Heart of Darkness

Chapter 163 - Oh My King!

Chapter 163 - Oh My King!

Roxana followed the silver-eyed Lord thinking that he somehow reminded her of herself. She could see the mischief in his eyes and he knew more than he let on. He was dangerous and she would have to be careful around him. She couldn't tell what his intentions were and why he was giving her special treatment. Maybe he saw her as a clown and thought of using her as his errand boy to spy on the king. Either way, he wanted something from her and she would find out in time.

Now she would meet the hooded king. She couldn't deny that she was curious to see him but she was also nervous. If he recognized her then she had already prepared her usual lie.

When they arrived outside a large wooden door, Lord Quintus gave the guards a nod. One guard went inside and when he came out he gave a sign.

"Alright," Lord Quintus turned to them. He motioned for the trainees of his Majesty's quarters to enter first.

Only two of them who would train to become the king's personal guards were left outside.

"You will go in one by one and introduce yourselves." Lord Quintus told the rest of them.

She would go in alone? She panicked.

As she watched everyone go in and out she took the time to calm down and put on her mask. She had survived worse. This was nothing. He was probably just a young spoiled Royal. As long as she made him feel powerful and in control, he would forget about the rest. Wealthy people were weak to compliments. She would have to wait and see what tricks would work on him.

When it was finally her turn she walked inside with calm and confidence. "Your Majesty," she bowed, and already from the short glimpse of what she saw the moment before she bowed her head made her heart stop. Slowly she stood up straight and stared at the man sitting in the armchair.

It was him.


Her mind stopped functioning. So he was the King? She was saved by the King, called him by his name, and even took his button. For God's sake! Roxana. You dug your grave. josei

Wait! Did he recognize her?

King Alexander watched her with a slightly tilted head but his eyes and face revealed nothing. He lifted one eyebrow when she remained quiet and still.

"Your Majesty," She bowed again. "My apologies. I became speechless at the sight of you."

He didn't seem surprised as if he was used to such behavior. He had to be with that face. But why was he quiet? Would he dismiss her anytime soon so she could finally breathe and think of how things turned out this way? How did she end up in this mess?

But instead of dismissing her, he gestured for her to sit down. Why?

Why? Why?

She went to sit in the empty chair across from him and her eyes met his. Eyes the color of Sapphire. Beautiful jewels that adorned those elongated eyes. Despite the shadow that his long lashes cast on them, they still shone through.

Focus, Roxana. You could be in trouble, she told herself.

"Have we met before?" He asked watching her intently.

Oh Lord, heavenly father. I take shelter in you. This was not the kind of attention she sought from a dazzling man like him.

"Your Majesty. I am sure we haven't. I would not forget a face like yours."

One side of his lips curved up slightly. "Hmm… my memories never deceive me."

Roxana tried her best not to show any sign of nervousness but this man and the way he looked at her made her feel uneasy.

"Maybe you met my sister. She looks just like me."

"Your sister?"

"Yes. Roxana."


Oh. The way he said her name…

"And you are?"

"My apologies. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Rox, Your Majesty."

He nodded. "And why do you want to become a Royal guard Rox?"

"The same reason as everyone else, Your Majesty. The salary is good." She replied.

He smiled and her heart fluttered. Just when she thought she couldn't see a more beautiful sight.

"I didn't know that with the good salary I would also have the pleasure to be in your presence or I would have applied earlier." She added completely taken by him.

"I remember your sister being charming as well." He said.

"I hope she didn't trouble you, Your Majesty. She is quite troublesome."

The smile slowly faded away from his face and his eyes got a shade darker. "She didn't. You may leave." He told her.

Roxana was surprised by how fast his mood changed. She wondered if she had done or said something wrong. Standing up she bowed. "Thank you for lending me your precious time, Your Majesty." She said and then left him behind.

Lord Quintus watched her with that knowing gaze when she walked outside. This one she would have to watch carefully because whatever plans he had for her could possibly not be beneficial to her. Also, was he a friend or a foe to the king? She didn't want to be part of political games.

"I see you spent some time in there. Seems like you made an impression." He said.

"I hope it is a good one, My Lord."

"I am sure it is," he smirked. "Here," he handed her a paper. "This is your training schedule and other things you might need. Make sure to follow it as it is."

"I will, My Lord."

"Good. You may go home now."

"Thank you."

Roxana hurried back home, her mind going a million directions. Alexander was the king. The king was Alexander. How could she have not figured it out? They had even joked about it. And he remembered her. And oh was he heavenly. If she could steal anything, then she would surely steal him.

When she neared home, her small friends came running to her. They were the reason she always tried her best not to complain about her situation. Seeing these small children have nothing and beg pained her.

"Rox! Rox!" They ran and hugged her.


"We missed you."

"I missed you too."

"Why are you dressed like this?" They asked her curiously.

"I am training to become a Royal guard. Soon, I will be a skilled swordsman," she swung her hands as if she was holding a sword.

"Woah. Will you be in the castle?"

"Yes, of course."

"And meet the king?"

"I already have."

"Will you get food?"

"Plenty. And don't worry. I will bring you royal sweets from the castle."

Their eyes twinkled and they jumped excitedly.

"Have you eaten anything today?" She asked.

"Yes. We found an apple tree and Uncle Benedict gave us some fish."

That old man was in her daily prayers. Speaking of prayers, she hadn't gone to church for a while.

"Have you seen father, Anthony?"

"Yes. He also gives us food sometimes."

She nodded. "Alright then. Don't be out late and make sure to go home early. Lucy, take care of your siblings."

The girl nodded, pulling her two brothers and sister closer. They lived in the home their parents left behind after their deaths. The older sister, Lucy who was twelve had just begun to work as a maid in a wealthy household to provide for her siblings so hopefully things would be a little better for them.

When Roxana came home, she fell on the mattress on the floor. She was distracted and conflicted. Her plan to steal was suddenly not so clear.

"No Roxana!" She sat up determined. "This is your golden chance. You will not ruin it for a man."

"What man?" Fanny startled her with his presence.

"I am talking to myself. Don't interrupt. Anyway," She went back to convince herself. "It doesn't matter if he is the world's most beautiful creature. That is just the surface. Not every shining thing is gold."

"Exactly." Fanny agreed.

She ignored him. "And he is the king. What are you trying to achieve, huh? It is not like he will even look your way. A thief. A liar. A scarred, poor woman. What do you have to offer?"

"What does he have to offer?"

"He is beautiful, wealthy and so far he seems generous."

"And you are smart, charming, and very fun to be around. It will be his loss."

"Be realistic Fanny. Besides, I don't even know him. And did you hear me? He is the KING!"

Fanny sat on the floor chewing on an apple. "Oh, I thought you were talking about Alexa…" he stopped and his eyes widened. "It is him? King Alexander. The king saved you?"

"Yes!" She yelled.

"Oh my, oh my…wait. Hold my apple! No, don't! Good Lord!" He then burst into hysterical laughter. After he was done, "Tell me everything." He said.

She told him about her encounter with Alexander and Fanny became serious. "Oh, Roxana. I am concerned for you. I don't want you heartbroken."

"Don't be mistaken, my friend. Just because I find him desirable doesn't mean I have given my heart."

"Sometimes it starts with desire." He shrugged.

"And ends with it. I am not stupid."

"Roxana, you just thought of what you could offer and he could offer."

She froze. She did. Why? How did her thoughts go in that direction? Did she want to die? She was often confident and would even try her luck with a king but now there was zero chance because she was disguised.

"Well, that was a moment of weakness. We all sin.." She said and went back to lay down.

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