Heavenly Farmer

Chapter 242 – Sneaking into the farm

Chapter 242 – Sneaking into the farm

Chapter 242 – Sneaking into the farm

The dinner party was over.

Ye Xiaochen and Wang Shuishneg didn’t stay in Shahsi city and returned to Yang city that night.

In the car.

Ye Xiaochen and Wang Shuisheng sat side by side.

Ah Jin, Wang Shusiheng’s bodyguard was driving the car.

Ah Jin, whose real name was Liu Jin, used to be a special force soldier, he mixed in Southeast Asia and performed many tasks.

Later, he offended someone, and Wang Shuisheng got him out of prison. From then on, he was loyal to Wang SHuisheng.

According to Wang Shuisheng’s words, even three to five strong men couldn’t come close to Ah Jin.

Moreover, Ah Jin was not only strong in close combat but also his shooting skills were very good.

With Wang Shuisheng’s ability he privately provided a gun license to Ah Jin, which means that he has a gun with him.

“Xiaochen, if it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I’d never been able to contact such big people like Governor Zhang.”

Wang Shuisheng sighed.

Although he has contacts in the province, it was confined to the bureau level.

After all, the provincial and ministerial level could be called the true officials, and only the provincial tycoons were qualified to have contacts.

Wang Shuisheng was the richest man in Yang city, but he was still a grade below the provincial tycoons.

Most importantly, his foundation was in Yang city and there was no way to move up.

Even the provincial relationships, for other reasons, cost a lot of money each year to maintain it.

However, now it was different.

He has officially entered the inner circle of the province.

He really marveled at Ye Xiaochen’s ability. He thought of the time when he first saw Ye Xiaochen, At that time Ye Xiaochen was just a farmer delivering vegetables to restaurants. However, now, in just less than a year, Ye Xiaochen has become an associate professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a top botanist, director of a national research institution, and guest of the provincial and ministerial officials.

Anyone of these identities could cause a huge impact.

“Brother Wang, you are treating me as an outside family. With our current relationship, there is no need to say anything.”

Ye Xiaochen laughed.

In the Shashi city branch, with addition to several old shareholders, Wang Shusiheng also officially participated in it.

Li Jiaren and others have nothing to say. Now the vegetable supply of the immortal spring restaurant has been slowly transferred to the Earth Shennong farm.

The current structure of the Earth Shennong company has undergone some changes. Ye Xiaochen and Wang Shuisheng have established several subsidiary companies, like earth Shennong seed company, Earth Shennong fertilizer company, and Earth Shennong transportation company according to their different business needs.

In addition to growing vegetables, they were also growing different kinds of flowers, medicinal plants, and other things.

Now it has been developed to a certain scale.

It was not possible for Ye XIaochen to cultivate all of them into super crops.

There was no time, nor did he have the energy.

However, in the planting process, new special fertilizer was used, and the seeds were soaked in the seed promotion liquid. In addition, Ye Xiaochen’s Shennong talent has a certain impact on the branch farm.

Naturally, these crops would gradually change as they grow and would be absolutely superior to normal crops.

Moreover, this kind of superiority would be retained heredity, and the next generation would only be better and better.

Nowadays, the advantage of genetically modified crops or the hybrid in various aspects would be gradually weakened in heredity. Some of the second generation have lost the reproduction ability, and could not be used for replanting.

No matter how strong the technology has become, it was impossible to cultivate plants that were genetically stable.

Ye Xiaochen was different, he had divine talent.

In the car, two people discussed the future development of the Shennong company.

Ye Xiaochen said things about his future research direction. With Wang Shusiheng’s business mind, he could easily create business opportunities.

It has to be said that Ye Xiaochen and Wang Shusihen were a perfect match.

One could create achievements, and the other could easily turn those achievements into business opportunities.

With Ye Xiaochen’s business ability, he would definitely create a mess. He doesn’t have too many people he could trust. Maybe he would be betrayed and even could owe money to others

Wang Shuisheng was different.

It was already 9.pm when they arrived at Yang city. Wang Shuisheng asked Ye Xiaochen to stay at home for the night.

Ye Xiaochen thought about it and agreed.

There were several guest rooms in Wang Shuisheng’s villa, so he doesn’t need to worry about the place for sleeping.

Wang Xinyi was very happy to know that Ye Xiaochen would be staying for the night. She went to Ye Xiaochen’s room and talked with him for a long time.

It wasn’t until Wang Xinyi yawned repeatedly, then only she went back to her room to sleep.

Ye Xiaochen was still in good spirits.

Lying on the soft bed, Ye Xiaochen closed his eyes, he summoned the Shennong system and opened the farm map to check the situation of the farm.

Using the farm map, he was directly able to communicate with the three-bean soldiers.

The farm has three-bean soldiers, so Ye Xaicohen was very relaxed.

Ye Xiaochen using the farm map applied the cloud rain dana to water the immortal plants and plant growth.

This was his daily routine which he has to do every day.

He was particular about those three medicinal materials that were required to prepare the qiyuan medicine as they were the most important.

After Ye Xiaochen consumed more than half of his energy, Ye XIaochen began to absorb the power of immortal grass and began to cultivate Shennong tactics. josei

The time passed by.

It was already late at night.

The whole villa was dark and everyone was asleep.

Ye Xiaochen opened his mouth and exhaled the turbid qi, there was a kind of swelling feeling in the dantian. This was the power of energy crystal reaching extreme, and he could no longer absorb the plant power.

He was about to turn off the map of the farm and prepared to sleep, but suddenly Dou Fanger sent a warning that someone had sneaked into the farm.


There was a look of surprise in Ye XIaochen’s eyes.

Now the farm was not like how it used to be in the past, it was surrounded by level one fence and it couldn’t be destroyed unless some climbed over the wall and entered.

On top of that, there were bean soldiers at the farm, they were very sensitive and could detect any moment.

So far, there has been no case of someone sneaking into the farm.

Thinking till here, Ye Xiaochen hurriedly checked the situation of the farm through the map.

Sure enough, he saw a figure dressed in white at the southeast corner of the farm.

It was not the posture of sneaking in, but swaggering.

Moreover, the man walked as if the winds were blowing under his feet.

He saw that the person was clearly a young man with long hair and ordinary appearance, but definitely not ordinary temperament.

Ye Xiaochen from this person felt a similar kind of breath.

Naturally, it was not Shennong.

There was only one Shennong in heaven and earth.

It was the breath of a cultivator.

Yes, it was the breath of a cultivator.

Even across the farm map, Ye Xiaochen could still vaguely sense the breath of the white-dressed young man.

“Is he a cultivator?”

Ye Xiaochen’s eyes widened, he was not nervous, but excited, because finally, a cultivator had appeared.

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