Heavenly Opposers

Chapter 194 194-Soul Energy.

Chapter 194 194-Soul Energy.

The room fell into silence as Azrail and Adria looked at each other, a small invisible energy forming between the two of them. It was then that Adria spoke.

"Even if I want to, I will be risking instability to my current soul. I can directly supply information to Valencia because I am part of her soul. Going outside will only hasten my demise."

lightsΝοvel Azrail nodded at Adria's words, a small smile filling his face. Adria's ability to provide information directly to others' minds without side effects is very useful. Some treasures and abilities can do the same, but they don't work as well as Adria's. Her ability to twist the lines of fate to implant and understand information is on another level.

For example, even if information is given to someone, it's up to the individual to awaken their understanding of the stuff and move to use that information. Adria could skip all that process and directly make the person understand the topic to its depth as if the person had lived their whole life in the third heaven when she finished her transfer.

This makes them more attuned to the information itself, not to mention how it can be used to transmit understanding of cultivation techniques, abilities, laws, and more. It is truly an OP ability in many ways, and Azrail plans to make use of that to its limits.

"Well, I can take care of that..."

Azrail muttered, looking at Adria. His hands swirled as departed souls appeared in his hand, many of them encompassing the souls he just killed, the majority being Yun family members. He didn't let their souls go, for even in death, they would be of use to Azrail, connecting to the swirling souls in his hand.

His control over the souls and his own talent of soul energy came into play as the souls themselves started to burst apart, their screams unheard as, within seconds, only energy remained standing within his hands, pure soul energy that might drive all soul cultivators crazy to get a taste.

The control of the soul that Azrail just showed would put even the deadliest Gods of death to shame. The whole path of soul cultivation is focused on oneself, using one's own soul and the soul's energy to grow. Soul cultivators can even affect others' souls with attacks and more, but controlling the soul as beautifully as Azrail did is impossible for them.

Soul cultivators, though, will be able to deal with soul energy around, one of the most desired energies in the world. Its application is never-ending. Anyhow, leaving those pieces of information, the main scene lands on Adria now floating above Valencia like a dead soul. She, for the first time in her life, is doubting everything around her.

'Huh?... Am I fully dead? Is the sun shining blue? Did my soul awaken in an alternate universe where my common sense is shit?'

Several such thoughts kept passing through her mind, and among all the things that Azrail had shown her, now this in front of her took the cake. Hell does it make sense for a boy of 11 to handle souls like toys?

The authority over souls and death is among the rarest and the most dangerous in the whole cosmic movement, and even Adria, with all her knowledge and life experience, hasn't seen any being wielded souls so easily as Azrail did. It's as if he is the embodiment of death itself. Even with all her mental might, it took a few moments for Adria to recover.

But then again, it showed towards what kind of humongous power is protecting the boy in front of her. Adria can understand that the boy has been chosen by a legacy, and as much as it hurts her ego, Adria is coming to understand that whatever legacy it is, its power and future of it are a hundred times better than hers.

'Perhaps it's best that Valencia attached herself to this boy.'

As she thought so, Azrail spoke with the swirling soul energy swimming in his hands.

"I presume this will be enough to get the job done."

Azrail understands the logic that Adria is using bits of her own soul energy when she actively tries to input information to anyone other than Valencia.

'Though I should have mellowed it down...'

He mused as Azrail looked at the other members in the room, all of them looking at the soul energy within his palms like it was the most delicious thing in the world to them, the deep call within their souls yearning to take a sip of the energy, hoping to heighten the quality of their souls even by a little bit.


A small infused mental attack of Azrail's quickly brought the hungry people out of the call of their souls. Xuanyin looked with confusion around, his mother had a wry smile, Raena acting crazy as always, and the most boring eyes from Nayan standing at the back of the room and eyeing Azrail with a desiring gaze.

Most probably if Azrail wasn't Nayan's master, the man would have already set up his technical room to put Azrail into surgery.

"This energy is enough for the three of them."

Adria nodded her head at Azrail's words. Even Raena doesn't have the full story about everything, all she knows and has been told comes from both Valencia and Liam. The words of Liam from the very past times when the two of them roamed as lovers in the second heaven, he being the one to introduce her to all that is to know and live like a third realm resident.lights

"Then being who you are, you can then apply the needed information to them, also adding a bit of this."

As Azrail said this, he tossed an information orb to Adria, who quickly sifted through it and nodded her head. Seeing so, Azrauil controlled the soul energy in his hand, the energy itself beautifully swirling with no color as it danced around in his palms. With control, Azrail easily guided it to Adria's soul, enveloping her fully in it.

Within seconds, a bright light flashed from within Adria, and normally she would go out of her way to fully shield her presence and energy from reaching out. Still, this is the Realm Scrapper they are in, and Adria already knows that they are safe from any detecting powers the Heavenly Rulers have put out.

Thus, controlling her inner call over the fate of understanding, Adria lightly tweaked a call, and within that moment, all three members of Yun, Xuanyin, and Raena went into a daze, their minds slowly slumbering under the call of understanding. Thus Adria returned to normal with her soul itself gaining another hint of shine.

"You really are something..."

She muttered as she gazed at the three women in a daze, to which Azrail asked.

"How long will they be like this?"

"Depends on their mental fortitude and their own comprehensive speed and such. But since I didn't give them any understanding of law and such, they will get out of their daze in an hour or so. Though that is for Raena, your mother and sister will take longer."

Azrail nodded his head at her words, he gazing at his family with a fond smile after which he leaned onto the chair, Valencia taking the silent moment to lean herself fully on Azrail as he asked.

"How's the collection going?"

"Just a day more for me to finish"

Valencia replied, making Azrail raise his eyebrow in question.

"I thought I gave you a week?"

"And I told you I would get it done early"

Valencia replied making Azrail smile a bit, he placed a kiss on her forehead as he turned towards Nayan who now stood in front of the three of them with a respectful look.

"How's the other settling in?"

Azrail asked to which Nayan replied.

"They are all sitting in well, some of the more keeners once with better backgrounds are making some noises"

Nayan's reply earned a questioning look to which the man forwarded the information compromised of everything as an orb to Azrail who quickly crushed it which easily uploaded all the information directly to Azrail's mind and reading through the information a twitch came to Azrail's lips.

"You are one crazy bastard"josei

To his words, Nayan just shrugged his shoulder, and seeing so Azrail went on to display the information of the more useful members with a better background and the experiences of Valenci and Raena using a tab.

"Holy shit....."

These are the words that came from Adria.

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