Heart of Darkness

Chapter 202 Thoughtful

Chapter 202 Thoughtful

Roxana walked back home after an unsuccessful day. After giving the king some time alone, she had gone to find him but he had been in a meeting and then in his chambers for the rest of the day. And before she could see him again, her shift had already ended. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Sir Fulker gifted her a new schedule. Now she would barely see him because he would sleep most of her shift. What was she supposed to do now? She would have to ask Uncle Ben for more advice.

Continuing her walk down the road that was getting darker, she felt someone following her. She hastened her pace and paid more attention to see if the feeling would disappear. It did for a moment but then it returned. She reached for the dagger at her hip, just in case, and looked around even turning back to see if she could find anything odd. No one was there.

Once she came to walk through the market she relaxed to find herself in the safety of other people. Who could have been following her? Her first thought was Ulric. He had escaped and now he was looking for vengeance. She had wanted to ask the king about him but never got the chance.

Once she was home, she fell into the mattress. She had expected something more from this day even though she wasn’t sure what. She would have to try harder but she didn’t want to come across as desperate and needy either. Because she wasn’t!

She took off her shoes, put new bandages around her aching feet, and then went to make some food. They only had rice and potatoes so she made them. As she waited for the food to cook she counted the days until she would get her salary. It would be a while. Still, she would have to use very little of it to look for her parents. Now she only had one bounty hunter looking for them. Roxana wondered when he would come back with any news. Hopefully good ones.

As she served the food, both Fanny and Uncle Ben came home.

“Oh, look who is cooking today?” Fanny said.

“Hopefully it tastes good.”

Uncle Ben waved dismissively with his hand as he came to sit on the floor around the plates. “You will be queen anyway.”

The way he was so convinced made her smile.

“So did the queen charm her king, today?” Fanny asked as she put food on his plate.

“Today was unsuccessful.” She told them.

“Why?” Uncle Ben asked.

“He has already changed my shifts to night shifts.”

“So he is giving you shorter time with him to work harder. He is a cunning young man.”

Roxana frowned. That was not how she thought about it. She was sure that wasn’t how the king thought about it too. From the way he behaved today, it seemed to her that he really didn’t want her near him.

“Maybe this won’t work.” She said sitting down ready to eat as well. She picked up her spoon.

“Why not?”

She shrugged. “I am supposed to marry an old man. Very old.” She had not forgotten the fortune-teller’s words.

When she was born a fortune teller had told her mother she had twelve lives. In other words, it meant she would survive many hardships and see the face of death many times.  It turned out true. The first time was when she escaped her village, the death, and destruction. She was one of the few to survive without becoming a hostage. Then she had almost frozen to death, almost starved to death, almost been kicked to death, almost died of sickness, almost drowned among many other incidents.

The fortune-teller had also told them that their beautiful home and family would be torn apart.

“Forget what that woman told you. We can’t control our fate but we can change our destiny.” He told her.

Then how could she know if the old man was her fate or destiny?

“Can we go to her again?” She asked Uncle Ben.

“Why would you? She speaks nonsense.”

“No. I need to ask her a few things. She said something about endless resources of riches.” Roxana tried to remember in what context. The old man would be in the castle. A wealthy Lord? Who? Would she be in trouble and somehow forced to marry him? Then was the castle really a safe place for her?

“Oh no!” She called, her heart jumping to her throat when a certain thought came to mind. Maybe the king would force her to marry an old man to be rid of her.

“What?” Fanny said.

“He is going to marry me off to some rich Lord to get rid of me.”

“Who is he?”

“The king!”

Uncle Ben shook his head. “She has lost her mind.”

“No. Think of what the fortune teller said. There is something to it. I need to go there.”

After convincing Uncle Ben and Fanny she dragged them with her to the fortune teller the next day. She should be sleeping instead to be ready for the night shift but here she was.

“I am not telling you anything, Young Lady unless you pay me.” The fortune teller said.

“I will. You shouldn’t be doubtful of that if I will become rich as you said.”

She scoffed. “I have never been wrong. Come with me.” She said.

She led them into a room with beautifully framed mirrors. She motioned toward one and Roxana went to see her reflection. The fortune-teller stood behind her. “What we see is not always what is. Sometimes the truth is in disguise.”

Roxana knew fortune-tellers liked to speak in riddles and metaphors, so she would have to ask direct questions. “Why do I marry this old man?” She asked.

The fortune-teller became thoughtfully as she watched her through the mirror. “Because of love.”

“Are you saying I’ll marry him because I love him?”

She nodded with a smile.

Alright. Roxana believed in fortune tellers but not in this one. She turned around to leave but the woman blocked her way. “Give me your word you will pay me when you became wealthy.”

“IF I became wealthy, I promise I will pay you.” Roxana said.

The woman moved out of the way. “WHEN! It is WHEN my dear.” She told Roxana before she left.

Fanny thought the whole thing was ridiculous but Uncle Ben was thoughtful as they walked back home.

“What do you think?” she asked him.

He shook his head. “I am not sure but she seemed very sure of her predicament.”

She did. It was frightening. If she let her go without making her payment then she was certain she would be paid one day.

“Let’s forget about this. Continue following your heart.” Uncle Ben told her.

It wasn’t a pleasant thought and Roxana gladly pushed it to the back of her mind. “I’ll go to school for a while.” She said since she was nearby anyway.

Bidding them farewell, she went to Angelica’s school for girls. A smile lit Roxana’s face when the girls cheered upon her arrival.

She motioned for them to be quiet as she tiptoed to sit somewhere so as to not disturb the lesson. Then she greeted Angelica with a nod which she returned with a smile before proceeding with the lesson. Roxana could only follow the lesson for a short while then her thoughts drifted away. She was thinking of possible outcomes to different actions and then deciding what course she would take.

Before she could even make a final decision the lesson ended and Angelica came to her. “Roxana. It is nice to see you again.” She had one hand resting on the swell of her stomach.

“It is nice to be here again.” Roxana smiled.

“What happened to your face?” She asked looking concerned.

“Oh,” Roxana touched her still bruised face. It was almost healed. She should have seen it in the beginning. “Just the usual fighting. I am sure you know about me being a guard in the castle.”

“Yes. My husband told me. The first female guard. How does that feel?”

“It is an honor.” Roxana said.josei

Angelica smiled.

“I used to make some special herbs for my brother when he was training to heal his injuries. I have a few at home. If you have nothing to do, maybe you would like to come with me.”

Roxana hesitated but somehow felt like Angelica was lonely while her husband worked. Maybe she didn’t have friends because of who she was. “I would love to.” She smiled.

“Are you hurt anywhere else?” Angelica asked during the ride to her home.

Roxana shook her head. “No.” She lied.

“If you ever need anything you can ask my brother. I know my husband can seem frightening but I’ll let William know to help you.”

“Oh no. You don’t have to do that.” Roxana said. “Everything is fine.”

“I am glad.”

Roxana really liked this woman and hoped that she had no other intentions with her family toward the king.

“Young Lord Davis seems very close to his Majesty.” She began.

“Oh yes. His Majesty is like a father to William. And maybe… a big brother to myself.” She smiled.

Roxana detected no lies. Either she wasn’t lying or she was just good at hiding things. She was a mystery like her brother but they seemed like good people to her. Well, it wouldn’t make them bad to want to avenge their father. There was history there that she didn’t know and therefore couldn’t judge but her duty and loyalty were toward the king no matter what.

Once they arrived at the old castle where Angelica lived, Roxana was surprised to find the person she expected the least.


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