He Has a Sickness that Needs to be Cured

Chapter 14

Chapter 14


Xi Ning looked at the question for a while without moving and the teacher urged, “What’s wrong? Can’t do it?”

“Of course I can.” Xi Ning calmly took the chalk and turned around to write on the blackboard.

Song Zhou was staring at Xi Ning, his furrowed eyebrows relaxed when he saw that Xi Ning managed to write the answer.

Lin Mian was also very nervous. Although Xi Ning seemed to be targeting him, Xi Ning was an arrogant person and he did not want to see Xi Ning get humiliated.

However, as Xi Ning wrote more and more on the blackboard, Lin Mian couldn’t help but widen his eyes in surprise.

After Xi Ning finished writing the answer to the question, he turned around while shaking his sore hands. “Teacher, is this correct?”

Several students who were good in physics carefully read Xi Ning’s answer and were shocked by it. Moreover, the question that the teacher asked had not been taught before, nor had they done it before.

The teacher looked at Xi Ning and waved his hand. “Okay, I’ll let you group with Song Zhou.”

He didn’t care how Xi Ning did the question correctly. Since he already said the words, there was no way to take it back.

Xi Ning returned to his seat under the gazes of his classmates who were shocked, admiring, and suspicious, and found that Song Zhou was also looking at him.

Unlike others, Song Zhou’s eyes were clear and emotionless, as if the person whose partner had just been replaced was not his.

Xi Ning got closer and whispered, “Don’t worry, I really know how to do physics.”

A faint smile appeared on Song Zhou’s face, but he did not say anything.

The other person, Lin Mian, was very confused. With Xi Ning’s problem-solving speed and quick thinking, he would obviously be better than him as a physics class representative. But if Xi Ning is so good at physics, why did he want to fake his results before?

Is it…because he is a representative of the physics class?

Lin Mian overthought it but still didn’t manage to come to a conclusion. He couldn’t help turning his head and glanced at Xi Ning. He happened to meet Xi Ning’s gaze while he was raising his head, Lin Mian immediately turned his back around.

Xi Ning didn’t care. He was waiting for the system to reward him with mission points, but only 1 mission point was awarded after he had waited for a long time.

[The plot is slightly drifted from the original plot, but the probability of the protagonists repaired their broken relationship is increased by 10%, thus you are rewarded with 1 mission point. ]

Why had the plot still slightly drifted from the original plot? He managed to destroy Lin Mian and Song Zhou’s opportunity to be together, but the probability only increased by 10%?

The system also didn’t know what was going on and guessed, “Perhaps that… because Lin Mian threw away the lunch box? The current situation between the two protagonists is not looking good.”

Xi Ning had a headache. He looked at the sky outside the window and decided to persuade his brother to take the initiative and send him a text message. “I will ask another driver to pick me up, you can send Lin Mian home after school. It also looks like it’s going to rain.”

It took a long time for Xiao CongYi to reply, “……Okay, got it.”

It really started to rain outside the window when the classes were over. Xi Ning was packing up his things, and Song Zhou handed him one of his notebooks.

Xi Ning took it over, “What’s this?”

He flipped through it casually, and it was full of handwritten English words, it seems like some notes that were taken by Song Zhou himself.

Seeing him puzzled, Song Zhou said, “Assistance program.”

Xi Ning panicked. He just wanted to avoid Lin Mian and Song Zhou being in the same group, but forgot the real purpose of the assistance program.

“Don’t you need to use these notes?” Xi Ning was a little embarrassed, he didn’t prepare anything for Song Zhou.

“No need for the time being.”

Song Zhou was a head taller than Xi Ning. Even when he was sitting, Song Zhou was still taller than him. He looked at him sideways while tapping his fingertips on the table unconsciously. “Come early tomorrow.”

Xi Ning was puzzled, so Song Zhou explained, “There will be extra English tutoring in the morning.”

Xi Ning, “…….”

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