Heavenly Opposers

14 Chapter 14

14 Chapter 14

5 hours passed by as Xiao sat imprisoned within the cocoon, it was a good thing that he had told not to be disturbed for the next few hours, otherwise, his overprotective mother might have burst inside, coming upon something she shouldn't have

The cocoon covering Xiao had grown larger as all the chains that had surrounded him had been broken and absorbed into the cocoon, the cocoon shined with a black and white light, the sound of beating heart could be heard from it, soon the breaking sound got larger as cracks started appearing on it


Within seconds the crack filled the entire cocoon and broke it, the cocoon that surrounded Xiao broke into light particles as they disappeared into the surroundings, it didn't take long for Xiao to appear outside, there weren't many changes to him

His face that before looked good, now had an attractive charm into him, his eyes that were black now looked as deep as the abyss, with a small almost unidentifiable white light that shined deep within it, his hair that was deep black had mixed white color in it, somehow it didn't create any disharmony, instead, the look of disharmony created a sense of attraction that was tempting

Overall he seemed to have removed a limit within him, Xiao breathed out causing a huge white breath to leave his mouth, seeing that his skill [Forgotten] was still active he sighed in relief, unlike his passive skill [Connection] which was always on without any input from him, his skill [Forgotten], needed his consent to stay on

He stood up from where he sat at the same time he stopped using his skill, causing the soul energy he was providing it to stop, if his soul hadn't grown more strong and powerful he wouldn't be able to sustain the skill, since unlike Ingrid he doesn't have any other provided energy right now, standing up he looked around the room, seeing that there wasn't any damage he sighed, even then he had a plan to explain it

Standing up he raised his body as he stretched sideways, cracking sounds resounded from his body, he did some basic exercises to see any difference, he could feel a minuscule increase in his strength, while he felt.....liberatedjosei

'Is this how it feels to be free?'

Xiao asked himself as he examined his body, he felt as if a load that was on him disappeared, it felt good to speak the truth, with that he closed his eyes to sense his body, now using his sense and feeling the two cores inside him Xiao smiled with happiness

Because the second core other than his first core his martial core was a spiritual core! the very core one requires to become a world spirit master! he had guessed it but now seeing that he had developed a spiritual core his happiness was over the moon, Xiao moved to check the time he spend here seeing that it was only 5 hours he sighed, he quickly moved to look at the mirror he had brought

Seeing that he had only minor changes he sighed before he eat the pill he had really debated on if he should tell his mother, it was not that he didn't trust her, it was just that this was a huge secret that nobody else should know, so the lesser the people knew it the better

Plus he didn't know what would happen once he ate the pill, would he get to slumber for a long time? will he feel pain? will some changes happen to him? there were so many ifs and so many ways that a problem could arise, he even thought of eating it at a faraway place

But in the end, he decided to take the risk, the reason was simple there was no place safer than here, at the moment he knew that this was the place where he could move without any problems, moreover, if some changes were to occur, he could just blame it on cultivation

It was not like changes did not happen to others when they started cultivating, so he would just pile it all on an unknown mutation of cultivation, plus even if his grandfather scanned him upside down he would not find anything at all, seeing that everything was all good he took a deep breath and sat cross-legged again

This time he closed his eyes as his mind slipped into constant mediation, in cultivation, one doesn't just start to use a cultivation technique suddenly and cultivate, even before the Body Refinement Realm, there is another starting point that all those who start cultivating must cross

it was the meridian opening, core opening, and body adapting realms, all of this had only one procedure and one must do all this alone, in the past three years after the trial, the kids weren't just given a free time

No, they were continuously drilled with martial forms that made their body more robust and better for cultivation, not only that they were thought all the theoretical knowledge for cultivation, senior's that were older than them took classes, teaching them the importance of foundations and the rest that Xiao had already known, of course, Xiao had created his exercise routine so that he could have a perfect development in the future, while his body might not seem much now, in the future it's explosive might will be something else

And when one starts cultivating one has to first gather Qi to open his body up for cultivation and this has to be done alone in a free and closed room with a high concentration of Qi

And the room he was in was the same, it was used by the kids when they first start cultivating, the room has a formation that gathers pure Qi and fills the room, every child will be first looked in this room until they had completed the task, it will be painful as hell but they all knew it from the start

After all, if you can't handle the pain then why the hell are you even thinking of being a cultivator? of course there are ways to do this with the help of elders and awaken pain-free but then you would be losing the chance for you to upgrade yourself

Yup that's right you could increase your talent by a level and make more progress with the method Xiao was using, heavens are always fair, it gives away for even the untalented to rise, of course, the method he was using is risky

he even got an earful from his mother but he was adamant to do it, in his first life he neglected this due to pain and fear of death, and now? none of them scare him, and that's the reason he was so free in this room until he decided to exit from this place no one would enter

Of course, the formation in this room observes his vitals and status if it seems that he was dying, then help would arrive from the outside, seeing him some hot-blooded kids too chose the same path but poor them they would die for sure

But it was none of his business, other than his sister, mother, and Yun Yurou, who he had taken a small interest him, the other could go and die for all he cares, plus the method he was using was far deadlier and dangerous, he had learned about this method which was used by the Zerkian family in the third heaven

They are a hidden family with few members but each of them are crazy strong and truthfully crazy, they have a hidden crazy method to rise above the rest and create geniuses and he was going to use the same

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