Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 164

Chapter 164: Dead End

“Do you truly think you can escape?”

Three or four miles away, Ling Xiao finally caught up with the Blue-Eyed Boss.

This place was deserted remote mountains without any people present. 

Ling Xiao could finally fight without any misgivings.

In the previous battles, he had still somewhat restrained himself because he had feared the others seeing his hidden trumps.

But now, facing the Blue-Eyed Boss alone, he wanted to go all out and finish him in a short time.

“Little beast, do you truly think that you alone can stop me?”

Blue Eyed Boss said this, but he was inexplicably frightened at heart.

What was this boy’s background? His speed was not worse than Initial or even Middle Rank Seven Martial Vein Martial Masters.

Furthermore, his attacks were not only varied but also extremely terrifying, especially that finger move that had almost destroyed his consciousness.

“Whether I can stop you or not, we’ll know soon.”

Ling Xiao smiled and pointed his Ice Glaze Sword at the Blue-Eyed Boss.

“Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique——One Sword Four Shadows!”

Ling Xiao knew very well that although this Blue-Eyed Boss was nearing his end, a centipede didn’t stop wriggling even when dead.

He feared that the other party still had a powerful attack. Therefore, he planned to use Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique to extinguish the opponent’s fighting spirit while depleting the other party’s true essence.

At present, he truly had no way to kill this fellow in one move.

A Terrifying Finger had been previously successful due to Ling Yixue’s Snake-Haired Woman Incomplete Soul.

If he wanted to succeed again, it wouldn’t be easy.

With Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique, one person became four who all surrounded and attacked the Blue-Eyed Boss.

This kind of attack was most annoying to the Blue-Eyed Boss since he couldn’t determine which was the real body. Therefore, it was impossible to gather his true essence in one place, and he was forced to hastily defend himself everywhere. He continuously swung his Thunder Hammer to repel Ling Xiao’s four shadow clones.

However, they would immediately return after being knocked back.

This back and forth greatly reduced the Blue-Eyed Boss’s escaping speed.

After several rounds, he still hadn’t even covered 30 meters.

“I can’t continue like this. I must end this battle quickly!”josei

The Blue-Eyed Boss knew Ling Xiao’s  intention; moreover, he could sense someone else rushing in this direction.

If he continued to delay, his boat would truly capsize in the gutter today, and he would die in the hands of this Rank Six Martial Vein martial artist.

Dying like this would be too embarrassing.

“Thunderstorm Explosion!”

The Blue-Eyed Boss roared, crazily burning his true essence while smashing his Thunder Hammer in front of him.


With a loud explosion, the two people were blasted in opposite directions.

Taking advantage of this momentum, Blue Eyed Boss accelerated away at a high speed.

“Is this your final attack? Sure enough, it’s truly powerful!”

Ling Xiao was not frightened by this attack. In fact, he had used Duplicate Shadow Sword technique to force his opponent to make a big move like this.

Now, Blue Eyed Boss frantically burned true essence, and his speed had peaked.

But this was just a flash in the pan, the last radiance of the setting sun. It wouldn’t last long.

Ling Xiao had been waiting for this opportunity.

A ghost ship’s phantom appeared below his feet.

Cooperating with Soaring Cloud Steps, his speed almost doubled.

Although his speed was not as fast as the Blue-Eyed Boss’s, the distance between them didn’t increase much.

As long as his opponent’s aura weakened, he would easily catch up.

In fact, this Ghost Boat Incomplete Soul’s assistance when attacking was inferior to its assistance in speed.

According to legend, in the Primordial Era, human martial artists had used their own martial souls to travel.

Not to mention Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and so on, martial souls like ghost boats, immortal palaces, and so on were similarly suitable for travel.

Naturally, while chasing, Ling Xiao didn’t forget to weaken the Blue-Eyed Boss’s strength.


A sword light shot out and flew towards that Blue-Eyed Boss with  a strange trajectory, piercing through his protective true essence.

At this moment, the Blue-Eyed Boss’s true essence reserved for defense was almost zero. He had used most of his remaining true essence on his movement technique. Because of this, Ling Xiao’s sword controlling technique easily succeeded.


In midair, the Blue-Eyed Boss’s thigh was pierced by that sword light, and his originally fast speed instantly stopped.

The most terrifying aspect was that this flying sword was actually covered with soul power. Although it was not as terrifying as that finger attack, it still caused a huge burden on his soul.

At this critical moment, Blue Eyed Boss bit the tip of his tongue and used this pain to maintain consciousness.

“Little beast, you should be hacked to pieces! I will definitely not let you off!”

Now, the Blue-Eyed Boss had only one thought: to escape!

As long as he escaped, he would make Ling Xiao suffer a thousandfold, no ten thousandfold, the pain and humiliation he had suffered.

Perhaps they were too focused on each other, but Ling Xiao and the Blue-Eyed Boss didn’t notice a figure rushing forward parallel to them in the forest.

“Are you relying on self-harm to stimulate your potential? I will see how long you can persist!”

Ling Xiao stood on the ghost boat, whistling through the forest. As the Blue-Eyed Boss saw it, it was like a ghost was staring at him. He couldn’t escape no matter what.

Finally, the Blue-Eyed Boss’s speed began to decrease.

His look of despair instantly transformed into ruthlessness.

He removed something from his storage ring.

Among the myriad races, the Blue-Eyed Race was famous for their mechanism techniques.

Most of the Blue-Eyed Race’s martial artists understood things like mechanical puppets and so on.

The Blue-Eyed Boss had such a thing in his hands: a mysterious mechanism called “Void Breaking Strike”.

This toy seemed like a normal tube from the outside. 

However, people familiar with it knew that the internal structure of this Void Breaking Strike was incredibly complex. When filled with spirit stones, it would gain attack power.

The more spirit stones used, the greater the power of the instant attack.

Naturally, according to its grade, this thing’s power also had an upper limit.

The Void Breaking Strike in the hands of this Blue-Eyed Boss was equivalent to an excellent grade artifact. A hundred low-grade spirit stones were needed to fill it.

Its power could match the full-power attack of a Peak Rank Seven Martial Vein Martial Master.

He hadn’t used it until now due to the value of spirit stones and that he had less than 200 low-grade spirit stones on him.

At this moment, he knew that there was no hope of escape. It would be useless to keep this thing, so he took it out without any hesitation.

While running, he filled it with spirit stones.

After putting in 100 low-grade spirit stones, an inscription on that beautifully carved tube emitted a brilliant radiance.

He thought that Ling Xiao couldn’t see all this, but he didn’t know that Ling Xiao had always been in the Enter Soul State and seen every little move.

Although Ling Xiao didn’t know what the tube in Blue Eyed Boss’s hand was or its use, he intuitively felt that something was wrong.

“It’s better to make a move first!”

Ling Xiao didn’t plan to avoid it. As long as he killed this Blue-Eyed Boss before he could use that tube, it would be useless.

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