Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: Cold Pond Gold Liquid

Circulating his gang qi into the Landscape Martial Soul, Ling Xiao immediately entered the “Enter Soul” state.

His current vision turned even more terrifying than before, granting him a panoramic view within a radius of ten miles.

That is?

Excitement appeared in his eyes. He had seen an ancient structure!

According to the Landscape Martial Soul’s analysis, if he fled there, he would have a survival rate above 90%.

Ling Xiao didn’t know how it had calculated this survival rate.

However, he had a rough guess.

That structure looked like a coiling dragon, so it was probably something strange.

Inside the structure was a basement with a very small entrance. With his figure, he could easily enter, but the Heracles Ape would find it difficult with its giant figure.

Without much thought, Ling Xiao increased his speed and advanced at full speed. He had to hurry before the Heracles Ape noticed his intentions. Naturally, to confuse it, he chose a relatively complicated route, randomly bumping here and there like a headless fly.

However, he had a goal.

Seeing its prey’s miserable appearance, the Heracles Ape complacently laughed.

“Laugh! Laugh all you want! You won’t be able to laugh later!”

Ling Xiao was truly desperate. Regardless of the consequences, he ate a second gang qi pill. In any case, if he survived, he could obtain more later.

If he died, no amount of gang qi pills would help.

The Heracles Ape relaxedly chasing behind him. It didn’t use its full power. Sometimes, it would even chase some butterflies it came across.

Obviously, this Heracles Ape who had eaten and drank its fill just wanted to play now.

10 miles!

8 miles!

6 miles!


Ling Xiao neared that structure.

Finally, when he was only a hundred or so meters from that ancient structure, the Heracles Ape grew anxious.

It seemed to know that the structure had the ability to block it, so it instantly accelerated.

Originally, the distance between them had been no less than six miles.

However, when Ling Xiao reached a hundred meters away from safety, the distance between them shrunk to five miles!josei

The Heracles Ape’s speed was honestly too terrifying.

Although it couldn’t fly, it could cover several miles in a single jump. Thus, it had not worried that Ling Xiao would escape before. Only when it saw this structure, had it suddenly panicked.

Ling Xiao already knew of its terrifying speed, but he was still frightened.

However, he didn’t have the leisure to think at this moment. He could only go all-out.

He threw the last gang qi into his mouth and frenziedly rushed forward.


The moment he accelerated, the Heracles Ape landed at his original position.

Countless cracks spread all around the ground.

However, mysteriously as those cracks approached that dragon-shaped structure, they were unable to advance forward.


Ling Xiao, lying on the ground completely exhausted, discovered that he had already entered the dragon-shaped structure.

Although that Heracles Ape furiously tried to rush in, an invisible aura blocked it.


Heracles Ape glared at Ling Xiao  before lying in front of the dragon-shaped structure’s exit and sleeping.

It seemed to be saying: “You kid, don’t even think about coming out. Otherwise, I will eat you!”

Ling Xiao had no intention of quarreling with this fellow.

He eyed the pitch-black tunnel inside the structure.

After thinking for a while, he slowly entered it.

Although he was very tired due to depleting too much gang qi, if he rested at the entrance, he might fall into danger. 

Therefore, he wanted to find a safer place.

Furthermore, he still had some fighting power; he was not completely incapable of protecting himself. As long as he didn’t encounter another terrifying rank eight demonic beast, he would be fine; otherwise, he could only commit suicide.

The pitch-black tunnel couldn’t hinder him.

With the Landscape Martial Soul, he could see through the darkness.

“This structure is somewhat strange.”

Walking for a while, Ling Xiao was surprised that the walls were unexpectedly not made of stone or metal.

The walls more resembled animal bones and skins!

Merely, they had already hardened.

Even more strange were the white bones all along the way.

Among them were the bones of wild beasts, demonic beasts, and also humans. He truly couldn’t fathom how many living things had died here.

Merely, they all seemed to be very old. After all, for a corpse to thoroughly degrade into white bones required a long period of time.

“Hiss——! It’s so cold!”

Ling Xiao shivered.

The tunnel had unexpectedly iced over from an unknown time.

The temperature suddenly dropped, and he had to use gang qi to keep out the cold.

Fortunately, the third gang qi pill’s effects were not over; otherwise, he might have frozen to death.

Two hours later.

Ling Xiao directly knelt on the ground!

Why did he kneel? Because he saw a pond!

It emitted cold qi and had a lot of snow lotuses growing in it. Some were a hundred years old, others two hundred years old, even a few above five hundred and one thousand years old!

Naturally, he wouldn’t have knelt just for this.

After all, although these snow lotuses were high-grade alchemy materials, he would be happy at best.

The key point was that this pond’s liquid was not water!

He hadn’t seen it wrong. This pond that emitted cold qi was made up of liquid gold. According to his estimations, it should be worth at least a million tales of gold.

He was not greedy for money, but he consumed gold to cultivate <Nine Transformation Golden Body Art>.

Now that he had encountered such a strange gold pond, how would he not be filled with joy?

‘One was bound for good fortune after surviving a great disaster’!

It seemed that this saying was not just a bluff.

Ling Xiao had recklessly entered this structure to save his life from the Heracles Ape’s grasp before discovering this weird Cold Pond Gold Liquid.

This was a great stroke of luck!

Ignoring this Cold Pond Gold Liquid that was very useful for his <Nine Transformation Golden Body Art>, just those golden snow lotuses nurtured by the Cold Pond Gold Liquid were precious enough. Moreover, there were no less than ten that were over a thousand years old.

In addition, there were many five-hundred and eight-hundred-year old golden snow lotuses. This was already enough to explain the benefits of the Cold Pond Gold Liquid.

When Ling Xiao had examined the liquid, his Landscape Martial Soul had already begun analyzing its composition and benefits.

It concluded that this thing was not only not harmful but also an extremely good thing for tempering the body.

According to the Landscape Martial Soul, this kind of Cold Pond Gold Liquid was a body-tempering liquid produced within the “Golden Dragon” Clan.

These kinds of liquids granted the Golden Dragon Clan the most terrifying physical strength as well as the most resilient bodies among the Dragon Race.

Did he still need to doubt it? 

Ling Xiao excitedly yelped and directly jumped into the pond.

The moment he entered, his originally fatigued body seemed to return to life. All his fatigue faded away. 

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