Hellmode ~A Hardcore Gamer Becomes Peerless in Another World with Retro Game Settings~

Chapter 573

Chapter 573: Training pairings revised

Chapter 573: Training pairings revised

After spending 24 hours in the Earth Labyrinth, Allen slept for half a day.

Even in his past life he had always been mindful of his sleep, since the best sleep brought out the best performance in a gamer.

After waking up and taking a shower in the magic tent, he went outside, where Graham and the Wraith A summons were preparing food.

Habarak and the other dwarves were drinking like usual.

"Oh man, we're so lucky that you were here, Merus. I was worried we were going to run out of wine otherwise. Now get yourself a drink too."

'You don't have to be so stiff talking to me.'

"But you're still the former First Angel."

Habarak and Galara were also trying to get Merus to drink.

(Merus looks like a new employee being forced to drink by his seniors. Also, they've already gone through an entire wine cask. I thought they brought a lot of wine though.)

Allen felt like something was off.

When he invited the dwarves to come to the divine realm, Galara said "You should've told us earlier so we could prepare."

Then they put around 100 large wine casks in magic bags, but they seemed to be gone already.

They had also drank daily in the S Rank Dungeon, so it was nothing new for them.

While Allen had been sleeping, they had asked Merus to bring them back to the human realm, so they could bring more casks.

Summons did not need food or sleep, but they could do both if they wanted to.

Strangely enough, they could also get drunk, which was evident in Merus' red face.

"Merle and the dwarves look so happy. Even though we'll be back in the dungeon soon."

They had been going to the dungeon for 24 hours, then resting for a day until now.

"Well, the ship is about to reach the God of Music's Temple, so we can't rest too long either."

Allen checked on the Wraith A summon inside the magic ship as he replied to Cecile.

Larappa and Piyon had been taking the magic ship to the God of Music's Temple, and were about to arrive there.

Before leaving, Allen decided to give Merle and Galara a few pointers.

He sat down, and Graham served him a bountiful serving of vegetables

Seeing that Allen wanted to say something, Galara and Habarak released Merus, who then glared at Allen with drunken eyes, wishing that he had woken up earlier.

It seemed like Merus did not have much respect for Allen.

"Anyway, I'll be leaving soon, so I'd like to discuss some things with you."

Allen stepped into his role of Commandant again.

"I'll leave Merus here, Makris and Kuwatoro too. I'll be taking Graham though. I don't need many summon slots right now, so I can probably leave around 20 here too…"

Depending on how things went in other Temples, he would decrease the number to 10, or even less. Regardless, the Earth Labyrinth offered items useful for dwarves, so Allen wanted them to continue going into it.

(Maybe I should bring others here too, from the other Temples or the human realm.)

Allen had already voiced his desire to ask for a sword that would not break from Gaia if they reached the 99th floor.

"Got it, so we'll just keep trying our best."

Merle nodded vigorously hearing all of that.

"I have Sharing with everyone, so I'll try to control them myself, but I might get busy. You can take over giving orders to Merus and the rest when that happens, Merle."

"Mhm, got it."

Merus did not cook like Graham, but Allen did not really mind whether he had a good or bad disposition.

"Also, focus on getting to the 40th floor more than anything, you can always skip the locked rooms on the 10th and 30th floor."

"Huh? You don't want the Spirit Crystal Stones?"

"Level Ups are nice, but getting through is more important. I'll try to gather more people here eventually, until then just try to get as far as you can."

Allen's party was spread throughout many Temples, but he wanted to gather a few more here, which would also let him recoup some of the summon slots.

"Got it, I'll do my best."

"Don't push yourself too hard though."

After Allen gave them a few more pointers, it was finally time and he teleported away.

Allen, Cecile, and Sophie arrived at the magic ship's control room.

The scenery outside the windows was stationary, and Larappa and Piyon were not there.

"Isn't it somewhat noisy out there?"

Cecile felt like she could hear a distant fight.

"They seem to be discussing something. Alright, let's go out as well."

They went outside and saw the two Archangels that had been there the last time they visited, who were accompanied by Dogora, Kiel, Ignomas, and Lepe.

(Hmm, Rosalina isn't here.)

"So what are you talking about here?"

"Ohh, Allen. Let's get out of here once and for all."

"What? Dogora, what are you-"

"I don't want to stay here!!"

'This is the God of Music's Temple, you shouldn't raise your voice like that. La la la~'

One of the angels brought a finger to her lips, acting like a music teacher for pre-schoolers.

That reminded Allen that he had never been good with music or dancing either, and going to karaoke was a sore spot for him.

He was also grateful to have been born early when he heard that dance had been introduced as a mandatory class in schools.

"I…I think I'm about to lose it…I can't do this anymore."

"Hey, Dogora, what are you saying!!"

"I didn't come to the divine realm to learn to sing and dance here! I…I'll become a hero!!"

'No no, your movements are too rough. Try to match a more precise tempo…like this!'

The two angels began to dance with each other.

"I'm at my limit, I can't do this anymore."

"What are you doing, Dogora. This is also training."

"Shut up Ignomas! I'll never want to become like you."

Dogora was about to unfasten the Divine Artifact Kagutsuchi from his back in a fit of rage.

Kiel and Ignomas had to join together to stop him.

(I guess Dogora isn't the best fit for this training. Oh well, it was the same for Kurena. If they don't like what they're doing they won't get anywhere. I'll have to think where to place him.)

Some party members were better suited for some training than others. In a way, sitting for 1 month to meditate like Kurena was likely better than what Dogora had to endure.

Meanwhile Ignomas would do anything if he believed it brought him closer to marrying Rapsonile.

"Hurry it up already."

Lepe sat disinterested on the ground.

"You're done training then, Lepe?"

"I'm not done, but I think it's about time I go greet the Beast God Garm."

"I see. Rosalina stayed behind though?"

"Yeah, we told her you were coming, but she stayed behind saying she'll just keep singing there. She keeps getting praised for everything here so it's kinda boring."

Rosalina seemed to be fully motivated to keep enhancing her Skills there.

(I see, I guess Lepe didn't like this place too much either. But it's perfect for Rosalina.)

Lepe had been regarded as a hero in his country, being one of the Ten Heroic Beasts, and having conquered the S Rank Dungeon. But the lack of that praise was annoying him.

When he heard Dogora wanted to leave with Allen, he also decided to leave.

"I guess to each their own."

"I can't believe they wouldn't try harder when they can train though."

Cecile looked baffled.

Allen then went to the two angels.

"I'm sorry, but could we also see what kind of training she's undergoing?"

Allen felt like knowing that could help him give Rosalina some advice too.

'Don't worry about that. She was clearly born to sing.'

"Geh, and what about me?"

Lepe grumbled even more, while Allen realized that the two angels were standing in the right spot to block his vision.

Then they also noticed the way Dogora kept looking at Allen.

'We don't refuse any visitors to this Temple, and we don't impede them from leaving. I've heard the human realm is in trouble, so hurry and take them to visit the other Temples.'

Allen appreciated that they were so polite with essentially requesting they take Dogora away..

"But maybe there's ghosts, if there's any issues then maybe I could-"

'If ghosts appear then angels from the Divine Arena will be dispatched immediately.'

The angel would not leave room for arguing.

"I'd like to send my regards to the God of Music-"

'We'll gladly pass on the message.'

(Hm? Are they actually trying to get rid of me and not Dogora?)

The angels were smiling, but their eyes told a different story.josei

It seemed like Allen had been barred from entering the God of Music's Temple.

"Maybe this is because of what you did in the Spirit Paradise?"

"Hm? The Spirit Paradise? We only overcame the trial they gave us there though."

The two angels seemed to get even more stressed hearing Allen's nonchalant response.

"Anyway, you heard the angels, let's get going. Kiel you come too."

Cecile wanted to get away from there too now. Her only priority was to get to the God of Magic Isiris' Temple.

She also told Kiel to come with them.

"Me too? Well, it's not like I can gain anything from dancing here."

Kiel had not enjoyed his stay there either, though he was not as hurt as Dogora.

"If this place is safe I guess we can take Ignomas too, Rosalina should be alright."

"Alright, you want me to do something else then?"

"Yes, we'll go back to the Divine Compass Lottery."

Hearing that Cecile's crimson eyes seemed to light up.

And so Allen left the Temple of the God of Music with Dogora, Kiel, Ignomas, and Lepe, heading back to the Heavenly Country of Shandar.

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