Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

“Do you believe in me so much?” Lu Chen was silent for some time, then asked a question.

Tianlan Zhenjun replied: “Evil cultivators is like a sly foxes, and have many tricks . So if I want to choose a person who can uncover they plot, then I can rely only on you.”

“I don’t want to do it” Lu Chen.

Tianlan Zhenjun frowned and asked: “Why?”

Lu Chen looked up at him and said: “In the past ten years, whenever the cursed black flame burned, I thought life is better than death, and then contemplated on what I have done before. All this battles full of blood and pain, was it worth it?”

“For the sake of the world, or for justice?” There is a bit of sorrow on Lu Chen’s face “These words have been told to me since I was a child. I believed and fought for it. But now I feel that this idea is meaningless.”

He looked at Tianlan Zhenjun, speaking his words one by one “Fairness and justice to all people in the world, why should I care?”josei

“Why should I fight and struggle for strangers?” Lu Chen quietly looked at Tianlan Zhenjun, and said “It’s not just me, isn’t you are in the same situation? This past years, in Immortal Alliance you worked hardest to suppress Demonic cult, but what about other people? Not all of them are principled, living leisurely and laughing behind your back. Not only that, I’m afraid there are countless people who hate you, just because you won’t give up and get in their way to wealth , among them there even some Zhenjun like you.”

Tianlan Zhenjun sighed softly “Do you think I am struggling?”

“Yes.” answered Lu Chen “Why do you need this troubles? With your cultivation as long as you don’t confront them, they will never dare to annoy you; even if they harm the world, it will not affect you. Isn’t it?”

Tianlan Zhenjun remained silent for some time, and after a while he suddenly laughed. A moment later he said: “Your words have some truth.”

Lu Chen: “That is.”

Tianlan Zhenjun said: “Are you done?”


Tianlan Zhenjun thought for a moment and said: “Little Lu, listen to me. The big man is born between heaven and earth, don’t always worry about it, broaden your horizon: Standing for the heavens and the earth, for the sake of the people, for the sake of knowledge, for the world peace …”

“Damn you!” Lu Chen scolded “Stupid fatty why are you pretending to be a good man? Do you even know what these words mean? I think you have been so excited to say that line, showing how dependable you are. Don’t act like an scholar, you can deceive only ignorant!”

Tianlan Zhenjun is not angry. Laughing, he said: “You have been very irritable recently. Ten years ago I recited mantra about anger for you, want to hear it again?”

Lu Chen: “No, I’m tired of hearing it!”

“Well… let’s put it another way, look at this huge world, there are always things that someone must do. Although there are countless people, big man have to shed blood for peace of innocent …… Hey, what do you mean by sticking out you middle finger at me? “

Lu Chen sneered: “Damn fatty, say these nonsense again, believe it or not, I will spit at you!”

Tianlan Zhenjun touched his own bald head, looked awkward and then smiled: “Uh… old habit. You know, in Immortal Alliance, I have been advise those simple-minded juniors to fight for righteousness and justice. I have to guide them …

“Scram” Lu Chen interrupted him unceremoniously “Tell me truth or I will leave.”


“Give me a reason. Why other people can leave comfortable life, while we have to fight with wicked murderers like Demonic cult?

“You don’t know?”


“Boom!” Suddenly with a loud noise, Tianlan Zhenjun slammed his palm on the ground next to him.

Deep underground, like a dragon and a tiger, and the earthquake shook, and several lines of cracks opened up, and the fissures spread around, with countless pieces of rock exploded.

“Good, I will tell you my reason!” With a smile on his face, Tianlan Zhenjun’s robe started flattering on the wind, and the whole person suddenly appeared colossal, as if he were a god or a demon.

Tianlan Zhenjun shouted loudly: “These bastards from Three Realm Divine Cult are not pleasing to the eye!”

This sentence was loud and thunderous, blasting in the sky, producing windstorm and rolling clouds. Echoes reverberated everywhere, as if the heavens repeating that sentence.


Lu Chen frowned and rubbed his head, these words kept ringing in his ears. Even his spirit was in disorder. It can be seen how powerful and fearful Tianlan Zhenjun’s shout was.

After a while, when ringing in his head gradually subsided, Lu Chen bizarrely looked at Tianlan Zhenjun. “That’s it?”

With grim expression Tianlan Zhenjun coldly said: “These idiots creating troubles all day long, to dominate three realms they are willing to sacrifice innocent people. Good man is born to like peace and harmony, living leisurely. When i see this evil cultivators, just they presence disgust me and i want to fight them to death.

Lu Chen watched this bald fatty for a while, Suddenly he laughed: “We haven’t meet for ten years, how you become so vulgar? What happened to brilliant and noble Zhenjun?”

Tianlan Zhenjun snorted : “Isn’t it becouse of your respond!”

Lu Chen waved his hand: “Don’t say that. You clearly told me that, after i join Three Realm Divine Cult, you would not recognize me as your disciple. Even if i die in front of you, i would be by oneself.”

Startled, Tianlan Zhenjun was silent for a while, eventually he sighed and whispered: “You still remember it so clearly.”

Lu Chen decided to change subject, and asked: “Cut the crap, what I would gain for helping you?”

Tianlan Zhenjun smiled, saying: “This evil cultist are very hateful, suppressing them would bring tranquility to the world. Isn’t it already good enough benefit, right?”

Lu Chen sneered: “Is there anything else?”

“Yes.” Tianlan Zhenjun sat up straight, after a moment facing Lu Chen, he transmitted: “This old man don’t have any inheritors except for you, in Kunlun you can recognize your ancestors.”

Lu Chen snorted and didn’t speak.

“All my knowledge, i will pass to you. Everything is yours.”

“I’m feeling guilty for your suffering in the past. After this, when you leave shadows and stand in light, you will become upright young master on the side of righteousness. In famous Kunlun sect, as long as you are lucky and with my full support, everything will be in your hands!”

Speaking of this, Tianlan Zhenjun hurriedly stood up, with height shoulder higher than average man, his towering figure looked like a mountain. He asked word by word: “So, do you agree?”

Lu Chen frowned, keeping silence.

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