Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 258 - 258. Emotions

Chapter 258 - 258. Emotions

Moody had said that magical beasts cannot be someone's Patronus. Magnus had previously read about the spell, The Patronus Charm was widely regarded as advanced magic, far beyond N.E.W.T.-level; even many former DADA teachers stated that the charm was, in fact, "ridiculously advanced." This charm was, indeed, so advanced, that few wizards/witches could conjure up a true Patronus. So Magnus had no hope before.

That was why Magnus never tried to do it and waste too much time, but now that he was doing it he wanted to be successful and create history once again, so he can again get in the news.

Of course, his main target was Corporal Patronus, so he focused the best he could. "COME ON!"

He waved his wand in circles, as that was what the book also said. He emptied his mind of all distracting thoughts and thought about the moment his mother would see the hospital, he saw Grace's smiling face in his mind. This filled Magnus' heart and body with such warmth that he just closed his eyes instinctively to experience the whole thing.

Magnus, ever since he was small, loved his mum so much. He knew from an early age that Grace was the most important part of his life and he must do everything possible to keep her happy.

So, he was always an obedient child. He never pointlessly cried, he never asked for senseless toys or gifts, since just getting to play with Grace and Adam was his biggest gift.

Grace was a doctor and used to be very busy because of her work, so she used to take him to the hospital and leave him in the small nursery with other kids. There, he used to play every single day.

Slowly he understood that his mother is a hero who saves people's lives. For a little kid, what else could be more amazing than that? His mum was a hero in real life.

So, along with loving his mum, he became a fan too, because she was now also his hero. So it wasn't shocking that the majority of Magnus' happy memories were about Grace.

To him, his mother was his real living fairy.


When Magnus had his eyes closed, his wand was still doing magic. He had already called the Patronus charm, so there was no going back.

Taking power from the strong positive emotions in Magnus' mind, the Patronus charm got activated. The tip of the wand started to light up and spread blue light, but still, nothing came out of the wand.

The room was silent, all students had stopped practising their charm and now looked at Magnus. Moody also didn't disturb him initially, but when he saw the wand becoming more and more blue as well as some cracks appearing in it, he feared the wand would blast and injure him.

"Magnus, wake up." Moody tried to get closer to him.

"MUM!" Magnus whispered.


A blue flame shot out of Magnus' wand. Seeing not enough space to move, the flame started to circle around. Due to the air generated by the flames, the candles had already been extinguished. However, the blue flames were providing an ample amount of light to make the scene beautiful yet powerful.

It circled the entire room, even touching a few students there. But, instead of feeling burned, the students all of a sudden had a change of heart and decided to write a letter to their mothers.


A figure started to form. Moody was gobsmacked, ~A... A corporal? And why is it this big?~

The corporal Patronus was triple the size of Hagrid. It was a feminine figure, but it was not human, as on the back of the figure were huge wings. Moody was confused about which animal it was because this seemed too mythical.

A wave of positivity and warmth swept through the hearts of all students in the room. Moody being the closest was the one to be affected the most. He felt emotions he had long forgotten, his one remaining eye turned softer and he muttered, "MOTHER!"

Yes, Moody remembered his mother, who had passed away long ago. She was also an auror, just like his father, and he followed the same path. He was in the 7th year of his school when she died, he remembered he couldn't even see her for the one last time, as her body was burned by some Dark Wizard she was investigating.

Those memories resurfaced, and as the blue light touched him, he felt as if he was once against in the embrace of his mother, feeling the warmth of being loved unconditionally because that's how most mothers are.


Moody was on the verge of tears when he heard the noise. He looked towards Magnus and found his wand was slowly breaking apart. He ran to him to wake him up.

"BOY! WAKE UP! What are you doing?" He shook him by his shoulder.

Magnus was drooling in a semi-sleep state, "Wha... What? What happened? I was having such an amazing dream... OH! Why are you in my room, professor?"

"Look at your wand." Moody barked.

Magnus looked at his hand, it was sending a blue light. It took him a few seconds to remember where he was. "Ah... I was learning the Patronus charm? WOAH! What is this animal?"

"Stop with your charm, we're humans, not dementors. Your Patronus is affecting everyone here." Moody scolded him.


Magnus looked around. He saw a few of students visibly crying, even Ragnar's face looked sad and on the verge of tears. Severus too for some reason.

"What memory did you think of?" Moody asked curiously.


He stopped casting the charm and shrugged, "Nothing, I was just thinking about my dear mum. You said I should think about a happy memory, so I was imagining my mum being happy with me. What? What did I do?"

"Your Patronus was powerful. Too powerful for the mortal hearts of these children. But," *Pat* He patted Magnus' shoulder, "I'm proud of you, mastering the Patronus at such an early age is a feat no wizard has ever accomplished." He praised.

Magnus knew why he succeeded. The thing necessary for a Patronus was one, happy memories. He had plenty of those. Two, concentration, so you can use those memories to cast the charm. For someone who practises both Legilimency and Occlumency, focus was not an issue.

He chuckled, "Hehe, thank you, professor. But I think you need to end the class early today, they won't be able to practice magic with that emotional state."

Moody sighed and looked at the many female students still silently crying, "Yes, I underestimated you this time. And change that wand, it was about to blow up."


Magnus broke it in two as if it was nothing but a twig. Then he fiddled in his robe and took out another wand, as good as new.

Moody's eye twitched after seeing it, knowing that each wand costs at least 7 Galleon and he knew Magnus changes them like changing clothes.

"Tsk... waste of money." He muttered and headed to end the class. "Listen here, the wand movements for the three spells I taught you today is your homework. Practice today in your free time so we can continue tomorrow. Class dismissed."

Everyone silently left. Patronus was supposed to be about happiness, but Magnus' Patronus although brought happiness and warmth to them, it also brought emotions of missing their mums. And that proved to be fatal.


Ragnar smacked on his head, "Bastard, I wholeheartedly hate Patronus charms now." josei

"Indeed," Severus added, walking a few steps behind them.

"Huh, are you dementors? Why are you crying about it? Anyway, I'm going to my office, I got some meetings planned. I'm..."

Magnus got interrupted by Severus, "I'm going to professor Slughorn to ask some questions. See you later."

They looked at his disappearing form. "Have you found out anything about him?" Magnus asked.

Ragnar shook his head, "No, nothing has happened. He's purposefully avoiding us. I heard he even asked Professor Slughorn to get his room changed, but the professor denied as we have no space."

"WHAT?! Why? Did we do something that made him upset?" Magnus wondered.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, we must find out, because it's clearly eating him up. Whenever I tried to ask him, he even spoke loudly to change the topic." Ragnar revealed what he noticed.

Both of them fell into contemplation. They wanted to help their best friend but had no idea how to.

"Maybe... I can use Legilimency on him?" Magnus suggested.

[You can see the patronus on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]

Give me your see... stones.


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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