Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 287 - 287. Torturing For Answers

Chapter 287 - 287. Torturing For Answers

Magnus, along with Ragnar, arrived in Infirmary, professor McGonagall was there, groaning in pain as the wound inflicted on her arm started to rot. It was not easy to survive a Werewolf bite, because it also turns one into a werewolf, this means there is a change going on in the body.

Magnus, in grief, asked, "Why didn't you tell me this yesterday? And how did she get bitten?"

"She jumped in to save a 1st-year student as she was supervising the trick or treating of 1-3rd years. You timely made the werewolves follow you but she was too close to them at that time." Ragnar explained.

Magnus felt this was his responsibility. Professor McGonagall was old, it was unknown if she could survive Lycanthropy and even if she could, would she want to live as a werewolf? She might even lose her job, not that Magnus would allow that. He had decided, he was going to use his full ability and authority from now on.

He quickly went beside the professor, "Professor, don't worry, I received words from Mr Flamel, he's arriving soon. With his help, I can make a potion that can heal your wounds."

But all knew this was as much as they could do, there was no cure to save her from turning into a werewolf now. Magnus turned to Ragnar, "Rag, sedate her, that's the best we can do to help her."

Dumbledore was also standing silently there, he walked to Magnus, "Come with me, Magnus. We should talk in my office."

Magnus nodded and followed behind. He was probably about to receive the official report about the losses from their side.

He followed Dumbledore through the empty halls of the school. Such scenes were only visible at night, but here, it felt as if not even birds wanted to enter the school today.

When Magnus reached the office, he saw Moody and Eugenia present there. Newton Scamander and Nicolas Flamel had also arrived. They quickly checked Magnus as if two worried grandpas.

"Are you okay, Magnus? Drink this, a potion made from Philosopher's stone, all your injuries will be healed." Nicolas quickly handed him a vial.

Newt wasn't much behind, he handed him a small box, "It has an ointment made from a special animal's sweat, it can heal any flesh wounds."

Magnus felt touched by their caring gestures, "Thank you, but I will not use these. My wounds are nothing when compared to others. I will use this on Professor McGonagall, she needs it more."

Newt nodded, he knew professor McGonagall from an early age, albeit not his favourite teacher but she was a kind person. "That will do too."

There were seats set up so Magnus sat down on one of them. "So, how many were casualties from our sides?" josei

Dumbledore took a sigh before speaking, "We lost 10 people, 5 from the Order of the Phoenix, 4 from the Army of Merlin and 1 from Ministry. Thankfully, due to your actions, the Werewolves were not able to harm anyone except Professor McGonagall."

"What about their casualties?" Magnus inquired.

This time Moody answered, "A grand total of 80 dark wizards were killed and out of 20 death eaters 11 were killed. We have recognised all of them."

Magnus nodded, although the result was good, it only worked because Voldemort didn't expect such a big response from their side. He most likely only expected Dumbledore's order to come but not Magnus' army. Now he knows and will prepare better. But Magnus was not going to give him a chance.

He started, "I am ordering Gringotts to seal all the bank accounts that belong to all these Deaths eaters and dark wizards, no matter dead or alive. Their money shall be used to compensate the fallen good folks. The families of the 10 people who died, each one of them shall receive a hundred thousand galleons each."

No one argued with him about this case, so he continued, "What Voldemort did crosses the line. This is Grindelwald once again and we cannot wait to see the situation get worse. Hence, I am calling an urgent Wizengamot meeting to make some decisions. Tell all your friends and supporters to stand by me, because I will not tolerate any bigots this time."

"But even Voldemort has friends in Wizengamot," Eugenia voiced.

Magnus had a solution for this too: "This is why this Wizengamot is not going to be simple. I want heads of all prominent good families to come to this meeting, no matter if they are Wizengamot members or not, they won't have voting rights but they shall see for themselves the true traitors of wizardkind.

"Auror Moody, I want you to conduct an investigation secretly on all members of Wizengamot, find any corruption they have committed. Especially those dark families, they most likely have a long list of crimes.

"People, this is the time we all come together and fight Voldemort, we cannot let this mess continue on for too long, as it will only cause death among our own people. The British Wizarding community is already weak due to past wars, we can't allow another."

His orders were surely not as a student of Hogwarts, instead, they were from King Magnus. And so, no one dared to anger him right now. Moody was happy to oblige, as he didn't expect such harsh actions from Eugenia.

"Got it, I will leave right now." Moody quickly left. Following him, Eugenia also left.

Now, there were just 3 old men and a boy left. Nicolas scoffed and scolded Dumbledore, "How did you become so weak Dumbledore. I thought you were very smart and wise."

"It is... my oversight that I didn't notice the dangers. That a student from my own school was facing such grave misery. I am, too, responsible for what happened to Severus." Dumbledore went on a guilt trip.

Magnus stood up, "This is not the time for you to brood over what has happened, professor. If we do not take any action right now, and the people still die in the future, their deaths will be on our heads. What's the use of your so-called Order and my so-called Army when we aren't even able to save the people who need saving?

"We are wizards for Merlin's sake. We have the power to change the world for the better, and here we are, can't even deal with a dark wizard."

"Agreed," Nicolas chimed in.

"I'm with you, Magnus," Newt added.

Dumbledore sighed, "What will you have me do? What is your plan? An all-out war? That will cause more damage than good."

Magnus started to leave, "I will tell you my plan in the coming Wizengamot meeting, because just us four can't make such decisions. See you later."

He silently left the room. However, he had another reason for doing this, that was because his trust in Dumbledore was wavering. Ragnar had told him what Voldemort had said about Dumbledore not having the guts to kill him. And those words were now stuck in his mind.

So, for now, he won't talk about anything confidential with Dumbledore, not until he had all the answers. And he knew exactly where he could get these answers.


Camelot, Underground


Rodolphus Lestrange found himself in a bit of a problem. He was completely naked and tied to a wall. A leash was put on his neck, which if he tried to take out would contract and suffocate him.

On top of that, the air in the room was extremely cold while the floor was like fire. He was jumping the whole time. There was also a chair, but he couldn't sit there as it was full of sharp nails.

He was screaming his lungs out, not even knowing where he was. He guessed calling Voldemort's name would scare whoever caught him but that didn't happen.

After a few hours, finally, the door opened and a few people walked in. They were Magnus, Ragnar and Goldruk, the head of the Goblins of Camelot.

Ragnar came to the front with a smile, "Finally, we got the guy that I wanted dead for so long. Remember me? Ragnar Oroborus?"

Rudolphus became silent for a split second. Then he did what he shouldn't have, "HAHA... you're that boy who survived that night? I knew it would become a problem someday. What are you doing, boy, don't you value your life? Let me go and I shall forget everything."


Ragnar stabbed his cheek from one end to another with a very sharp long knife to silence him, "Shut up, I did not care about my life, that's how I caught you. I will have fun torturing you for eternity now. You will beg for death and cry for mercy like the lowlife you are. But before that, my dear brother here wants to ask something."

Magnus came forward and took the knife out, making Rudolphus agonise in pain, "I need you to tell me everything about Voldemort. About his real name, his past and his current powers. You do that, and I won't torture you."


Rodolphus tried to spit on Magnus' face but he timely got a slap from Ragnar, making his spit smudge his own face. Magnus sighed, "Then I guess torture is the answer. Goldruk, call someone and tell them to use a pruning saw to skin him alive as slowly as possible. Do not let him sleep, do not give him anything to eat.

"Tie up his penis so he can't pee, plug his back hole so he can not shit, then force-feed him food and water. Make him truly feel what torture is. Even Voldemort's punishment will feel normal to him."

Rodolphus panicked suddenly. But his pride was too high, as the Lord of one of the greatest houses and the closest aid of Voldemort, his ego had reached levels it shouldn't have.

And that was going to cost him a lot today.

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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