Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 325

Chapter 325: Onmyou Royal Academy's Classes (II)

Chapter 325: Onmyou Royal Academy’s Classes (II)

[If you are interested in reading 10 chapters ahead, go check out my Pa.tr.eon with the link https://www.patréon.com/LazySageDao, or just type in my writer’s name on the website. The plot is getting exciting there, and you guys can support me in any way you can.

Additionally, go read my other novel [Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor] and [The Otsutsuki Clan: A Legacy of Blood and Destruction], it’s a Naruto Fanfic with an evil MC born in the Otsutsuki clan.

Join the discord: https:///bnsezTApeY]


A young woman walked into a classroom full of students. Unlike the previous class, this one was not clearly divided. However, the students of each social class still sat on opposite sides.

“You can call me Kuruna-sensei, and welcome to Talisman Class,” said the young woman before taking out a white rectangular piece of paper with writing similar to Japanese and Chinese characters.

“Talismans are the most essential tools for Onmyou Mages. It allows us to use spells of different attributes and serves as a boost to our spirit energy.”

Kuruna-sensei waved her hands, and the talisman floated in the air.


The talisman burned to create a golden sword in the air. Then, she used a few more talismans to create plants, fire, wind, water, and other elements. Once she finished with her demonstration, she looked at one of the students who raised their hands.

“Mr. Kozuki, do you have a question?”

“Yes, sensei. If talismans allow us to use all the elements in nature, what is the point of our innate attribute?”

“Excellent question. The innate attributes are the only attribute a person can use without the aid of any outside assistance like talismans or magical items. Furthermore, talismans with the same attributes as a mage’s innate one will naturally be boosted based on their amount of spirit energy and their control.

“Lastly, it is easier for an Onmyou Mage to create talismans of their innate attributes. Any more questions, Mr. Kozuki?”

“Yes. Does your explanation applies to the type of Shikigamis as well?”

“Exactly, but there are some more nuances. You can learn about them in your next class. Any more questions?”josei

“No, and thank you for the explanation.”

“There is no need to thank me since this is my job as your sensei. As students, you are all free to ask me as many questions as you desire,” said Kuruna with a smile before taking out another talisman to show the class.

“Do you see the symbols written on the paper? These are Character Runes and the fundamental core of talismans. Now, I want you all to look at the book before you.”

All the students looked at the things on their desks: a book, a needle, a brush, a stack of white talisman papers, and red ink with a strange smell.

“Use the needle to prick your finger, then draw a five-pointed star on the book with your blood.”

Kuruna-sensei paused to give the students time, but after seeing the confused look on the commoners’ faces, she explained:

“According to law, all students must sign a magical control to prevent spreading the knowledge learned at the Academy.”

Edward used his blood to draw the star on the book. Then, he felt something entering his mind, placing a seal on his soul. And just like the other seals he discovered in the nobles’ minds, he felt the slight aura of the Universe Will.

Nevertheless, he did not focus on this for the moment as he opened the book.

“The first rune we will learn is a simple defensive barrier rune,” said Kuruna-sensei before giving an in-depth description of the rune, its function, its history, and how to inscribe them into a talisman.

Then, she gave a demonstration while explaining:

“The brush is made of peach wood, while the ink is a pigment made of red cinnabar; both these materials have been tested to be extreme conductors of spirit energy.

“So, while inscribing the Character Runes, you must control and inject your spirit energy at a regular pace. Your hands must be steady because the slightest error will ruin the talisman paper, forcing you to start over.”

As Kuruna-sensei explained these things, she finished writing on the talisman paper that floated in the air. Then, the runes lit up slightly before returning to normal.

“Order,” she said, then a transparent and cube-shaped barrier surrounded her. Then, with a wave of her hand, another talisman floated in the air before firing a fireball at her. Luckily, the barrier withstood the attack and protected her.

“Although the Defensive Barrier Talisman is the most rudimentary of talismans, it is probably the one you will use most in your life. Of course, there are other forms of barriers you can learn about in the future.

“Any more questions before we start practice? Yes, Mr. Ozuki, what is your question?”

“Can talismans be made with only these materials?”

“No, these are only the most effective. However, some Onmyou Mages can use their blood to make talismans in times of emergency. If any of you want to survive as an Onmyou Mage, this is a skill you must eventually learn.”

“Does a talisman always requires paper?” asked Edward, a question that slightly surprised Kuruna-sensei.

“A little ambitious, Mr. Kozuki,” said the sensei with a smile.

“Too ambitious for a commoner,” sneered one of the noble students, making others laugh out loud. However, after Kuruna stared at them, they quickly quieted down.

“Yes, it is possible.”

After saying that, she put her middle and index finger together to use as a brush before writing a character in the air. Then, a slight wind enveloped the entire classroom.

“This is an advanced form of Talisman Making called [Heaven and Earth Celestion Caligraphy] or Celestial Talisman for short, and only the most powerful Onmyou Mages can use it. I hope one day, all of you can master his method.

“Any more questions?”

However, Edward did not answer. Instead, he looked as if he was deep in thought as he muttered: “Using the spirit energy inside the body to resonate with the ambient spirit energy in nature and control it. Then used it to inscribe the runes.”

“H-How do you know this?” asked the sensei in shock.

“Didn’t you just demonstrate it?”

“Wait, you can sense Heavenly Spirit Energy?”

“Heavenly Spirit Energy? You mean the one all around him. Isn’t it that obvious? It is everywhere,” Edward replied with an innocent look.

“Can you also control it?” asked Kuruma-sensei with a slightly trembling tone.

“Doesn’t everyone? I’ve been doing this since I was a child.”

Kuruna-sensei tried to hide the horrifying sensation she was now feeling; she could not imagine such a talented person actually existed–even if it was someone who contracted a deity-class Shikigami.

Then, she seemed to have thought of something and asked: “Can you replicate what I just did?”

“Hmm, it should be possible,” Edward replied, using his two fingers to write the same runes as Kuruma-sensei. However, after the runes flickered for a moment, nothing happened, and it disappeared. Many people secretly felt relieved after this, but Edward did not stop.

After pondering for a few seconds, he tried again, and this time, the runes in the air flickered even longer before disappearing. So, he took a few more seconds before his third attempt, which finally succeeded.

A gust of wind enveloped the entire classroom–exactly as Kuruna-sensei did. The look of shock and horror on these students’ faces–mostly the nobles–could no longer be contained.

Even Kuruna-sensei could not hide her shock. Luckily, she quickly controlled herself with great effort before saying: “Excellent, Mr. Kozuki. Now, students, there is no need to get ahead of yourself. We all have to start from the basics.”

Afterward, she conducted class normally by having each student practice their talisman-making skills. She would then give them pointers, focusing more on the commoners since they needed the most help.

After class finished, she told the students to take the remaining materials to their dorm to practice independently. She encouraged them to learn the basic Character Rune with their innate attribute to practice as it will be easier for them.

Then, she ran out of the classroom as if some demonic beast was chasing her. And as Edward watched all of this happening, he secretly smiled. The Celestial Talisman Method was essentially the same as the Mana Method of the Heart Kingdom, allowing mages to use nature’s mana/spirit energy to cast spells.

The only difference was the runes used in each system, so it was not difficult to instantly learn and use. He made such a big deal of being an unparalleled genius to lure some people into assassinating him and into getting some privilege like unlimited access to the library.

This academy’s strict control of knowledge made him use some somewhat risky methods. As long as he has enough books, he can decipher this country’s magic system and even learn some secrets through history books.

Edward looked at the royal clans students from the corner of his eyes before heading to his next class: a subtle smile handed on the corner of his mouth.

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