Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: Martial Will

Ling Xiao was very emotional.

He had achieved his former lifetime goal within half a month. He pinched himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. It seemed that actual combat was necessary to improve one’s strength.

In the past, even with a gang qi pill, he had remained stuck at 90%, but after a day of fighting and exchanging moves with an expert, he had easily broken through.

It had taken him less than two hours.


It should be said that Ling Feng’s father, Ling Shisan, had played a key role!

If not for his terrifying pressure oppressing him, his hidden potential might not have erupted.

Ling Shisan’s pressure had motivated Ling Xiao to improve his strength.

In addition, he had already set up the foundations, so ‘when the water came, a channel had naturally formed.’

Honestly speaking, he needed to thank Ling Shisan.

Now that he had broken through to Rank Four Martial Vein, coupled with <Bull Demon Technique-Meteorite Baleful Fist>, which was almost a peak grade martial art, and <Soaring Cloud Steps-Flood Dragon Transformation>, even Ling Shisan, a Rank Five Martial Vein martial artist, would find it difficult to kill him.

Now, he had the ability to save his life.

However, he still needed to upgrade his disguise template as a Rank Three Martial Vein martial artist without gang qi.

Since he had revealed his strength in the previous match, he would expose himself if he continued using that template.josei

Therefore, he switched to one with a cultivation of Peak Rank Three Martial Vein with more than  90% gang qi in his third martial vein.

This strength was designated as Peak Martial Pupil!

In other words, it meant being the strongest among all Martial Pupils. Generally, martial artists at Peak Rank Three Martial Vein who had already converted 90% of the true qi into gang qi in their third martial vein would receive this honor.

Even after breaking through to Rank Four Martial Vein, Ling Xiao didn’t stop cultivating.

A breakthrough was only the start; he still had to stabilize it.

Furthermore, there were many more things needed to increase his combat power.

Martial arts, regardless of their grade or number of layers, were ultimately divided into five stages.

The first stage was called small success, which meant that one could display 30% of a martial art’s power.

The second stage was called mastery, which meant that one could display 60% of a martial art’s power.

The third stage was called great success, which meant that one could display 90% of a martial art’s power.

The fourth stage was called perfection, or great perfection, which meant that one could perfectly display a martial art.

The fifth stage was sublimity, or acme of perfection. Martial arts at this stage had no defects. Their power might even terrifyingly increase to two to five times.

At this moment, only his basic martial art <Barbarian Bull Strength> had reached sublimity. All the others had at most reached great success, which was still far from perfection; there was no need to mention sublimity.

He intended to first promote <Bull Demon Technique-Meteorite Fist> to sublimity. Like that, this move would strengthen by at least several times, and his combat power would naturally become more amazing.

One could advance a martial art from small success to perfection as long as one worked hard. Only sublimity was too mysterious and abstruse. It greatly depended on an individual’s comprehension.

If he wanted to reach sublimity, he required fortune and perception. 

Naturally, comprehension was not a problem for him.

With the Landscape Martial Soul, even if his comprehension were lacking, he could still perfect martial arts and reach sublimity by relying on its analysis and deductive abilities. He just needed time.

The entire night, he repeatedly practiced <Bull Demon Technique-Meteorite Baleful Fist>, focusing on improving its stage.

After all, this move was currently his strongest attack.

Although the power of <Baleful Demon Technique-Hundred Steps Baleful Sword> was not bad, it was not suitable for a long battle. It was comparatively better for carrying out a sneak attack or as a hanging guillotine to pressure the opponent.

At dawn, Ling Xiao slowly exhaled a mouthful of turbid qi.

Although <Bull Demon Technique-Meteorite Baleful Fist> hadn’t reached sublimity, it had already reached the perfection stage from its original great success stage. Its power had also substantially increased.

That was enough.

After planning a bit, he spent four more hours to promote <Bull Demon Technique-Hundred Steps Baleful Sword> to the perfection stage.

It was quite easy for him to reach the perfection stage. After all, there were figures continuously practicing in the Landscape Painting that he could learn from.

This move was his hidden trump card; there was no harm in strengthening it. 

He took a deep breath and rubbed his head before deciding to soon rest.

However, before resting, he planned to observe the special changes that had occurred in his Landscape Martial Soul after breaking through to Rank Four Martial Vein realm.

“Analysis and Deduction, Production and Creation, and Realm Templates: these are the previous abilities. Oh! There is one more ability——Martial Will!”

In the past, Ling Xiao had believed that analysis and deduction were two seperate abilities, but now he found that he had been wrong. Without analysis, there was no deduction, and analysis without deduction was similarly useless.

Production and creation were also one ability. Merely, the level of this ability was too low, so creation was still impossible. It temporarily only allowed production.

As for the realm templates, at present, they could only be used to disguise his true strength. Nevertheless, as its level increased, he didn’t know what its effects would be.

Finally, this new ability truly amazed him.

He had heard of martial wills. They were inexplicable concepts.

Like swordsmen with their sword intents and bladesmen with their blade intents, all other martial artists had their respective martial wills.

According to the Landscape Painting’s explanation, a martial will was the primordial version of a martial soul. As it condensed and took shape, it would become a martial soul.

However, in the past ten thousand years, although some martial wills had improved to sublimity, only a very few had heard of a martial will condensing into a martial soul.

Like martial arts, martial wills also had five stages: small success, mastery, great success, perfection and sublimity. However, the evolution beyond these five stages was a martial soul.

As Ling Xiao saw it, since he was not strong enough to control his Landscape Martial Soul in combat, he had gained a martial will ability.

He guessed that the Landscape Martial Soul was giving him this martial will ability to adapt him to them. In the future, after improving the marital will to sublimity, he could directly use the Landscape Martial Soul in combat.

Originally, he had planned to rest, but seeing this martial will, he felt too excited to sleep.

Generally speaking, martial wills provided two big advantages in combat.

One was the will’s pressure, which made opponents timid.

The other was boosting martial arts.

The more powerful the martial will, the greater the boost.

In addition, Ling Xiao’s martial will had another advantage. It was not fixed because he had obtained it from the Landscape Martial Soul. Since the Landscape Martial Soul was all-inclusive, this martial will would naturally also be all-inclusive.

When he used a sword, he would have sword intent!

When he used a blade, he would have blade intent!

When he used a spear, he would have spear intent!

He could seamlessly switch between them without any adverse effects.

Since the Landscape Martial Soul claimed this, it absolutely wouldn’t be false.

At present, because he had not yet obtained an advanced martial art, he hadn’t decided on his future weapon.

Generally speaking, although a martial artist could learn various martial skills, it was best to specialize.

However, this matter could wait until he obtained an advanced martial art. 

Fortunately, his martial will could change at will, so no matter what he wouldn’t hinder his future cultivation, so cultivating a martial will now only had advantages.

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