Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 111

Chapter 111: Spiral Kill Move



The two clones thrust their swords at the fierce tiger phantom  in succession.

Crack, crack, crack!

The tiger king with its originally unmatched, overbearing momentum was unexpectedly blocked.


Then, the third figure attacked. Li Xinghui’s complexion faltered. At this moment, his Tiger King Strength phantom was in danger of breaking.

After all, his Tiger King Strength was only a Rare Peak Martial Art, whereas Ling Xiao’s Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique was a Superior Peak Martial Art.

In the same realm, Li Xinghui would naturally suffer losses.

Until now, he had been suppressing his strength at Peak Rank Five Martial Vein Realm to fight Ling Xiao.

He had done the same in his previous fights, but now, he couldn’t afford to suppress his strength since he would certainly lose that way.


Li Xinghui’s momentum suddenly soared.

He released his cultivation base, letting it rise to Initial Rank Six Martial Vein.josei

It was not enough!

The shocked Li Xinghui continued to release his cultivation base.

Mid Rank Six Martial Vein!

Finally, his cracked Tiger King Strength phantom healed, and he began to overwhelm Ling Xiao’s momentum.

“Do you think your cultivation base is high?”

Ling Xiao sneered, and his aura similarly increased. Unexpectedly, his cultivation base rose from Peak Rank Five Martial Vein to Initial Rank Six Martial Vein.

“How can this be! At 14 years old, he is a Rank Six Martial Vein martial artist!”

In the audience, all the martial artists jumped up in shock.

This included Ling Xiaotian.

Originally, he had thought that Ling Chen was the youngest person in Heavenly Peak City to ever become a Rank Six Martial Vein martial artist.

Thus, Ling Xiao’s eruption completely stunned him.

Was this youngster a human or a monster?

How could he be so strong?

The four youths from White Cloud Province were also dumbfounded.

Even in the entire White Cloud Province, it was unprecedented for a 14-year-old to break through to Rank Six Martial Vein. What was this kid’s background?

“Retreat for me!”

After Ling Xiao released his cultivation base, his momentum surged.

The power of his sword suddenly sky rocketed.


Finally, Tiger King Strength cracked and could no longer resist Ling Xiao’s sword thrust.

Li Xinghui had to retreat!

This was the first time the audience had ever scene such a scene in this tournament!

Even though he had released his cultivation base at the Mid Rank Six Martial Vein Realm and used his Tiger King Strength, he was unexpectedly beaten back.

He was forced to retreat from Ling Xiao’s sword. If that sword had pierced him, he would have lost for sure.

“Hahaha, it’s truly delightful. Here comes my sword again!”

Ling Xiao had defeated Tiger King Strength with a single strike. Without any intention of slowing down, his sword attacked once more.

He still only used Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique’s second layer since the current Li Xinghui was not qualified for him to reveal the third layer.


Li Xinghui retreated again!

This time, a bloody mark appeared on his palm

However, this fellow’s movement technique was not weak. At the critical moment, he avoided any vital parts.

“You forced me to do this!”

Li Xinghui had a ferocious look as he suddenly bent over and began to spin nonstop like an inverse tornado.

“Unexpectedly, that unknown Ling Xiao forced Xinghui to use Spiral Kill.”

In the Li Clan’s pavilion, Li Clan’s Patriarch sighed while rubbing his chin.

“With this move, Ling Xiao will lose for sure.”

“Not just that, but he will also die for sure.”

“Yes, even this old man had a hard time resisting Xinghui’s Spiral Kill.”

In the past, this move had fractured both arms of the Li Clan’s Patriarch.

Naturally, that was because he had suppressed his cultivation base. However, even though he had suppressed his cultivation base somewhat, he had still used a cultivation base of Peak Rank Six Martial Vein to defend himself.

What about Ling Xiao?

Although other people didn’t know this move’s previous terrifying results, based on that terrifying gang qi storm, it was enough to understand how terrifying this move was.

“Be careful, Ling Xiao!”

Ling Yihang couldn’t help shouting.

“Junior Apprentice Brother!”

Ling Yixue also stood up nervously.

Although they believed in Ling Xiao’s strength, this move was too terrifying. 

As these two people warned their junior apprentice brother, Li Xinghui shot out like a sharp spiral sword at a speed that was impossible to dodge.

If Ling Xiao had used Soaring Cloud Steps in advance, he might have successfully dodged this attack.

Nevertheless, it took the time to use that technique, so he had no choice but to firmly block this attack.

However, there was no regret on his face, only excitement.

His entire body emitted golden light as he shouted, “Li Xinghui, if this is your strongest attack, it’s too disappointing!”


The first attack of Spiral Kill Move was blocked by Ling Xiao’s two fists.

However, he was also knocked back, leaving deep grooves in the ground.

The most terrifying aspect of this Spiral Kill was that its attacks were continuous. Moreover, with each strike, its speed and destructive power would only increase. 

Li Xinghui spun like a drill, creating dazzling sparks whenever he collided against Ling Xiao’s arms.


Ling Xiao’s arms were knocked away by this Spiral Kill, and it directly hit Ling Xiao’s chest.

However, it was useless.

Other than tearing his clothes, it left no damage on Ling Xiao’s body.

“<Nine Transformation Golden Body Art> is too powerful!”

“How can his defense be so strong? Not even Spiral Kill can break it?”

“Too terrifying! No wonder <Nine Transformation Golden Body Art> is so difficult to learn. With such a powerful defense, if it were easy to learn, how could other people live?”

“Li Xinghui must be feeling anxious. Since even his Spiral Kill couldn’t deal with Ling Xiao, does he have any other moves?”

“Yes, Ling Xiao has too many hidden trumps. I can’t even guess what else he has.”

There were such discussions even within the Li Clan, not to mention the greater audience.

At this moment, Ling Xiaotian was stupefied, unable to say anything.

Looking at how Ling Xiao had successively defeated Wang Zui, Shi Feiyu, Shi Yue, and others while currently fighting on par with Li Xinghui, his current strength was clearly much stronger than he had been at the annual clan competition a month ago.

This was a real genius! He should have treated him better.

Remembering how he had initially wanted to make Ling Xiao give up on participating in the Heavenly Peak Gathering, Ling Xiaotian wanted to slap himself.

Because of the three Supreme Elders’ pressure, he had made a stupid decision. Now, he feared that Ling Xiao bore grudges against him.

Ling Yin beside him was also angry and shocked.

On the one hand, he was worried because he had offended such a genius.

On the other hand, he feared that such a genius would replace his grandson’s position in the Ling Clan.

Naturally, the angriest one was Ling Chen.

He couldn’t believe that Li Xinghui had saved a terrifying move like Spiral Kill during their fight.

What he couldn’t believe even more was that Ling Xiao unexpectedly remained unscathed facing this move that was at least twice as strong as Li Xinghui’s Tiger King Strength.

Unexpectedly, only his clothes were torn.

How had this fellow grown?

How had he cultivated?

Had the Patriarch secretly helped him?

“Hahaha, making this father worry for nothing.”

Ling Yihang roared with laughter, and he couldn’t help shaking his head inwardly. There was no need to worry for this fellow; he was simply a monster.

“Junior Apprentice Brother, you’ve really left us far behind.”

Ling Yixue slightly smiled before turning serious. She clenched her fists and thought: “However, I will work harder to not become your burden.”

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