Heavenly Opposers

Chapter 202 202-Changes That Is Changing Everything.

Chapter 202 202-Changes That Is Changing Everything.

The bracelet now finished shined with a beautiful blue light, its design being sleek with a metal-colored reflection over it. In the center, a beautiful blue core seemingly shines with blue light. Overall, the bracelet looked minimalistic yet beautiful, and it soon floated down to land on Azrail's hands as he looked at it with narrowed eyes. He then asked.

"Will this work?"

"It will work, alright," Nayan replied, the Harmony Matrix disappearing as it came. All eyes were focused on it, with Adria speaking.

"The Harmony Matrix, I had heard about it before, but it's more mind-blowing than I had imagined."

Her reply brought a proud smile to Nayan's face as he spoke.

"Of course, it is the final embers of my species left, one for which many of my kind were killed and tortured."

As he said this, his voice kept calm, but the raw anger burning in all his eyes wasn't easy to block at all, and no one went forth to speak anything about this. Even Xuanyin, now having more idea about Nayan, stayed quiet as she just kept blinking her eyes at the bracelet in Azrail's hands, no doubt feeling some sort of attraction towards it.

Thus, it didn't take long for Azrail to pick up Xuanyin's hands and solemnly place the bracelet onto her hands. The bracelet itself fits perfectly onto Xuanyin's hands, shining beautifully on her pale white hands. Seeing the bracelet star-like symbols started to shine within Xuanyin's eyes. For a moment, a light blue light shined from the bracelet, causing Xuanyin to widen her eyes. All her feelings were being marched towards Azrail as he spoke.

"Now you will never suffer again, even if I am not together with you."

This answer of Azrail's made Xuanyin's eyes shake. The coldness that always played within her body, the brittle feeling in her bones, the coldness that always kept her cold, all fading away to give her body a sense of warmth. A warmth that she always only feels when Azrail is beside her. Thus her eyes turned to meet Azrail's, her mouth seemingly opening and closing till she just jumped into his embrace and hugged him tight.

Her hands fully wrapped around him, while her head rubbed against his chest. Azrail would even feel the light tears staining Xuanyin's eyes, small bubble tears of pure happiness at the fact that she, for the first time, is fully feeling true heat fill her body, not just from the support that her big brother gives her.

Azrail hugged Xuanyin back, placing a kiss on her head over her hair as he spoke.

"This is just the beginning of your happiness, my little sister. From now on, there are a lot of happy tears for you to shed."

And at this, he felt the chuckles leaving Xuanyin inside her, the happiness flowing out from her, the bitterness she experienced, everything kept flowing through her. Right now, she wasn't fully healed, heck, she can't cultivate yet. But she has taken a single step towards a bright future ahead, a future where she will never be a burden to the one person in the whole cosmic universe who can give her a heat that's so special that no one else can give her.

Knowing, understanding, and empathizing with the feelings running through Xuanyin, Azrail kept quiet, his hands wrapping around his sister in a protective hug, fully pressing her against him. As he let her be there, she now more than ever understands that she, in the future, will be healed. Azrail has promised her, and for now, it's just the countdown to the days she will finally be able to stand side by side with her big brother in pride.

"Cough... you know I was the one that created it..."

Nayan whispered as on the sides as he gazed at the heart-moving scene of a girl finally being freed from one of the curses that filled her whole life. To this, a humongous fist made of mental energy arrived from the top of his head and smacked him hard to the floor. The current Nayan, without any cultivation, can only get smacked down.

His body squished comically to the ground, the scene being comical enough to earn laughter from both Valencia and Adria. However, the moment the two of them did it, a sense of stunning silence fell between the two of them. For a moment, the eyes of the teacher and student met each other, and at the same time, the same thought passed through the two of them.

'Did I change this much?'lights

Valencia, the ever-cold one who never thought love was anything, now feels so much crazed love that it's overflowing her. She always thought that no expression of hers ever needed to come out, but now she feels her whole self being suffocated if she doesn't let out emotions when she is near Azrail. The dual mind of future and present guides her, changing her from the days of her grey life.

'The world can be this beautiful.'

She thought as she held her heart a bit, Valencia feeling the beating rhythm, a speed of her heart she never thought she would ever feel. Her eyes turned gentle enough to melt the coldest ice as her eyes landed on Azrail, the love in her feeling so much that she just wanted to jump into his embrace and live the rest of her life feeling his warmth. But she didn't, for right now is not the right moment.

She knew right now what the most important priority was, and she was more than sure that by the end of it all, she would have an infinite lifetime ahead of her to just hug and be with Azrail. And for that peaceful future, she will do anything to achieve it.

'Never thought that I would feel so good for a future.'

Valencia chuckled. She hasn't fully understood everything. As she thought this, her eyes turned towards Azrail, her heart beating like drums again. She surely hasn't understood everything, but her deepest soul, her deepest core, is telling her that as long as Azrail is with her, no matter what comes may, she will be fine and happy.

Meanwhile, while Valencia filled herself with her dreams, Adria looked at herself with a wry smile that no one could see. Her eyes flow between her disciple Valencia to Azrail, she too feels all the changes in Valencia, and all she can say is that it's good for her disciple. This would only make her grow stronger, and with such a man, she might never have to fear anything that may come.

Slowly Adria's eyes started to change a bit. She could still remember the day when she awakened alongside Valencia's soul, to the days before which the small family met Azrail. Somehow the depths between them being the difference between heaven and earth, the before times being a time of stillness, while these times feel like...


Adria never thought there would come a day when she could let out a genuine chuckle, not one controlled, not one to hide her feelings, not one to fool her allies and enemies but a pure one. A pure chuckle she hadn't left out of her lips since that fateful day she lost everything, the very fateful day she began her journey to get her revenge against the Heavenly Rulers.

A journey that only brought pain and happiness, when in the final all she gained was loss. She got betrayed, and all that she built turned to flames and burst away. The moment she awakened in Valencia after giving up something precious to a soul, she never thought she could ever laugh again. And she never thought she would feel anything other than a stillness grey and a sense of hopelessness in her.josei

With Valencia's talent, revenge might be possible, but it's a big road ahead, and nothing is fixed. Living in the soul of a tormented girl that is filled with hatred towards the world and a woman living with hate and love bipolar life, barely did anything to improve upon the hopeless feeling situation of Adria. But that all changed with Azrail.

The boy who kept shocking her from her core to her core again and again causing her to have no way of hiding feelings. No, it's such that the shocks that kept appearing had brought her feelings that have nulled out. For the shocks she kept getting kept deeply affecting her soul, such that the feelings that burned off started to come back.

And with a little touch to that, Adria finally got a spark of true feelings in her, the prospects of a surely possible future, a path of revenge, the intrigue of Azrail, his mystery, his actions, and talents that kept shocking her, while his whole existence being an enigma.

While finally at the last moment, the little drama gets a good true chuckle out of her, out of her soul that she thought had lost all feelings.

But even above all that, there lay something in Azrail's eyes that had fascinated Adria long before he showed her his talents.

Azrail's eyes were similar to hers.


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