Hell's Academy

Chapter 163

Chapter 163: Eye of Life and Death

Howard tried to use all his strength to fight Waxel, but it was even harder than fighting Barabin.

With a single fist, he seemed to possess roughly the same fire power as Howard at his maximum strength. In fact, even with Fire King's Last Stand activated, he'd most likely die in a true battle against Waxel. He seemed to be at roughly the strength of Founder Arista, but that didn't make sense. How could he be so strong, and yet be satisfied on such a small mountain?

'He might be the strongest person in all of 1000 Monster Valley, but he seems so humble. What exactly is it about him that I'm sensing. He looks vaguely familiar, and I can't figure out why."

Howard didn't know this yet, but Waxel was actually over 2000 years old, and had been best friends with one of the original Four Guardians. Way back then, he had just been a normal Authoritarian with no future prospects until a human decided to train him. 

Waxel came from a line of Authoritarians called the Great Jaw Wolves. There were thousands of them born every year, and many got killed by other Authoritarians for food when they reached adult hood. However, Waxel had out survived all his peers and broke through the limits previously known to the Great Jaw Wolves. He was now the leader of his own mountain, and felt extremely humbled to be here. Of course, this was only because of that one human Horned, Demon King's Earl's daughter, Angela.

She had once sacrificed her arm to protect him from another Authoritarian, and ever since that day he cherished protecting and nurturing those weaker than him. Even though he could probably leave 1000 Monster Valley and dominate the entire Open Furance, he preferred it here where he could nurture the young. He had a strategy too, he would antagonize a prospect he cared about, and then attack him every month.

Bracston and Warletz had so much potential. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find the Arthraku that killed him! It made him feel so much rage as he appeared like a flash behind Howard and struck him with a right fist. He used about 10 percent of his strength, but it was enough for Howard to fly into the air like a bullet and crash into a mountain.josei


Howard instantly felt all his will leave his body before Waxel shot to his side and struck him again. With a barrage of attacks, Howard could barely remain aware of what was happening. However, he had a smile on his face as his Dream Ki activated. This was how he'd get stronger!

"An opening!"

"No it's not!" Waxel smashed Howard with a right hook and spun with a back hand. Howard got hit and spun in the air from the terrifying force before three more conequeitive punches assailed his gut. Flying back, he looked up and saw two hands rushing towards his gut. He tried his hardest to activate Fire King's Embrace in time, but by the time he did he was already smashed into the ground.

"Focus!" Waxel sighed and landed by Howard's side. He immediately activated Ki Supression and made the ground begin to shake. "What are you doing? Don't you realize who you are! You're the man that survived so someone else could live! You have to get revenge! Otherwise, I'll kill you myself!"

"I-I'm sorry," Howard finally couldn't take it and a tear fell down from his eye. "I'm sorry I'm so weak! I'm sorry I can't be who you want me to be!"

Howard had only trained with Waxel for less than 5 hours, but it felt like 2 years. Every time he got hit by Waxel, he felt something travel inside of him that seemed to be Waxel's will. He could only guess that his Emperor's Ki was beginning to transform and develop a new ability. However, he couldn't quite put a hand on it! He wanted to get stronger, but everything was just too damn hard!

"Hmph, that's enough for today. Train for yourself for three hours. I'm going to go check for word on the Arthraku. Best case scenario, they're hiding so well, I can't find them. However, I really doubt it. I can sense almost everything in this valley with my Ki, and someday so will you!"


Oclen and Maclan had dug deep underground beneath the 1st Mountain Peak in 1000 Monster Valley. 

In a small cavern that they had dug, both of them sat a few feet across from each other, visualizing the last battle. Though they couldn't train for risk of being discovered by the Authoritarians in 1000 Monster Valley, they were learning at a quick pace.

Oclen saw hundreds of different ways to kill Howard now that he hadn't noticed before. When he activated that silver flame, he noticed that Howard's arm instantly ignited and grew brittle. Before Howard could ever reach him, all he had to do is destroy his arm. It was such a simple tactic, however, it wasn't something he'd thought of before. 

However, he needed to learn more about Howard. He replayed the part again when he activated Fire King's Last Stand! There had to be something there! He had to figure it out or he might die in the next battle! He had to become the leader of the Arthraku, so his father wouldn't remain in power! This was the first stop to his ascent to the throne!

"I-I'm pretty sure, it's been five days," Maclan sighed. "I checked the mountain top three times, and each time a more powerful Authoritarian was waiting there. Who the hell did we piss off?"

"This is a new territory. I didn't plan on Howard living." Oclen grinded his fist into a ball while his Ki started to burn around his body. "However, what can we expect? You can't invade an Authoritarian Kingdom, and expect for them to just let you keep destroying their kind! Damn it! If only we knew Howard could grow his horns! He'd be beyond dead!"

"Well, what are we going to do now?" Maclan looked at Oclen. His black hair had grown longer, almost all the way down to his waist, however, his muscles seemed incredibly thin. It seemed like with a single hit, he might snap in half. However, he had done this for a reason.

By changing his bodies density, he could strengthen his Ki Cells. This was a type of training only available to the Arthraku, and was something extremely valuable. It allowed his Ki to flow into his bones and increase in density. In a way, it was much better than any training he could be doing in the Abyss, however, it wasn't the most fun! He wanted to kill Howard and get out of here! What the hell was Oclen always so scared of! If only he was stronger than him, he was sure he'd have gone out 4 days ago and destroyed Howard!

Maclan took a deep breath. "What are we going to do to ensure he dies?"

"It's simple. We just got to attack Howard when he's going back home. We told him two weeks, but he won't remain more than two months without getting worried about us attacking the East Branch. When it's time, we'll rise up from the ground when he's out of this damn hell hole! And that's all we're doing! I'm in charge here Maclan. Remember who's the one who protected you from death when you hunted your first Authoritarian!"

"Hmph, I remember," Maclan had been on a hunting expeditition when he was 10 years old to get an Authoritarian with a few of the other strongest children from Arthraku's Capital, Dinarelon. It was a normal day, and peaceful, and they'd been planning on capturing a Silver Tail Lizard.

However, when they went to hunt a small child one, its father appeared and tried to evsiscerate Maclan to pieces. If not for Oclen defying all odds and attacking it, until one of the teachers arrived, he wouldv'e really been dead. Yet sometimes he wished he died because after that day the boy that used to be thought of as stronger than him received all the best training! 

Oclen had gotten put into all the best training programs because of his bravery and not necessarily his strength! The Arthraku believed bravery would turn into strength with enough polishing, but because of that day Maclan was always a mile behind! "I remember you risking your life for a little brat like me. And look what's become of it. You're now my leader, even though I was supposed to be the strongest."

"And i appreciate you, but if you try and sneak out in the night to try and assassinate him, I'm killing you myself! Trust me and wait two months! He'll leave and rush back to his girlfriend, Monica! I'm just sure of it!"


A month later,

Howard sighed and looked up at the sky.

He'd long regained his full strength and felt like he'd reached the threshold to entering the S rank. However, he couldn't do it here. He couldn't keep risking the Authoritarian's lives for his own. He belonged to the Horned and not to the Authoritarian. Even though they were really nice, he had to leave.

'The Arthraku probably made a calculated decision to wait for me out of 1000 Monster Valley. However, after a month of training with Waxel, I'm not a single step closer to learning that strange eye ability of his. Until I enter the S rank, I have a feeling I won't be able to figure it out.'

'I'll just go and wait for them to ambush me. I have a feeling now with my full strength, even Oclen will have to think twice about attacking me let alone killing me!'

Howard hadn't learned anything from Waxel for many reasons, and mostly because his skills were simply too advanced! However, he had learned how to activate the second barrier called the barrier of might. With it activated, his striking force increased by over a half and his ability to control Fire Ki also soared. If he faced his former self, he would probably be able to destroy him in just afew minutes.

He smiled and put on a black coat that Inla had made him from scratch and looked into her beautiful brown eyes. She'd grown more mature over the last month and looked like a beautiful golden budding angel. Not a single thing about her seemed hard to look at. He looked at her brown jeans she made from Howard's recommendation and couldn't help but hug her and pick her up in the air.

"Mmmm! You're so pretty! It's a shame I can't take you with me?"

"Heh, I knew that was coming," Inla kissed Howard on the lips. "However, you're almost sixteen right. You promise to return when you're eighteen and marry me?"

"I promise to marry you and introduce you to all the other girls!" Howard loved how Inla and him sometimes didn't even have to talk, and understood each other. "I promise to return and make sure you're mine! Hehe, with your beautiful looks, I don't think there will be an inch of you I won't kiss if you let me!"

Howard had made it very known to Inla that he planned on leaving, and had also told Waxel. However, before he left, Waxel wanted to fight him one time at his full strength. Waxel claimed he now used 11 percent of his power against Howard, and wouldn't let him leave until he used 15. He was certain, today, he'd make him use even 20 percent! A Black Ki surged around Howard while he walked outside towards a clearing Waxel had built for their special occasion.

Dozens of Authoritarians gathered around while Waxel waited with his arms folded behind his back.

"Howard, I think it's time I tell you a little bit more about the eye of life and death. You ready for me to use it against you in battle for the first time?"

"Bring it!" Howard stepped off his back foot and surged forward. "Today, I'll hold nothing back!"

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