Heavenly Opposers

5 Chapter 5

5 Chapter 5

4 Years later~~

Currently, a 7-year-old boy could be seen walking through the huge house of the Yun Family, his black hair had become longer and was tied in a ponytail, while his eyes were calm and serene, a feeling of peacefulness and connection could be felt from him.

The little boy was cute, indicating that he would definitely be handsome when he grows up, the boy Xiao had just finished his class and was just heading to his sister's room, nothing much had changed over the years, well some changes did take place.

A month ago his little brother from his father's wife the woman from the Min family had given birth, now he got a little stepbrother but he doesn't give a shit about that since he knows how the boy would grow up to be, hence he wouldn't associate with him nor be his enemy, he would just treat him as air for now.

Another thing is that he had already slowly started to change his behavior a bit from his childish one, of course, he didn't do it abruptly as he didn't want to get any suspicion on him but that still got him a name of weirdo, some had even pointed it to his sister.

As for his sister, well she behaves as he had remembered her, his current baby sister barely talks and that too it was only with him and his mother, moreover she rarely cries or makes any demand, also his sister even at her young age seems to demonstrate a frightening amount of intelligence.

This seemed to alginate her from the rest of the family, there's also the fact that she periodically releases cold yin energy from her body causing other's to stay away from her, in fact, there were several kids that made fun of his sister or said bad things to her, of course as her big brother he had beaten up all that kids, causing him to get beaten up by his father.

With that, there was nothing much that seemed to take place, other than that he had tried to awaken his other skills but up and till now he had only managed to use another of his skill but Xiao could still vaguely feel that he would be able to use all of his skill when he turns 10 that's the age in which kids awaken their skills in Ingrid, along with it tens also the age in which a person can start cultivating.

Feeling a small anticipation Xiao walked into his mother courtyard, along the way he met several servants that bowed to him or smiled at him, after all among the servants he has a good reputation, well his skill [Connection] helped but still a sense of maturity had started to form around Xiao due to him slowly opening his true self, many had found it weird but after time passed they got used to it

Giving a nod to each of them Xiao entered his mother room, entering inside he could see his sister surrounded with some toys, her silver hair had grown to reach a bob, while her chubby cheeks were squishable, her skin was white without any blemish, her blue eyes were apathetic and cold, one could only wonder how?.

Seeing Xiao enter the apathetic eyes of Xuanyin lit up, standing up awkwardly she ran towards Xiao with her arms open, a hearty smile took over Xiao's face as he lifted his sister into his arms carrying her, as he held her she happily wrapped her arms around his neck while she leaned in her adorable head to his shoulder, her apathetic eyes seemed to dance with happiness as she felt his heat,

"So how was your day?"

Xiao asked as he lightly held his sister in his arms, she raised her head as she looked at him with her cute little eyes,

"Oh, it was boring?"


"So, you felt bored without seeing me?"


"Okay, I will stop I am just teasing you"

If someone elsewhere to see this they would be completely bewildered, after all, currently, Xuanyin wasn't even speaking, yet both Xiao and she were completely at ease talking to each other, normally it might not be possible but due to his skill [Connection], Xiao was easily able to tell what his sister was thinking of trying to communicate with him

It was when they both were 'talking' to each other that Xuanyin suddenly started shivering at the same time cold yin energy started to release from Xuanyin's body, feeling the cold and pain in her body she quickly hugged Xiao for comfort, Xiao sensing the cold he too hugged his sister tightly while activating his skill to share the pain between them.

Xiao felt his body turn colder, while he felt like ice like needles were stabbing his body but he didn't cry out, while it was painful, he Xiao had gone through worse, the only concern was how his sister was faring, he could see that his sister was holding on to him without letting out a sound.

It did impress him, yet at the same time he felt pained to see his sister go through something like this, he endured the cold for a few seconds which felt like an eternity, and just like that after a few seconds the cold disappeared, with that Xiao was left with a trembling cold but even then he didn't let go of his sister, he desperately tried to give her the warmth that she needed.

A few minutes later everything returned to normal, after that he was able to feel more comfortable as he looked at his sister in his arms, reigning himself, he asked his sister a question,

"Are you okay Xuanyin?"

She raises her head and nod, seeing that he smiled but then his sister started to look at him very intently

"Um, your angry?"


"Sorry Xuanyin, I can't let you suffer alone"


"Why?, because your my family and I love you, I would never let you suffer"


Xiao kept looking at his sister for a few seconds, after which his sister averted her eyes and laid her head on his shoulder, even though his sister didn't respond, he could still feel through his connection that his sister was happy, Xiao chuckled as he held his sister in one arm and patted her back with another, it was then that his mother entered and spoke.

"Ayee~~it looks like both of you are close as ever, you know you're making your mother jealous~~"

Xiao's mother entered with a pout as she spoke seeing the scene, Xiao smiled wryly as he spoke back to his mother, with a smile,

"You don't have to be jealous mother, you know I love you too"

Hearing Xiao's words his mother walked up to him and pinched his cheeks as she spoke,

"Ah!, you are getting good with your words"

"Well I learn from the best"

Hearing Xiao's words his mother smiled brightly, right now Xiao's way of talking and behavior is nothing like a child, after all, he had already shown himself to his mother, of course, he didn't say anything about his past or himself, he had just shown himself as a 'genius' to his mother.

Of course, he can't simply show maturity and a great level of thinking, so he had to go through a 'terrifying', event such as his father ignoring him or beating him after that Xiao had to just run to his mother and start telling about his problems.

In his past life, his mother had hidden her true ruthless side from him, it was only far later he understood how terrifying his mother was and she had only hid it to make sure that he doesn't have any hate for her but since he started to show his 'ruthless' self she decided to reveal a part of herself.

And after a year of it, he was recognized as a 'genius' by his mother and he started to slowly show himself, anyway right now his mother doesn't treat him as a child but a great prodigy that knows a lot about the world even though he's young.

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