Headed by a Snake

Chapter 595 Heaven Creation

Chapter 595 Heaven Creation

⟬ Head Magistrate's Courtyard, Present time. ⟭

"[That all you got, b*tch?]"

The twenty-foot tall Orcus towered over Tanamar, resting its enchanted greataxe on its pauldron.

Tanamar tried to stand... but he was barely able to get to a knee. Since his failed ⌈Oath⌋ attack, he needed to rest a few more minutes and clear his mind before he could activate any useful Skills...

He needed help... or both he and Athena would die.

He slammed his palms into the sandy dirt. The fingers he used to draw his bow were bleeding.


"C... creation is a noble charge," He whispered, shaping his fingers into a diamond.

"[WhaAaaAt's thisss?!]" Tancred laughed, "[I know FLAME. TAKEN. WELL that you're outta mana, 'Thanasius. You have any idea how pathetic you look, right now?]"

'Just let it happen, Tancred,' Tanamar thought to himself. His twin brother always talked too damned much.

"Earth, wind, sky and... flame..." He whispered, "I am unworthy of thy praise."

The talisman bound to his wrist began to glow... if faintly. Though his mana reserves were dangerously low, they were enough to light a spark within the artifact Harkus had given him.

"[Do it, 'Thanasius. Gimme what you got. Kill yourself,]" Orcus slammed the base of its greataxe into the ground, creating a shockwave of sand that washed over Tanamar's armor.

"[You always thought you were better than me,]" The Divine Armor angrily clenched its fists, the sound of metal on metal scraping together grating to the ears... "[First... your lies got Bannok practically sucking you off. Then you got all buddy-buddy with that noble guy. Flame take you-- you even brought a Calculator to make the rest of your FRIENDS look like trash!]"

Tanamar forced himself to stand, borrowed mana raging in his body. When he spoke, his voice was empowered into a thunderous echo, "My light... reaps the lives of the faithless."

The spell circle he stood in erupted in light, the beam shooting up through the sky and splitting the black smoke clouds. He just needed... a little more time.

"[I bet you think you still have hope, huh? I bet you're still grinning like an idiot underneath that helmet...]" The massive suit of Divine Armor grabbed hold of its greataxe, rearing it back for a telegraphed swing.

Tanamar snatched the glowing talisman off of his wrist. It was cool to the touch, even through his metal gloves. He felt... safe... comfortable... like he was in the presence of an old friend.

An errant thought went through his head. Did it feel like this... training with Harkus? ...long before he knew that his adoptive father built the Oathbreaker.

Tancred's metallic voice was amplified loud enough for the entire city to hear, "[WELL, I'm SICK and TIRED of your smug. f*cking. FAAAAACE!! ⌈Ravager's STRIKE!!⌋]"

Tanamar could think about it later.

The ritual was complete.

He thrust the talisman towards the gargantuan greataxe about to crash into him.josei

"⌈Divine Armor Summon: Apollonius.⌋"


Tanamar opened his eyes to find himself surrounded by creation mana. He was taller... the same height as Divine Armor Orcus. It was swinging an axe at him... slowly... so very slowly.

He lifted his hand forward... but his hand didn't budge... it was Apollonius that moved as he willed.

"⌈Heaven Creation: Shield.⌋"

Tanamar formed an eight-pointed shield on his arm and braced himself to take the impact. His arm and body shook from the force, but it was tolerable. The wielder of the Spinal Reaper might have been slow, but taking a direct hit would cause lasting damage.

...He shook his head lightly. Spinal Reaper? How did he come to know that name?

"[What... what the f*ck IS THAT?!]" Orcus screamed.

Tanamar glanced down at his-- no, Apollonius' body, white and gold metal, thrumming with Adamantine-Rank mana. He looked back up, meeting Orcus' eyes, "It's death. Death to the enemies of Sol Invictus."

"[Sol... Invictus?]"

Tanamar could hear the magnified sound of his brother gnashing his teeth. He sighed in disbelief. It wasn't the first time he'd openly declared the name of his guild.

"⌈Heaven Creation: Lance,⌋" Apollonius changed his shield into his weapon of choice, grabbing onto the haft. Smacking it down into Orcus' wrist, he forced the greataxe downward, then cracked the opposite end of his mana weapon against his brother's ankle.

"[ARRRRGHHH!!!]" Orcus shrieked in pain, stumbling to the side, "[What the F*CK!!??!]"

Apollonius scoffed. Pathetic.

Quick and clean, he thrust his spear forward.

"[Gahhh! No, you don't!]" Orcus roared, "⌈Earth Shield!!⌋]"

The heretic quickly erected a wall of earth and stone in front of its chest. Apollonius' spear struck the barrier, but the tip pierced through easily enough, cutting into the red of Orcus' armor.


It sounded like it hurt.

It was disappointing. Apollonius would have preferred that Orcus died and said nothing at all.

"[Errrgh... This is nothing,]" Orcus grabbed the spear haft, "[You're just using Father's used garbage. You can't beat me and Divine Armor Orcus.]"

Apollonius tried to pull his lance away... then to push it deeper. It wouldn't budge. Orcus was physically stronger than he was... or was it because Tancred was always stronger than Tanamar?

...Whoever he was, it didn't matter.

He and the other both grinned as they chuckled to themselves, "You seem to be forgetting that we just f*cking cut you."

"[You'll PAY FOR THAAAAATTT!!!!]" Orcus tucked the spear blade underneath his arm, then began to rotate his body.

Apollonius released his weapon so he wouldn't fall... then thrust out his palms, "⌈Heaven Creation: Trash Bin.⌋"

The lance dissipated into mana dust... and reformed as a giant, mana-created bin atop Divine Armor Orcus' head.

Orcus righted his posture... "[The f*ck is this?]"

"It's a trash bin," Apollonius answered. "Because you're garbage."

Orcus smashed a fist into the side of his head, shattering the mana creation... "[I'm done messing around, Athanasius.]"

"⌈Heaven Creation: Chamber Pot.⌋"

The Divine Armor with the chamber pot helmet roared, lunging forward and swinging his greataxe.

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