Heavenly Opposers

1 Chapter 1

1 Chapter 1

The wind continued to blow while new cultivators rose and the old fell, empires rose and fell, while time continued with its never-ending path, within the lower heavens, in a room within the Yun family a child of 3 could be seen asleep.

The room didn't look anything special, a slightly large room with a bed and other necessities, the boy had black hair and a cute face, with a slightly pointed nose and chubby cheeks, anybody who saw him would want to pinch his cheek.josei

The boy seemed to be in pain as his eyebrow was scrunched up and there was a painful look on his face, suddenly the boy shot up from his bed while clutching his head,

"Haa..haha....the hell, what happened? why does my head hurt?"

As the boy woke up he looked around his surroundings, a hint of confusion came to his eyes which soon faded away seeing the room he was in, the boy raised his hands as he looked at it, it was soft, small and smooth, soon a calm look that was not fitting for a child took over,

'Am I back?'

The boy thought as he placed his head on the head of the bed and rested his body, soon his eyes closed trying to calm down his beating heart, soon his memories flashed reminding him of who he is, Yun Xiao, one of the main children of the huge behemoth Yun family.

Right now he had returned to the past, no more accurate would be that he at his first life as Yun Xiao dies at the age of 28 and was reborn in a world called Ingrid, which was completely different from his original cultivation world.

The world he was reborn in had no qi and depended on technologies and the monsters there were fought with something called skills, Yun Xiao lived in that world for 30 years before he died again.

This time he has met someone that called himself god, the god gave him a chance and send him back to the past to his real world, the world of the 4 heavens, Yun Xiao took deep breaths as he calmed his anxious heart, he opened his eyes as he looked at the ceiling,

"Heavenly Opposers....huh"

Xiao muttered as he looked at the ceiling absent-minded lay, the world he lived in was the heavenly world, with four heavens above each other, and his Yun family was a behemoth in the lowest heaven, this was a world filled with cultivators trying to fight against the heaven.

This was a world ruled by power, nothing else mattered, a cold world where you could lose your life at any time, in here the four heavens were monitored by the heavenly Immortals, who ruled as great immortals above looking down at all.

He Yun Xiao in his previous life was the normal arrogant young master, one with talent at the lowest plane but towards the top his talent was trash, seeing others take over him he Xiao jumped towards the evil side for power and in the end was killed.

After that he had being born into the world of Ingrid, where it was completely different from his first world, where most people only lived for 200 years max and only humans ruled over it, seeing that he had been reborn, Xiao shouted with ecstasy, screaming inwardly that he would rule this new world.

But alas it was not to be, the world didn't have qi to cultivate at all! and not only that the world was filled with so-called hero's that fought with skills, seeing that he had the luck of being reborn Xiao screamed that he was still chosen but fate was cruel again he was talented to say that he awakened more than one skill but all of them were trash.

Xiao hopes were crushed again, he became depressed, bullied and he was beaten, even when he resisted he lacked strength, even in the new world he was born in strength lived king, but he did not despair, Xiao still had the sword skills and sharp mind from his first life.

With that he made a living as a mercenary, it was during this he came upon something called novels, fascinated he read about this cultivation novel that spoke truly the same concept as cultivation!

​ Soon he became obsessed with reading different novels and that's when he came upon something called the heavenly opposers! intrigued he read it only to be astonished by the fact that it was 100% his world, hell even he was mentioned as a small scale villain.

Soon the more he read the more he understood that the book spoke about the group called the heavenly opposers, in fact, Xiao knew them well, as he had been killed at one of their hands.

The heavenly opposers were simple they opposed the heavens Immortals, the heavenly Immortals themselves were sly and dangerous, they had taken up the seat to rule the heaven's but they were corrupted by its power and were unwilling to give its power-up.

According to the Heavens set rule, the 9 seats of heavenly Immortals should be given to the next chosen one when they were born or when they were chosen but the greed in the ones that a currently ruled could not be quenched.

So they planned and killed the chosen ones before they grew, well technically due to the rule placed on them they couldn't use their true power but they controlled the powers from behind killing off the chosen ones, causing them a huge level of anguish and pain.

And as one could guess, due to some heavens blessing the chosen ones born in this era survived and they moved for revenge so the Heavenly Opposers were born.

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