Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1621

Chapter 1621: Reflection

Chapter 1621: Reflection

This was a broad but enclosed tunnel. It was pitch-black forward and one couldn’t see where it ended.

Wu Yu stepped into the tunnel and immediately saw statues of various shapes and forms erected on the two sides. The images of these bronze statures were identical to the carvings of eternal demon emperors on the bronze gates he had just gone through.

Each of the bronze stature was in the form of an eternal demon emperor! The two rows of statures extended deep into the tunnel which Wu Yu couldn’t see the end to. He didn’t know how many statures were there in total.

As compared to the carvings on the bronze gates, these bronze statures were more vivid and lifelike. In fact, they also possessed the strong presences that eternal demon emperors would carry. The stifling pressure almost suffocated Wu Yu.

There were too many statures here and each looked exactly like the real deal.

Wu Yu tried touching the statures and could feel the material for these bronze statures were exceptionally tough. Even if he had used all his strength, he wouldn’t be able to damage them by the slightest.

"This is the statue of the Weathered Stone Emperor! How imposing!" Wu Yu stopped in front of the statue and recognized it being one of the more prominent carvings on the bronze gates. The stone pillar stone upright and erect, from the ground all the way into the endless darkness above Wu Yu’s head.

The statue of the Weathered Stone Emperor was as thick as several hundred Wu Yu together. As for the height, Wu Yu couldn’t tell from one glance as the top was completed masked by the darkness.

A short distance away was the Dark Phoenix Grand Emperor that was ignited in pitch-black netherworldly flames. The statue showed his form with extended wings, with the lifelike pitch-black flames bringing the statue to life. The flames also had a temperature different from the surrounding.

The black flames that were burning around the Dark Phoenix Grand Emperor was extremely cold. No one really knew what it was made of. Perhaps the innate netherwordly flames of Dark Phoenix Grand Emperor were at an extremely low temperature and his current statue simply inherited this characteristic.

The statues of eternal demon emperors were lucid. Other than the form, what stood out more would be the vigor and details like temperature. Overall, they made these statues of eternal demon emperors seemed as though they were still living.

When passing by a fire attribute demon beast, the incoming heat wave almost roasted Wu Yu. josei

The form of the statue was a flaming lion. However, the flaming lion had nine heads with each head burning in flames of a different attribute. The posture was exceptionally domineering while emanating suffocating heat.

The name of the flaming lion would be Nine Inferno Emperor. It was said that he could utilized nine different types of flames in different combinations to unleash dreadful attacks. Three to five immortal emperors at the same cultivation realm wouldn’t be able to do a thing to him. He was also one of the legends in the Demon Immortal Realm.

Even though that was just a statue of the Nine Inferno Emperor, Wu Yu could feel the terrifying pressure.

If he had remained near the statue for long, he might really be burnt to a crisp.

As he moved forward, the Scenic Grand Emperor that he saw on the bronze gates also showed up. This was an extensive scroll with the painting of mountains, rivers and seas that were true to life. In fact, Wu Yu was amazed to see ripples propagating through the extensive seas of the painting.

The statues were of various shapes and forms. Wu Yu felt as though he had been to the gallery of eternal demon emperors’ corpses.

A thought came into Wu Yu’s mind suddenly, sending chills down his spine.

"I didn’t see the Yin-yang Origin beasts or the Violet-Eyed Emperor in this tunnel. Could it be......"

At the thought of this possibility, Wu Yu’s hair stood up from fear.

Could these statues be real eternal demon emperors’ corpses and not just statues?

Or to put it simply, they had been made into corpse puppets?

Just that because of the bronze pendants that Wu Yu held, they didn’t react and still remained in their inanimate state?


Wu Yu found it hard to believe this would be possible. If this was true, there would be several thousand of corpse puppets of eternal demon emperors!

There might even be great existences like the Primeval Mighty Miracle God that had been made into corpse puppets?

The horrifying thought disrupted Wu Yu’s interest in the statues as he quickly walked ahead.

He didn’t dare to keep the bronze pendants away, fearing that if these were really corpse puppets of eternal demon emperors, he wouldn’t last a single instant if he had kept them away. He would be silenced instantly by these corpse puppets!

He moved ahead swiftly. After three days and nights, he finally made it through the tunnel that showcased the statues of eternal demon emperors.

There was an open field ahead. After advancing for a little longer, he came across a crossroad.

If he continued ahead, it would be the end of the tunnel. The end was completely shrouded in darkness with no one understanding what might be in it.

At the left and right of the crossroad was a bronze gate each. Although the bronze gates weren’t huge, the material was precious. Wu Yu also saw two grooves on each bronze gate. Most likely, Wu Yu would be able to open the gates with the bronze pendants.

"It’s complete darkness ahead and I can’t see a thing. I can consider it later."

Wu Yu thought about it before choosing the bronze gate on his left.

Arriving, Wu Yu felt this was a place of trial. As to what he could gain from the trial, no one knew.

At this point, the only objective and motivation of Wu Yu was to continue living.

Just like the five demonic emperors, he had encountered numerous dangerous and unbelievable events since he was here. He wouldn’t dare fantasizing about rewards and would be thankful if he survived.

If all these were a trial, Wu Yu would definitely grab the opportunity tightly. This was because a trial would possibly mean rewards. However, the precedent was to survive in the trial.

He chose the gate on the left and placed the bronze pendants into the two grooves.

As the bronze pendants were placed, the bronze gate opened slowly. Wu Yu observed his surrounding cautiously for danger. However, nothing dangerous came from the gate. Instead, darkness masked everything before his eyes.

"Complete darkness?"

Wu Yu felt a little frustrated. All he saw was complete darkness after opening the gares. He couldn’t see anything or feel any danger from it.

Should he enter or not?

Wu Yu thought about it and decided to get in. If this was a trap, it wouldn’t have to set up a separate room at the end of the tunnel. He would have died a million times when he was getting through the tunnel previously.

Therefore, there should be a trial in the room or perhaps some chance encounters. He steeled his heart and stepped into the darkness of the room.

Once he was in, Wu Yu realized this was a borderless space of darkness and not just a room that he had imagined.

He couldn’t see the end to the darkness.

When Wu Yu stepped into the space, the space became sealed. The door that he went through also vanished.

As Wu Yu was cautiously watching his surrounding, numerous mirrors emerged in all directions and surrounded him!

The mirrors reflected Wu Yu’s image. With every action, the reflections in the mirrors would move as well.

This reminded him of his Unshackled Doppelganger. However, this was creepier than the 1 million doppelgangers. Wu Yu furrowed his brows and couldn’t make sense of the his situation.

"Let’s look first."

He started searching around and soon found the borderless space of darkness was filled with mirrors. No matter where he went, there will be mirrors reflecting his image.

When he looked into the mirrors, the "Wu Yu" in the mirrors would also look back. Wu Yu couldn’t shake off the feelings of creepiness.

All of a sudden, a dangerous vibe came from behind. He reacted immediately and was surprised to see "himself" walking out of the mirror!

Seeing your reflection walking out of the mirror when looking into the mirror! How creepy was this?

Wu Yu instantly realized if this room was a trial, the trial would have started at this point.

Before Wu Yu could react and calmed himself, the reflection that walked out of the mirror launched an abrupt attack at Wu Yu.

The reflection was identical to Wu Yu. The looks, the body size and even the gaze of the eyes were exact copies. If there was someone else in this place, he definitely wouldn’t be able to differentiate the real and the imposter.

This reminded Wu Yu when he first arrived in the Eternal Emperor Tomb!

Previously, amidst the mist of the Eternal Emperor Tomb, he saw Wu Jun and his imposter. Wu Yu was able to see through the illusion with his Eyes of Fire and Gold, successfully differentiating the real from the fake.

However, even when he used his Eyes of Fire and Gold now, he still couldn’t tell the true form of the other party!

In most situations, Wu Yu would be able to tell the true form of the other party with his Eyes of Fire and Gold. For example, he could see the true form of the demons and any disguise would be futile before him.

However, when staring at the reflection with his Eyes of Fire and Gold, he saw the true form as it is.

This wasn’t created from something but a separate living Wu Yu!

The reflection launched an attack first with incandescent heavenly rule. The destructive powers encompassed within was identical to Wu Yu’s incandescent heavenly rule!

"Take this!"

Wu Yu didn’t show weakness. Since the fight had started, he just had to defeat his opponent!

He released incandescent heavenly rule as well. However, he cast crusader heavenly rule first to increase his battle will and amplified the might of incandescent heavenly rule by several times. When his attack clashed with the other party’s incandescent heavenly rule, brilliant l;light burst forth in the darkness.

The powers from both side dissipated after the clash. To Wu Yu’s astonishment, the other party followed with crusader heavenly rule just like Wu Yu. Moreover, he also received the increments from crusader heavenly rule.

"The same techniques as mine?"

Wu Yu wasn’t convinced. As the second wave of incandescent heavenly rule strengthened by crusader heavenly rule swept across, he did a flip and escaped to a distance away from his opponent’s attack.

However, the space before Wu Yu glittered and the reflection followed him to the space. Wu Yu could also feel that the other party had used the Mystique, Somersault Cloud!

This stumped Wu Yu a little. The "one" that walked out from the mirror was just like him and could use all the Mystiques and techniques of himself!

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