Heavenly Opposers

Chapter 196 196-The Evil Plans To Trick The Cosmos Itself.

Chapter 196 196-The Evil Plans To Trick The Cosmos Itself.

Valencia, who had been silently observing, interjected with a thoughtful expression. "Darling has a valid point. We need more than just veils and diversions. These powerful individuals come from diverse backgrounds and affiliations. Their loyalties will be to their original powers, and we can't afford any internal conflicts within our faction."

Adria nodded in agreement. "She's right, Azrail. We need a binding force, something that ensures their loyalty and compliance. Fear alone might work initially, but we'll need a more sustainable solution."

Azrail leaned back, his mind working through the intricacies of the challenge. "We can use their individual desires against them. Offer each member something they desire greatly, whether it be knowledge, power, or even personal vendettas settled. Make them see that allegiance to our cause aligns with their deepest aspirations."josei

Valencia chimed in, "Create a pact, a magical contract that binds them willingly to your cause. Craft it in a way that breaking the pact not only results in severe consequences but also leads to the loss of the very thing they desire. It's a delicate balance, but with skilled contractor, we can weave a bond stronger than any chain."

Adria added, "The pact should be individualized, tailored to each member's motivations. A personalized incentive that ensures their loyalty to our cause while keeping them unaware of the other's motivations. This way, they won't perceive each other as threats, eliminating potential internal conflicts."

Azrail nodded in approval. "Excellent. We turn their desires into shackles, and the only key to those shackles is their unwavering commitment to our cause. This pact should not only secure their allegiance but also serve as a failsafe against betrayal."

Valencia, with a sly smile, spoke, "And we can intertwine the pact with the veils and illusions. Make them believe that their desires are intricately connected to our cause so that even the thought of betrayal becomes inconceivable. It's psychological manipulation at its finest."

Adria concluded, "A combination of death contracts, individualized incentives, and the illusion of shared destinies. It's not just about controlling their actions but shaping their beliefs. We don't just want servants; we want devoted disciples who willingly contribute to the rise of our faction."

"Or you guys can break the mind of these members, make them fully committed to you, release them back into their own factions. Some of these people here have great power in those backgrounds, and with these ones in your control, you can perhaps start attacking these organizations from the inside."

Nayan spoke, his words bringing in silence, but it was quickly broken off by Adria.

"That all sounds good, but the problem would lay with the others that sent these losers to you. If all of them suddenly returned, the ones that sent them here will call foul play. It will instantly take out all the connections you built, plus not to mention the risks of being found out and more."

Adira added, her sound words making all of Nayan's eyes narrow, the room settling into a specific tempo, all in the room starting to shine with their eyes. Within this, a flash of light passed through Azrail's eyes, a sly smile coming over his face as he spoke.

"Why don't we do all of this?"

The question of his bringing the focus to him as Azrail started to speak.

"As Valencia said, we can make the pact. Along with the desires of those specific members, we can also add some more into it and make it a wide attack from all around the cosmos itself on the mad scientist."

It didn't take any second longer for the rest of the ones in the room to understand the depth of the path that Azrail wanted to take. Adria frowned as she spoke.

"That is a very dangerous game you are suggesting. None of the powerful members are fools, one small whiff of something wrong and the whole plan will backfire."

To Adira's words, Valencia spoke with shining eyes.

"But think about what would happen if we succeed, we will have spies and members in all the powers we wish for. We will be able to take them all down from the insides."

"That would mean to give these guys high talent, and lots of powers and make them fully committed to us, not to mention we would need to spend an astronomical amount of resources to fight the contracts and oaths that should be taken by our spies if they are rescued."

Nayan added, his words bringing down the fiery atmosphere a bit. But to this, Adria added.lights

"You have ways to get around the oaths and contracts? Not to mention the all-around screening and truth testing all the factions will do?"

To this, Azrail didn't directly reply, his mind going through all the information he had in hand about the situation around the cosmos. Each and every line he read about the Heavenly Opposers passed through his mind as he sat there in silence with his eyes closed. Within a minute later, he opened his eyes.

Those dark black eyes of his with that hypnotic white looking through the three members of the gathered as he spoke.

"I might have a way to deal with that, but reaching there would take a few years, more or less."

The words of Azrail didn't dampen the mood at all; instead, they only lit a fiery light in the eyes of all three of them, the prospects of the power coming into their eyes once the plan is implemented bringing out the greed in each of their hearts as Nayan spoke.

"It's no problem, even if we are to take this idea into existence, we would still need some large amount of time to get the whole thing running."

Adria nodded her veiled face at those words as she spoke.

"He's right, we need more information and a lot of planning to get this right. But once we do and the seeds have already ripened, we will be able to give a big hit to several powers in the cosmos at the same time."

At the mention of these words, a light of fury passed through both Adira's and Nayan's eyes, while Azrail and Valencia looked at each other with a smile, their interconnected mind easily playing with each other several ideas that could be taken to improve upon everything that is present.

"Looks like we have a lot of planning ahead of us."

Azrail spoke with a smile, to which Adria replied.

"Never thought that I would have to do more work when I am dead than when I was alive."

The words of Adria now came together with a touch of playfulness, one side that Valencia had never seen from her master at all, and for this, her eyes turned a bit misty as she spoke secretly to Azrail.

'Thank you for this.'

'There is no need for that between the two of us, we are family.'

These words only brought a bright smile to Valencia hidden behind her veil, but even then, her charm surrounding her already seemed to embrace the change and made a small step forward.

"We need to first restructure the entire power leveling here, create a perfect structure for the faction you are planning on creating, and at the same time take in more spies for us."

As Adria said this, her eyes turned towards Nayan, and he didn't need her to spell anything out for him to already understand what she wanted.

"Don't worry, I already have a list of many wishing to send me their spoils of war. I will make sure to take them all in."

At the end of his words, a very creepy smile came to Nayan's already creepy face.

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