Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 338

Chapter 338: Skills

Chapter 338: Skills

[If you are interested in reading 10 chapters ahead, go check out my Pa.tr.eon with the link https://www.patréon.com/LazySageDao, or just type in my writer’s name on the website. The plot is getting exciting there, and you guys can support me in any way you can.

Additionally, go read my other novel [Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor] and [The Otsutsuki Clan: A Legacy of Blood and Destruction], it’s a Naruto Fanfic with an evil MC born in the Otsutsuki clan.

Join the discord: https:///bnsezTApeY]


The group traveled outside the town, searching for magical beasts or demons to slay and level up. Soon, they ran into a group of giant toads.

“Perfect,” said Filius before rushing to a nearby tree and jumping in one of the branches. Despite his short stature, he was pretty nimble. He took out his bow and arrow:


The arrow streaked across the sky before penetrating the head of the frog. The ground shook slightly as the enormous beast dropped to the ground.

“Weird. I really do not need to aim; it’s all based on luck.”

Filius aimed in a direction without any frogs. But to his surprise, one suddenly jumped from afar and landed in front of his arrow. Not convinced, Filius shot on the opposite side of the frogs.

However, the wind blew, changing the direction of his arrow a full 180 degrees before hitting another frog.

“Is this the power of luck? It could be an interesting form of magic.”

While Filius lamented the strangeness of his job class, the others also began their hunt for the frogs. With her knight armor, Lily rushed to the nearest frog and sliced it into two parts. Then, she ran toward another one, jumped into the frog’s head to avoid its weird tongue attack, and pierced its brain.josei

Hermione was the same as her. The adventurer class had no skills at the beginning, so she had to rely on her previous skills. She had two thin swords designed for speed and agility, so she rushed to the nearest toad.


The frog looked at her in puzzlement. Then, an x-shaped mark appeared on his body before he was divided into four pieces. She was about to kill another frog when she felt light covering her body, and her strength suddenly increased.

She looked at Fleur and smiled.”Is this the Powered Spell? Not bad.” Then, she continued her rampage of slaughtering the frogs.

Meanwhile, Fleur had a frown. She received a small amount of XP since she did not kill any frogs, heal anyone, or even help in the battle. After all, her teammate did not need her boost.

Priests only have a few ways they can fight, and most of their leveling up and Skill Point acquisition came from fighting undead; she did not want to wait nor use the barbaric way of close combat. So, Fleur skimmed through the list of skills she could learn.

This world focused heavily on talent. Based on a person’s natural talent, they will get more Skill Points when hunting, learning skills require fewer points, and leveling up is easier. Some people will not even get a list of all their classes’ skills or spells after changing their job classes.

Only the talented ones will. The others must wait until they reach a certain level before these skills appear in their adventure cards.

Fortunately, the group’s talent was the pinnacle of this world, if not more. So, Fleur used her meager point to learn the spell [Reflect]. Then, she said to Hermione:

“Can you use a sword slash toward me?”

Although puzzled, Hermione agreed. She concentrated on her newly acquired skill [Aura] and slashed with her sword. A green sword slash traveled toward Fleur, who immediately used the Reflect Spell.

However, she did not deflect the attack toward Hermione but controlled it toward the nearest toads, dividing it into two. She looked at her adventure card and realized she had acquired a lot more XP and skill points.

So, using this method, she acquired enough points to purchase the skill called [Puppet]. She used it to control the action of one of the frogs, forcing it to hunt its own kind.

Snape looked at the frog and front of him and said: “Tinder.”

A small flame appeared in his hand, and he frowned. No matter how much mana he input into the spell, the fire did not get bigger than an egg. And even Fleur’s buff did not seem to increase the power of the flame, but Snape guessed it might boost the damage it could cause upon impact.

‘This world’s magic system is easy to use and become stronger, but there are too many restrictions. The basic magic is mostly useless.’

While in thought, he moved his head slightly to dodge the tongue of the frog before three small tinders appeared in front of him. Two of them entered the frog’s eyes and the other into his mouth, burning it from the outside and inside.

He looked at another frog and chanted: “Create Water.”

Water appeared from his wand, and bathed the frog. “Freeze.” The water turned into ice, turning the frog into a popsicle.

“I can’t remember the last time I had to chant for spell casting. How embarrassing,” muttered Snape before focusing on his next target. He used the tinder spell once again. However, he did not use it to burn his opponent. Instead, he controlled the flame to flight at a breakneck speed, essentially using the flame as a bullet.

If any caster were here, they would be shocked at how versatile Snape used basic spells. After killing a few more frogs, he had enough Skill Points to learn a few intermediate spells, so he chose [Fireball] and [Paralyze].

“Fireball,” chanted Snape as he looked at a flame the size of a tennis ball. He increased his mana input, and the size increased to that of a basketball.

“Well, at least intermediate spells are more malleable, but there seems to be a limit still.”

Then, he would make the frogs unable to move before burning them with the Fireball Spell. However, after realizing this method took longer than his previous tactic, he focused on using tinder to kill more frogs.

After a few more tries, he no longer needed to chant to cast the spells, as his proficiency in the spells had risen on its own. Suddenly, he had an idea, and a wicked idea came to his mind.

He looked in the direction of his wife, who was having fun slashing frogs with her sword. He watched her from the corner of his eyes to prevent her senses from detecting him.

When she rushed toward another frog, Snape used the Double Casting Skills he had recently developed. He instantly created a pool of water and froze it. And the frozen pool was located on Lily’s exact footing, making her slip and fall.

Things went so fast and unexpected that she did not have time to react. What’s worse is that she fell right in front of the frog. Then, the enormous beast swallowed her.

Swish! She cut her away from inside the beast’s body. Unfortunately, she was now completely covered in slime from the frog’s mucous. She looked at Snape in anger, but the latter was on laughing.

Furthermore, he took out an old fashion camera and started to take pictures. Looking at his wife in armor, covered in slime, Snape could only say one of his fantasies was fulfilled today.

At first, Lily was angry, but after seeing Snape’s pure smile and laughter, she also began to laugh at herself. Then, she began to pose for him, not even minding the disgusting slime.

“Hem, can you two love birds leave your kinky activities for your private time,” said Fleur. Immediately, Snape returned to his stoic face, pretending nothing had occurred.

“Your highness, there is no need to be jealous. The Emperor will arrive soon so that you won’t be lonely for long,” Lily replied before spinning around like a tornado to send away all the slime on her body.

“Do you want to fight?”

“Are you sure?”

Then, fleur remembered the situation she was in. With her Arc Priestess Class, she could barely fight. And she doubted her Succubus’s Bloodline would affect Lily with its restraint in this dimension.

So, she snorted before ignoring her.

Meanwhile, Hermione slashed another frog with a weird look on her face. She would never imagine in her life she would see Professor Snape, of all people, acting in such a manner.

And considering that Lily was the mother of one of his closest friends back in Hogwarts…She shook his head to ignore the absurdity of the entire situation.

“The frogs are completely gone. Let’s hunt other creatures. We have three days to earn enough points to learn all the skills in our classes.”

So, they rushed to exterminate all life in the surrounding few kilometers. The group targeted them, whether it was lizard runners, giant worms, unicorn bunnies, or undead.

With their stamina and Aura skill, they could run faster than most carriages and not be tired. So, they covered quite the distance in a short time. In the end, they had to stop because something had occurred.


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