Heir of Aurelian

Chapter 22 The Emperor's Sister

Chapter 22 The Emperor's Sister

A young girl no older than fourteen was skipping through the streets of Rome while humming a song. She had long since been couped up in her own household, and had recently heard news that a close friend had returned from a long campaign. Thus, she had snuck out of her house to go visit the man, even if it was wildly inappropriate for a girl in her position.

The petite young girl was slender for her age and like many Roman women, she had dyed her hair blonde with a mixture made from ashes of plants and nuts. The golden hair contrasted with her light tan skin, and hazel eyes nicely creating a beautiful appearance. If anyone within the city of Rome were to set their eyes upon this girl, they would immediately recognize her as Galla Placidia, the younger half sister of the Western Roman Emperor Honorius.

The girl had a pretty smile on her face as she adjusted her hair before knocking on the door to a magnificent villa which was strategically located just down the road from her own estate. After a few loud strikes, the door opened to reveal a busty blonde woman dressed in the attire of a slave. Placidia immediately recognized this slave girl as her romantic rival, and struggled to maintain her joyous appearance when she laid eyes on the woman.

“Oh Sigefrida, I did not expect you to answer the door, so the rumors are true. Marcellus is home?”

Sigefrida smiled and nodded her head before allowing the young girl into her master’s estate. She could not help but compliment the girl’s natural charm as she laid eyes on her.

“Yes, Marcellus is home. He is currently in a meeting with his mother. I have to say Placidia, you have grown more beautiful since I last saw you.”

When Placidia heard Aeliana was at the villa, she immediately felt like making a strategic retreat. Marcellus’ mother was a frightening woman, even to the Emperor’s sister. Despite the effort she had put into her appearance for this occasion, Placidia was quick to slink back towards the door as she attempted to make her escape..

“Oh… Aeliana is here? I will just come back some other time then…”

However, before she could quietly abscond from the scene, Sigefrida had latched onto the girl’s forearm and stared at her with a chilling gaze.

“Please…. stay… Marcellus will be down in a few moments.”

Though neither of the two girls were telepathic, in that moment Placidia could fully understand Sigefrida’s thoughts, and that was simply.

‘If I have to endure the bitch’s presence, so do you…’

Thus, Placidia let out a meek voice as the older woman dragged her off towards the dining hall where they waited for Marcellus’ arrival. The two of them sat in awkward silence until they could hear the sound of an argument descending the staircase.

“Mother, for the last time, you worry too much. I will be fine. Stilicho even said he will smooth things over with the Emperor for me.”

The young General was quickly fleeing his mother’s chase. The woman could sometimes drive him crazy with her incessant worrying. Aeliana was not far behind as she scolded her son for his naivety.

“You know as well as I do how that foolish boy treats you. The moment he hears you have involved yourself in a scandal, he will make an example of you. Even Stilicho can not prevent such a thing from occurring!

Aeliana was just about to curse the Emperor’s name when she stepped into the dining hall and witnessed the man’s younger sister sitting at the table with a confused expression on her face.

“Oh, Placidia, I was not expecting your visit… Please make yourself at home.”

Despite her words, Aeliana was far from pleased with this occurrence. It was bad enough that she had to monitor her son’s activities with his slave, but now the other little harlot who was after her boy’s heart was present. Marcellus did not even seem to notice the girl’s intentions as he quickly approached Placidia and hugged her.

“Placidia, it is nice to see you. Have you grown since the last time we met?’

Placidia blushed when she heard this and nodded her head in silence. She always got tongue tied around Marcellus and had commonly made a fool of herself while in his presence. The two of them had known each other for many years, and if anything, Marcellus considered the girl like a little sister to him. It took some careful untangling, but the girl managed to ask the question on her mind while she shared a platonic embrace with the man.

“Marcellus, have you gotten yourself into some trouble?”

The young general immediately tried to dodge the question as he shifted his head to the side and released his grip.

“It’s nothing serious. I’m sure your brother will be lenient.”

When Placidia heard this, she scoffed before scolding Marcellus for his naivety.

“Marcellus, you know my brother is envious of you. No matter what minor offense you have committed, he will do his best to punish you in a way that is truly degrading. Perhaps I can speak up on your behalf. Just what is it that has transpired?”josei

The young General had a hard time admitting to the girl that always looked up to him that he had been captured by a group of peasant insurgents. However, ultimately, he mustered his courage and told the girl the truth.

“I may have been taken prisoner so that Sigefrida could avoid the same fate…”

Placidia immediately covered her mouth in shock. Being captured alive as a general was a great humiliation to Rome, but what Marcellus had done was worse. He had voluntarily become a hostage in exchange for a lowly slave’s safety. When she heard this, she could not help but gaze at the woman in question with fury in her eyes.

“You let him do such a thing? What were you thinking? Do you have any idea what my brother will do to Marcellus when he finds out!?!”

Sigefrida hung her head in shame. She had no response to this line of interrogation. Luckily Placidia’s wrath was immediately overtaken with concern for Marcellus’ safety as she returned her gaze to the man.

“Marcellus, I know my brother. He will surely punish you severely for this. Stilicho can’t help you. The moment Honorius learns you are the one responsible, he will do everything he can to humiliate you. Perhaps you should flee to Constantinople. I am sure my brother Arcadius would be more than happy to accept you into his service as a General!”

When Marcellus heard the girl have such concern for him and his reputation, he smiled, while grabbing hold of her cheek with one of his palms. He shook his head as he denied the girl’s suggestion.

“I have no shame in what I have done. If Honorius seeks to make an example of me, then so be it. I do not care about my reputation so long as I can serve Rome faithfully. I could not live with myself if I fled the consequences of my actions. So long as he does not attempt to claim my life, I will endure whatever cruelty your brother has planned for me.”

Tears began to well up in Placidia’s eyes as she latched onto Marcellus like a lamprey. It was at this moment a knock resounded on the door, causing Sigefrida to leave the scene and open it. When she returned, there were several armed soldiers by her side. One of them pulled out a scroll and read from it.

“Titus Claudius Marcellus, you ware wanted for crimes against Rome, for your shameful actions which have brought dishonor to your Emperor. You are to be arrested and paraded through the streets of Rome.”

Marcellus had a bitter smile as he submitted himself to the soldiers who carried away from his Villa in chains. Placidia and Aeliana struggled to free him from his bondage, but it was to no avail. They were merely women, and were easily held back by the heavily armed guards as they took Marcellus from his home, and led him to the dungeons.

While Marcellus was being led from his house in chains, Honorius stood on a rampart above and gazed upon the scene with a wicked smile on his face. He quickly took a sip from his chalice and chuckled as he commented on the whole situation.

“I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. I knew one day you would slip up and do something foolish. It is time Marcellus, I hope you enjoy the punishment I have in store for you!”

Thus, Marcellus was forced into the dungeons where he would await his sentence. As for his loved ones, while Aeliana and Sigefrida may not have much sway in the matter, Placidia had planned to meet with her brother and do whatever was necessary to secure Marcellus’ release.

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