Hellmode ~A Hardcore Gamer Becomes Peerless in Another World with Retro Game Settings~

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

It is now the end of March, almost three months after we conquered our second A-class dungeon.

We came to this Academy City around this time last year.

The year has passed in a blink of an eye.

Soon, we will be in our second year.

Right now the five of us are deep in the third A-class dungeon, having just finished defeating a B-rank magical beast that attacked us.

“Oh? It went up.”

“Yeah, your Level has gone up.”

(Oh, yeah, Kurena finally reached it, too. Now, all four of them are Level capped.)

Kurena noticed a strange feeling that I call Leveling up. Her Level has reached 60. Her status has increased, but her status column in the Grimoire is a bit different from before.

[Name] Kurena

[Age] 13

[Talent] Master Swordsman

[Level] 60

[Strength] 2440 + 1800

[Mana] 954

[Attack] 2440 + 1800

[Endurance] 1712 + 1800

[Agility] 1648 + 1800

[Intellect] 974

[Luck] 1195

Skills: Master Swordsmanship <6>, Slash <6>, Flying Slash <6>, Crimson Lotus Break <6>, Thunder Sword <6>, Bold <2>, Swordsmanship <6>

[Extra] Limit Break

Skill Level

[Master Swordsmanship] 6josei

[Slash] 6

[Flying Slash] 6

[Crimson Lotus Break] 6

[Thunder Sword] 6

[Name] Cecil Granvelle

[Age] 13

[Talent] Mage

[Level] 60

[Strength] 1028

[Mana] 1736 + 1200

[Attack] 659

[Endurance] 842

[Agility] 1019 + 1200

[Intelligence] 2390 + 1200

[Luck] 960

Skills: Mage <6>, Fire <6>, Earth <6>, Wind <6>, Water <6>, Wisdom <2>, Kumite <3>

[Extra] Small Meteorite

Skill Level

[Magic] 6

[Fire Magic] 6

[Earth Magic] 6

[Wind Magic] 6

[Water Magic] 6

[Name] Dogora

[Age] 13

[Talent] Axe Knight

[Level] 60

[Strength] 1322 + 600

[Mana] 716

[Attack] 1741 + 600

[Endurance] 1145

[Agility] 724

[Intellect] 482

[Luck] 783

Skills: Axe Knight <6>, Full-Body <6>, Axe Throw <6>, Explosive Strike <6>, Avalanche Crush <6>, Fighting Spirit <2>, Axemanship <5>

[Extra] Body and Soul

Skill Level

[Axe Knight] 6

[Full-Body] 6

[Axe Throw] 6

[Explosive Strike] 6

[Avalanche Crush] 6

[Name] Kiel

[Age] 13

[Talent] Priest

[Level] 60

[Strength] 787

[Mana] 1499 + 600

[Attack] 598

[Endurance] 841

[Agility] 959

[Intelligence] 1321 + 600

[Luck] 1203

Skills: Priest <6>, Heal <6>, Resolute <6>, Cure <6>, Magic Wall <6>, Faith <2>, Swordsmanship <3>

[Extra] God’s Drop

Skill Level

[Priest] 6

[Heal] 6

[Resolute] 6

[Cure] 6

[Magic Wall] 6

The [Experience] column and [Skill Experience] category has disappeared from their status. It disappeared at the end of March, except for mine, as I have not reached Level 60 yet.

I think their max Level is 60 and skill Level is 6 since it’s not going up. <Swordsmanship> never was in the [Skill Experience] category so it might go up, but I don’t know at the moment.

Our party, except for me, have reached our maximum Level and Talent-based skills after a year of dungeon raids. I call this state ‘Level Cap’.

The A-class dungeon is large and long, so we decided to find a small room and make today a field trip. We have a few more days of spring vacation left, so I’m glad to have more time to devote to this project.

Everyone was preparing for the field trip and cooking together.

However, it was a wild cookout with five people who had little to no experience in cooking.

I took some wood out of <Inventory> and started a fire.

I also have dozens of drinks in barrels that can fit in my 30cm <Inventory> space.

Over the course of the year, I feel like I’ve gradually been able to improve my outdoor set.

“So you’re saying we can’t get stronger?”

Dogora talked to me as he bit into the meat.

“I don’t think “can’t get stronger” is the right word. It means that your Level and Skill Levels are up to the maximum and they can’t get any higher.”

“No, it’s the same.”

While saying it’s different, I ate a piece of hard bread warmed over the fire.

(This is totally reaching the Level Cap.)

When II was playing games in my previous life, there was no such thing as a game without a Level Cap. All games had a Level Cap; some only went up to 50, others up to 999.

I think they’ve reached the max Level.

I still remember a game where I was stuck at Level 80 for about two years without releasing it was the max Level.

Cap is an upper limit placed on your Level or Skill Level.

One question I have is why did they reach the Level Cap in just one year.

(Maybe, it’s because the Demon King raised the rank of all magical beasts by one?)

I have always thought that magical beasts give a lot of experience points since I was a child. My theory is that since the Demon King made all the magical beasts one rank stronger, then the experience points they give also got correspondingly higher.

The experience given by all magical beasts, including those in the dungeon, must have increased by one rank.

E Rank, Horned Rabbit, Experience 1→10

D Rank, Goblin, Experience 20→200

C Rank, Great Boar, Experience 100→1000

B Rank, Orc King, Experience 2500→25000

A Rank, Great Warrior, Experience 60000→600000

If the experience given is ten times the original strength of the magical beast, then the speed of Leveling up is also ten times.

“You’re all pretty strong now that you have Level 6 skills, but I don’t think it’s your limit.”

“Not our limit, is it?”

(I was surprised to see that when at Level 6, I got the same status increase as others got when their Level reached 3. My <Summon> is Level 6. If it’s an increase in stats, then the Master Swordsmen receives 1200 points increase. Well, they have two less valuable skills than I do.)

It seems that the increase in status varies depending on the rarity of the Talent.

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