Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

Yasenia was lying on a floating bed, with Kali seated on one side and Angel on the other, and the other girls were sitting around her. She looked at the city, which was fading away on the horizon, and sighed, “A lot has happened these two weeks….”

Angel nodded, “I’ve learned a lot of new things, and I’ve become much stronger.”

Kali smiled under the veil and said, “I’ve gained something I couldn’t have ever imagined I would.”

Evelyn said with a chuckle, “I’ve lost, and that made me realize that I have to keep improving myself.”

Cecile said, “I’ve relived the feeling of loss again and realized how important my lover is to me. Thankfully, I’ve gained new strength to protect her with.”

Andrea also joined, saying in her deep voice. “I’ve learned to love myself, not to be embarrassed about what I have, and I’ve recovered my determination to become stronger.”

Yasenia looked at them and smiled, “I’ve become more determined to become stronger, and the things I must protect have grown by one.”

Tatyana approached and hugged Yasenia softly from behind, “I’ve awakened from my long sleep.”

Tatyana finished speaking when the city completely disappeared from their sights. Yasenia asked, “what are we going to do when we reach the Academy, mom?”

Tatyana kissed her cheek and said, “We will first go to see your new mansion. It has space for all of you to live comfortably. Then, we will present your dears their personal maids, and, if you want, you can begin decorating the mansion…”

Yasenia chuckled, “In short, you don’t have anything planned.”

The rest also laughed, and Tatyana shrugged, “Live as you go. Having everything planned is sometimes very boring.”

Evelyn asked curiously, “Did you have a time you lived like that, Tatyana?”

Tatyana nodded, “Oh, I sure did. When I learned to control my Fate attribute better, I thought I had to keep everything under control and that I would be able to do anything I wanted. I mean, if you can control the future, you should be able to control the present, right? But later will I find that it isn’t like that at all. The more I tried to control the future, the worst it became; until I lost someone important to me—my sworn brother.”

They became silent for a moment, and Tatyana said. “The thing you have to control to know the future is the present. The more control you have over the present, the better things will unfold in the future. Like cultivation, studying, and life itself. You have to have a foundation; otherwise, it will all crumble eventually.”

Yasenia cursed, she couldn’t move right now, and she wanted to hug her mom! However, who was Tatyana? The biggest daughtercon you will ever meet! So, feeling her daughter’s desire, she leaned from behind and hugged her tight, giving her a tender kiss on the cheek. Yasenia smiled happily, “I love you, mom!”

Tatyana and the rest chuckled. Andrea asked, “So… I’m quite curious about these “personal maids,” anything you want to share with us, Tatyana?”

Tatyana looked at Anna and Eve and said, “Anything you want to warn them about?”

Both said simultaneously, “Never revile, badmouth, or talk bad about young miss in front of them with bad intentions.”

Evelyn raised an eyebrow, “So they are our personal maids, but they are loyal to Yasenia? Won’t they tell anything we discuss with them to her? Not that I want to hide things from Yasenia, mind you. But some privacy wouldn’t be bad for our relationship.”

Yasenia internally agreed but didn’t say anything; she wanted to know Anna’s and Eve’s answers. Eve said, “Don’t worry, everything you discuss with them, they will keep a secret. Unless, in their judgment, it is about plotting something that may hurt young miss in any way or form. Be reassured that they are under oath.”

Evelyn smirked, “Quite a… Broad oath.”

Anna and Eve looked at Evelyn, thinking, ‘She is quite sharp; young miss has found a good mate.’

Andrea also caught on to it but didn’t say anything. She prefers it this way. However, Yasenia wasn’t as happy; she wanted her dears to be able to be themselves around their personal maids. ‘I will speak later to them.’

Kali asked, surprised, “So… These maids are totally loyal to Yasenia?”

Anna puffed her chest and said, “But of course! We are a special maid division trained to be closest to young miss. At first, they weren’t too excited, but the moment they saw the one-month-old young miss, they all fell in love head over heels with her. How could they not? Young miss was, is, and will be the cutest child under the heavens!”

Yasenia’s wives were stumped at her enthusiasm. Cecile asked, “So you were excited? Since you have said, “They,” I suppose you two are different.”

Yasenia chuckled and said, “Well, Anna and Eve helped mom with the delivery. So they saw me as soon as I was born.”

Eve nodded, “I was completely stupefied at the beginning. How could Lady Tatyana’s child have a tail? But the moment young miss opened her beautiful eyes; my soul got charmed away.”

Anna corrected, “Our.”

Eve nodded, “Our.”

Even Tatyana nodded, “Our.”

The others were about to nod and follow along but snapped out of it. ‘Why were we always pulled in that cycle!? Does the word “our” have spreading powers!?’

Tatyana’s boat was much faster than the battleship. Therefore, it reached the Academy in hours. It was nearing dusk when they arrived.

Yasenia looked at the cylindrical tower that pierced the clouds and seemed to have no end. The floors seemed clearly separated by enormous circular columns with different races and carvings. Some columns had people fighting, others people adoring the tower, and others had beasts on them…

What was interesting was that the floors were the same size from the outside, but from what Yasenia had heard, the tower floors kept getting bigger the higher one progressed. Resources inside the tower seemed unending as people had been plundering it for millennia without seeing a clear decrease in loot, but the resources at that time weren’t that special.

Nonetheless, there was a big jump in popularity after the Rising Talent Academy was built around it because after the Academy settled here, the resources inside gained in quality. Even the environment became more habitable inside the tower.

Because of these countless treasures hidden away inside it, people began living there. Of course, regardless of the mysterious quality increase of living conditions inside, the higher one advanced, the stronger flora and fauna became, to the point that it was essentially impossible to build settlements.

There were two requirements to enter the tower; to be in or above the Unification Realm or be born inside it.josei

The competition there was brutal because of the abundant high-level cultivators, but the rewards were also impressive, making people unable to resist the tempting call of riches.

Yasenia asked curiously from the floating bed. “How did you build that heaven-reaching tower, mom?”

Tatyana looked at the circular tower and said, “I haven’t built that; that is beyond my capabilities. That tower has been here since I reached this continent. It was the place where the three Empires met and a place where their talented juniors entered. Since I liked it, and the geological position puts it in the middle of the Sky Continent, I decided to take it for myself.”

Yasenia continued asking, “Why did it suddenly gain popularity? The library books say that the tower began giving more resources miraculously after you conquered these lands.”

The others perked up as Tatyana answered, “In reality, there wasn’t anything miraculous. This tower was in a dormant state, and I activated it.”

Yasenia continued asking since her mother seemed to love letting her die with the curiosity. “How did you activate it, mom?”

Tatyana chuckled and said, “I climbed it for some hundreds of years, trying to reach my limit. However, I underestimated it, and the creatures inside became too much for me to handle. I tried to hide away from them and realized that the beasts didn’t follow me if I went in a particular direction. I went there and reached an altar of some sort.”

Tatyana said lightly, “When I entered, there was a big formation. It was damaged so I took some years to fix it since I was bored. This activated it and gave me a map to some kind of ancient tomb.”

Yasenia and her wives had the impulse to cough blood and die, ‘How can you tell a story so exceptional as if it was another walk in the park!? I want to know the details!’

Yasenia said, exasperated, “You won’t tell the details, right?”

Tatyana smiled happily, “My little treasure is learning more and more about her mother. Mommy is so proud, little treasure~.”

Even if the others took it as sarcasm, Yasenia was actually happy at her praise. Yasenia looked at her mom and asked the question that she knew her wives had in mind. “So, how was the war against the Empires, mom? I bet they tried to take it back from you after you conquered it, right? I’ve heard from Cecile that the Empires retired after you appeared on the battlefield without fighting, but how did that happen?”

Tatyana chuckled, took out a book named [Heaven, Earth, Me: Rise of the Death Empress], and read it, “This is something that happened 1700 years ago….”

1700 years ago…

Inside a branch of the demonic sect, an otherworldly beautiful woman with raven black hair sat drinking a cup of blood. Her hair reached below her soft and plump butt, and her imposing red eyes emitted a bone-chilling aura.

Her face had innate elegance, and her body was perfected to the last skin patch. Her beauty, to put it simply, was something that charmed females and males alike.

However, her face seemed to be covered by a layer of frost, and her aura, fitting to that of a ruler, made people feel without a choice but to obey her words.

In front of her, a very petite woman of 140cm in height was seated, accompanying her, but drinking just tea.

She had an extremely charming face that made people want to kiss her until they suffocated with her lips and died in her embrace. Her hair was a beautiful red color, contrasting with her vibrant green eyes, and her slim body made people want to taste the taboo feeling emanating from her.

The petite’s woman voice was extremely charming as she said seductively, “My love~ Want to have some fun with me?”

The woman with black hair directed her gaze toward the petite woman. Those red eyes seemed to carry oceans of blood, and the petite woman had the impression of seeing mountains of corpses around the woman; she couldn’t help but become extremely aroused.

The black-haired woman put the cup on top of the bone table and stood up, then walked toward the bedrooms through the black stone-decorated passage. The petite woman also stood up and followed. The tyrannical black-haired woman was all she lived for, all she loved in this world.

The woman spoke; her voice was imposing, as if it had weight, “Rita, we’ve just finished our session. I’m not in the mood.”

The petite woman, Rita, smirked playfully and moved to her side, “Tatyana~ I’m not talking about that fun~ You will make me blush!”

Rita asked, “Have you gone to the [Heaven Reaching tower]? It is on the righteous side, at the point where the three Empires intersect. How about we go there and have some fun?”

Tatyana stopped walking and thought about it, “The righteous side….”

Rita knew what she was referring to with that tone, so she said, “Don’t worry, my love, I won’t become jealous of something that happened some thousand years ago! We are nearing our thousandth anniversary. I’m not going to let something like that spoil our mood~.”

Tatyana looked at the petite girl and sighed, “Sure, let’s go. I’ve seen it in pictures, but I have never gone near it.”

Rita clapped happily and then hugged Tatyana, “I love you~.”

Tatyana just patted her head and said, “Let’s go.”

Rita smiled and nodded. She took out a luxurious flying boat made of white bones and black metallic material. Then, they mounted and disappeared from the spot.

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