students were scared, hiding or crying due to fear. So, he was in a much better situation, and he had a freaking Chimaera as his steed so he was actually looking badass.

His sword was shining in the dim light of the hall and the wand had a glowing tip, ready to fire some prepared spell. A few people felt intimidated by just looking at him. ​​

Ragnar put his potions back in his pocket and sneered, "Tsk... Show off."

Severus was confused, "Wait, didn't he go to take the call of nature? How did his visit to the toilet end up in this?"

"YES... THIS IS WHY I LIKE HIM! HE'S SO CRAZY!" Emma cheered and exclaimed on the other hand. She had completely let go of any shame and wholeheartedly had accepted that she liked him. Though if someone would ask she would say she likes him as her best friend.

Magnus slowly led his new pet forward, who was thumping his feet with full pride as the Chimaera looked majestic. His mane fluttered in the air and looked shiny.

"AH! LAGOS! Thank goodness you are found." All of a sudden Professor Silvanus Kettleburn ran to them.

But Magnus suddenly felt the emotions of the Chimaera, now known to be named Lagos. He was scared of Professor Kettleburn as he slowed down.

"STOP! Don't come closer, he's scared of you, Professor Kettleburn. Tell me, what were you doing to Lagos that he ran away? If I remember correctly, this Chimaera must be very old, and you helped Mr Scamander with learning about Chimaera with the help of Lagos. You helped him write Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, correct?" He sternly questioned the disabled professor.

"Scared? But I treat him very kindly. He's like my own child." Professor Kettleburn said with a heartbroken expression.

Magnus looked at the Chimaera, indeed he felt that Lago wasn't really angry or against the professor, maybe he was just dissatisfied due to something. "Have you ever thought, maybe it's time to let this beast into the wild to go and live his life as he wants? Away from being used as a means of research?"

"But he was born in captivity, he does not know how to survive in the wild." Professor Kettleburn argued.

"Hah, then I have just the right place for him to live. A place that has animals that don't hunt for themselves and are so developed in mind that they understand there is no point in fighting each other. If you agree, I will send him there." Magnus suggested. josei

Camelot was the best place for Lagos to be, away from the crazy professor who had no thought of his own safety in mind, even ending up losing his limbs. What was the guarantee that his pets wouldn't suffer too? Magnus was worried about this fact.

"Think about it, I will take your answer in the first class." He said and got down from the back of the beast. He caressed his face and then hopped back to his seat.

Professor Kettleburn soon mended his relationship with Lagos and took him away to his temporary shed. Magnus felt bad for the poor beast as Lagos glanced at Magnus again and again while leaving. He looked cute and sad with this separation from Magnus.

~Poor boy, don't worry. I will send you to your new friends soon.~ Magnus decided to help him now. It's been decades since Lagos had been with Kettlebern, and it was time to let him go.

"MAG! THAT WAS SO COOL!" Emma jumped at him and grabbed his arm in excitement.

He shyly smiled, "Well, one thing led to another and we found each other."

"Weren't you in the toilet?" Ragnar asked.

"I was, but for some reason, he came there and started to scratch the door of my stall. Then I fought him and subdued him." Magnus explained.

Ragnar chuckled, "He was probably attracted to your 'scent'."

"EH! Dammit, Rag. Don't say such disgusting things while eating. Great, now I lost my appetite." Magnus complained and put the knife and fork down.

"You having an appetite is already a miracle in itself currently." Severus snarkily added.

At the same time, Dumbledore was left gobsmacked, standing at the podium. His speech was disrupted and now nobody even remembered he was speaking. The students had already started eating. ~Sigh, let's eat then.~ he muttered and went back to his seat.

Magnus was looking around, "So, who joined our house this year? Any new talents?"

"No, not anyone great enough to mention. There is one boy though, he has taken a seat with the Gang of Slytherin. His name is Bartemius Crouch Junior, son of a ministry employee." Ragnar explained everything. He had already decided to keep an eye on this boy, he looked crazy already.

But Magnus didn't pay too much attention, "Sister Narcissa has already graduated. Now there isn't anyone strong left in their group to lead it. This is our time to shine, we're going to take over the house and make everyone our followers. At the same time, we will make living hell for this Gang of Slytherin. They have harmed enough people already."

Listening to this, Severus tensed up all of a sudden, so he looked to the other side and acted as if he was eating. ~Dammit, I need to be careful. I don't even know when he is seeing through me.~


Muggle World,

"... Breaking news, an attack on the British Royal Family was most likely planned but it failed. The rescue operation is still ongoing and 5 bodies have been found already..." This was all the news had to show about.

Adam and Grace had already returned home and had taken a shower. The day was very tiring today, but they felt better knowing the bomb was not for them specifically. Though they were depressed knowing some people died.

"Let's message Magnus. If he is free he will call us." Grace worriedly decided.


Ministry of Magic,

Improper Use of Magic Office, a division of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic. It dealt with the misuse of magic, particularly in cases where Muggles were involved, be it by Hogwarts students, or by fully qualified wizards.

The division was charged with investigating incidents of magical activity that breached the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, such as deliberate use of magic in front of Muggles, or in Muggle-inhabited areas, or failure to conform to the strictures laid down to uphold said law. To this end, it was also tasked with enforcing the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery. It also maintained a list of people with the ability to turn into an animal at will in order to prevent any misuse of their talent, with there being heavy penalties for those who failed to register.

Dolores Umbridge(She's old in this fic, and her real age is also a mystery in the canon.) started her career as a lowly intern in this office right after leaving Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at 17 years old, and due to her tyrannical methodologies underneath her sweet attitude, along with taking credit for other people's work, she became Head of the division before 30 years old.

This was a great achievement for someone of her age, but she was actually not that smart, she just knew to lick the right foot at the right time belonging to the right people.

At the moment, she was the Head of the Improper Use of the Magic Office division. However, today was strange. Instead of one or two notifications of Improper Use of Magic, tens of such marks were registered in a small area. It was as if a wizard war taking place.

So, Dolores rushed to the scene and found out everything about it. When she returned, she happily and vehemently wrote 46 letters and sent them out to the students who participated in the mission to save people at King's Cross.


Back in the Great Hall, the dinner continued. After that, the owls flew in. But 46 special letters with magical mouths were soon heard in the hall, freaking a few of them out.

"Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon, it has been noted that you have indiscriminately used magic in the presence of muggles to not only influence their world but also possibly harm their people. As a result, as per the rules, you are suspended from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please personally deliver a letter with an explanation of why you did it and if the apology is accepted, your suspension will be lifted.

Dolores Umbridge,

Head of Improper Use of Magic Office," the letter announced.

Ragnar, Severus, Emma and many others heard the same words with just the difference of their names being there. Magnus knew this could create a problem, so he stood up and assured everyone, "My friends who helped me and got this letter, do not worry, I will deal with it quickly."

~I guess she does not like her job.~ he coldly muttered.

[You can see Good boy Chimaera on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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