Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 280 - 280. Battle Of Hogsmeade Starts

Chapter 280 - 280. Battle Of Hogsmeade Starts

31st October. Halloween night was ruined for Magnus by the sudden hostile forces arriving out of nowhere.

But Magnus was not scared, nor was he worried. As he had come prepared. Everything he had developed to fight Voldemort and his army was in his small pocket. He even had more than 50 spare wands to use.

"Magnus, what should we do after catching Rodolphus?" Ragnar inquired.

"Send him to Camelot with an elf, of course, under strong paralysis charms and potions. We will deal with him slowly later." Magnus dangerously suggested. His meaning was clear, they were not going to give that man a fast death.

Ragnar liked it. He wanted to give him a slow and painful death too. Maybe a very long death if he could. "Cool, I got all my potions ready. Now I just hope they don't attack before your army arrives."

"And I hope their forces do not exceed my estimates," Magnus muttered.

"And how much is that?" Ragnar inquired.



Emma remembered what red alert meant. This was a secret code word for "We're under attack."

Magnus had taught her what she must do in case such a thing happens. As she was not strong enough, her job was to provide air support. She was to use her super fast broom and throw alchemical bombs at the enemies. She was also to roam around in the air and be the eyes of Magnus.

"OH NO! SO many wizards are apparating in." She noticed too many small sparks around the village. So she talked to Magnus on the walkie talkie.

"MAG! They are coming, a lot of them. I just saw at least 50 apparitions and it's continuing. You should run away." She worriedly informed him.

"We can't, Emma. Not today. You stay in the air, if any danger comes you need to fly away." she received Magnus' orders.

Putting the walkie talkie back on her belt, she kept on looking around.


Severus knew what was to come. But he was confused by Magnus. He sent him the way to do something that Emma could have.

He didn't say no to this responsibility though, as he wanted to not reveal Magnus' plans and weapons to Voldemort.

"GO GO GO! Hurry back to the school, Headmaster is angry. It's past bedtime. For anyone who does not return in 10 minutes, they will get 50 points deducted per person." Severus shouted while running towards the school himself.

It was the best thing he could come up with that could make everyone seriously return. But there were bound to be problems, he could not really go around the whole village, so there were still many left.

However, his priority was to go back and tell the headmaster about this situation. However, he was also worried that if Voldemort was still watching him then he might consider this betrayal and do something to Eileen. His mind was on the verge of breaking from this tension. It felt like a thousand-tonne boulder on his shoulder, just waiting to squash him. He could only hope that his mother would be fine.

Non-stop, he ran back to the castle and directly entered the great hall. Currently, a dance session was going on with couples slow dancing. Dumbledore was sitting with the Minister on the side, drinking something.

He anxiously ran up to him, tired and out of breath. "PROFESSOR! MAGNUS... ATTACK IS COMING... IN THE VILLAGE!"

Dumbledore stood up immediately, his face turning solemn. He turned to the minister and nodded. She immediately left with her Aurors. Meanwhile, Dumbledore cast a Patronus charm to his brother in the village, who was to give the signal for Order of The Phoneix to gather up and come.

Letting the students enjoy themselves, he called all the older and strong teachers. "Everyone, Magnus is about to be besieged by Voldemort and his minions. I have called for all people who can help us from outside.

"But until then I'm going to need you all to come with me and secure the students and people of Hogsmeade." josei

"You can count on me, headmaster." Flitwick was ready immediately.

"Voldemort must be dealt with. I will come with you." Slughorn also agreed. This left McGonagall, but she was already prepared with her wand out. Hagrid also joined in, as he was half-giant, with some level of magical immunity. Also with his new wand, he was a strong wizard.

"Remember, our job is not just to defeat Voldemort but also protect Magnus if he's in any danger. Let's go now." He ordered.


Ragnar was laughing, "Haha, we're dressed as nuns and here we are, really going to ward off evil."

Magnus chuckled, now openly holding his wand out, with his sword ready to come out at any moment. "Yeah, if Voldemort really looks like the poster, he really needs some light from the almighty lord, haha."



One after another, right in front of Magnus, about 50 metres from him, many apparitions appeared.

The first one to come out was a bald man, with red snake-like eyes and pale skin. He was tall and wore loose robes. He didn't look human at all.

With a mocking smile, he looked at Magnus, "Ah... we finally meet, Mr Pendragon, or should I say, mud-blood prince."

"Yes, we finally meet, Voldemort, or should I say flat-faced edgelord. Oof... Your face looks more inbred than Charles the second." Magnus greeted him back.

Voldemort's face contorted and anger appeared. It wasn't his fault, as he was never mocked like this before. People respected him, feared him. They didn't dare to speak as such.

"Laugh while your breath lasts," Voldemort growled and signalled to his followers to start.

Magnus didn't have many expressions on his face. He was against the odds here, there were more than 20 wizards around Voldemort and most of them were full Death Eaters.

"Rag, be careful." He muttered.

"That I will... But where the heck is your army?" Ragnar asked.

"Should be on their way. We gotta hold on until then, but... Show no mercy. Kill the second you get a chance." Magnus advised.

Just then Magnus noticed Lucius. "Hello there, Inbred Lucius. How are you? How is Sister Narcissa? Really strange, how did a bastard like you impress her?"

Magnus was going to use the inbred word with every single dark wizard here to make them angry and frustrated. As when angry, they become less rational.

Lucius looked at him with a frown and disgust. He had only come today to kill him and avenge his father, "Look around you, you're surrounded. Better surrender than cause damage to this little village."

Magnus scoffed, "Huh, I will just rebuild it then. But you... your deaths will bring peace to the world. So what if you've surrounded me?"

The truth was, the army of Voldemort that had arrived earlier was slowly encircling Magnus right now. They were probably going to launch an attack from all sides.

And that was why he was going to start the fight, so he has the momentum. Slowly, he saw people accumulate. There were more than 50 wizards around him.

Watching them, licking their lips. Today, they were about to kill the descendant of Merlin. To them, this was a lifetime's achievement.

"Rag, do you remember what we built with alchemy not long ago?" He asked.

"Yup, I remember. Got it all ready." Ragnar affirmed.

"Good, I need you two to throw them in all directions the second I shout." He planned.

Magnus looked at Voldemort in the eyes. He could feel the cries of the people the man had killed in all these years. This was an evil that must perish, or else, their human civilization can never flourish.

"NOW!" he shouted on top of his lungs. He took out his sword in one hand and the wand in the other.

The barrage of curses and charms attacked Magnus and Ragnar, but Magnus stopped them with his sword and covered Ragnar. A few scratched him but those were just minor wounds.

Ragnar in an instant took out 10 alchemical bombs from his bag and threw them around in a circle. This bomb was both going to explode in fire and also consisted of Magnus' most potent acid in the world. Ragnar made sure to roll them over. The enemies were so busy casting spells they didn't notice it.


Limbs flew, left and right, cries engulfed the land, blood splattered on the ground and a mist of blood covered the blasts.

Voldemort and his death eaters were fairly unscathed with some minor injuries, but they saw the devastation of their forces. At least 10 wizards died in an instant.


Multiple sounds of World War 2 dive bomber came. Magnus deliberately did this, understanding that the sound was more terrifying than the bombs. He had fitted all bombs in Emma's possession with these sounding instruments.


Another blast, this time it fell from the sky, killing more wizards, less than before but still enough to frighten them. The bad part for them was, it was night and they couldn't see anything in the sky. Despite there being a full moon, the sky was still dark due to clouds.

"ATTACK! KILL HIM!" Voldemort gave his crazed order, understanding that if he dragged the fight he would lose men, and he didn't want that as he still had many more wars to fight.

"This damn mud-blood. Using such items on us." He cursed.

Magnus didn't have the luxury of choosing a target, anyone that came close to him was one. Ragnar though had found his prey.

"Don't go yet, let him come to us," Magnus suggested.

The two stood their ground, surrounded by dark wizards from all sides. On one side Ragnar threw acid, bombs and other potions, while also blocking spells from his sword. On the other side was Magnus, holding the sword and the wand in a cross in front of him. Blocking and attacking at the same time.

A few injuries had already appeared on him, but they didn't even register in his mind yet, as today... his mission was to KILL.

[You can see Magnus' original illustration on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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