Hell's Academy

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Special Mission

"You have the ability to dual wield. Look, you see this device?" Blake smiled widely and handed Howard a small floating platelet that had several colors glowing on it. It was a device used to measure what types of frequencies horns could sense. "What could it be? I have never seen that frequency before."

"What? Why are you so strange," Howard laughed and looked at the device. "What do you mean you never saw it before? How can you not recognize a frequency? Aren't you some type of mad doctor?"

"No, no hahaha! Well, for example, this is the frequency of fire that you're emitting, You see how they oscillate up and down at a rather consistent speed" Blake pointed at the device and changed the page by clicking on a panel. The next moment, a frequency that seemed almost insanely chaotic appeared on the screen of the device. "I've seen the fire frequency before with Una and several other students that you've met. However, you also have another strange reading that shows up when you fight that is this frequency right here. I-I have to think about what this means. Come back in a few hours, and we'll do some tests, okay sprout?"

"Just ignore him Howard, he's weird." Monica walked over to Howard and gently tapped him on the back. "Anyways, teacher Annibell called you over, Howard." Monica grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the teacher while suddenly an idea appeared in her mind. She blushed when turning to Howard before she finally spoke. "Anyways, what do you think about my clothes today? I haven't worn these before, so-so I figured i'd ask you. And by the way! Don't get the wrong idea!"

"I stared for a few seconds when I saw walking towards me," Howard smiled with approval and nodded his head. "I like them a lot! They look really easy to take off!"

"You-you're really something else," Monica's face flushed red while a few of the other students smiled and laughed at her. Teacher Annibell, especially, seemed somewhat captivated by the two kids interactions.

'Well, well, the uncrackable Monica is starting to show signs of breaking,' Annibell smiled and patted down next to her while Howard looked into her eyes.

"Howard, come here and stop flirting hahaha! Meet Una! She has a special mission for you," Teacher Annibell pointed at a log and gestured for him to join them. "She's your senior. She's a little bit stronger than you, so you should show her some respect."

"Nice to meet you," Una crossed her legs and moved over enough that Howard could sit next to her. She had beautiful light brown hair and eyes that seemed almost too beautiful to describe with words. She was also wearing a captivating dress that flapped in the wind. Howard couldn't help but stare. "I see you met Monica. You two seem a little too close. You a player Howard?"

"Hmph, he's like a brother, and he's definitely not a player!" Monica sternly sat down and also crossed her legs next to Una. She was not in the mood today for her games! "He's very honest." She rolled her eyes and wiped off the dust on her shirt. "Anyways, what did I miss?"josei

"Una has found a very special place in the North. Tell them what you found."

"A treasure trove," Una smiled and rubbed Howards hair while she cutely giggled. "However, it's very hot there so only people like me and Howard can go there because it's full of fire frequencies. However, it's definitely really incredibly dangerous. By the way, Howard, do you know how we label dangerous areas around here Howard? Take a guess?"

"No idea. Is it from low to high?" Howard looked at Monica and smiled at her seeing her pale skin somewhat blushing when he looked in her eyes. "Monica didn't tell me last night. All she did is hold my hand."

"Howard, stop embarrassing me!" Monica blushed and tossed a rock at him. "He was lonely, Una, so I let him stay in the convenience store. It's not like I'd do anything with him! He's younger than me, you know!"

"I see, well you two are around that age, and there aren't a lot of guys around here hahaha!" Una laughed and rubbed Howard on the head while she somewhat coquettishly smiled. It only made her lightly tanned skin all the more beautiful. "Such a handsome man deserves such a beautiful girl. But that's not what we're talking about right?"

"Anyways," Una continued, "the way we measure danger in these parts, Howard, goes from F areas to S areas. The place we're going is considered a D- rank treasure trove, which is actually quite dangerous. That may seem like a bad grade to someone like you, however, the zombies you've seen around here only occur in F rank zones."

"Ugh, she just means it's more dangerous there!" Monica blushed the more she thought about how bold Howard had been a few seconds ago. "Basically, if you go there, you have to use your head! You can't be stupid like you were in the obelisk."

"Okay, but what do I get if I go?" Howard looked at the two beautiful girls and shook his head. Una was more of the tall and beautiful type while Monica was more cute and petite. "I don't see why we need treasure. Monica is enough for me to sleep with at night. Isn't that the only treasure I need?"

"You brat! Not everything has to do with girls!" Monica grunted and tossed another rock in his direction. He dodged, but she really wanted it to hit him in the face! "In treasure troves, we can find weapons, armors, and other miscellaneous goods! We need those goods to survive!"

"Frankly, we have enemies in the Furnace Howard, and we find treasure troves to keep the other races down here at bay." Annibell smiled and looked over at Howard as he eagerly listened. She could tell something was bothering him and said "Go on."

"Do they have names?" Howard asked?

Teacher Annibel nodded her head, and drew out three names into the sand beneath her legs. "The Mocralin are much like us, and are powerful men that you wouldn't want to mess with. They are a human tribe with great abilities and got shunned here from the surface thousands of years ago. The Varlen, on the other hand, are a nomadic people that herd dream beasts while creating destruction in their wake. And Finally, there are the Aresoul, The most powerful tribe that currently exists, and the only tribe that has killed over a hundred of my students. They wear blackrobes and use chants to harness vast amounts of ki. They are so strong that they can even destroy mountains."

"Can't we also do that?" Howard created a fireball in his hand that slowly grew in size. Wasn't this also magic? "I don't get it? Why would they be dangerous?"

"That isn't magic. That's channeling, but anyways. Enough discussion for now. You seem enamored by the beautiful Una over here. Una, why don't you show Howard here the ropes? Test his strenght while you're at it."

"Of course, I'll take care of you really well, Howard. Let's go."


A few kilometers away from camp, Howard watched Una toss aside her black jacket.

She was wearing a blue dress underneath with stockings that seemed to be torn from countless battles. 

"We're going to fight?" Howard sighed while looking up at Una, who finally agreed to hold his hands after a few minutes, rubbing his hand against her arm. "Why do I have to fight such a pretty girl?"

"If you can hit me once, you can get a kiss on the cheek," Una sighed and pointed over to a set of black, leafless trees. These could be frequently spotted in the Furnace and they were almost always devoid of life. "If you hit me twice, I'll even let you kiss me on the other cheek too."

"So lame. Vicky slept with me every night without making me fight, She would just kiss me when I asked." Howard walked a few feet away from her and tossed his trinket in the air before it turned into a sword. He figured it out after hours of playing around with it and seemed quite content. 

"So what? I can attack you with all my strength? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," Una winked at him. "I've been here for much longer and reached a higher realm of strength than you can imagine. Just come on! Pretend I'm a monster! RAWR!" Una stuck out her tongue and laughed before she raised her arms into a fighting stance. "You're so cute. Let's hope you're more than just a little handsome."

"I'm dangerous. You've been warned." Howard didn't hesitate and stepped off his back foot and turned his blade towards Una's head. In response, she ducked and pushed into his gut, sending him spinning in her hand before she stepped back and thrusted forward with her other wrist.

Howard looked down shocked, seeing Una's hand moving towards his gut but losing all ability to dodge. 


Howard shot into the air and spun a few times before landing on the ground a few feet away in a pile of dirt. Yet he got back up quickly. Hopping up and down, he created two gigantic fire balls on his left and right side that grew quickly to the size of two cars, getting angrier by the second as he prepared to release them. 

"Ugh, you really are strong. I guess I don't have to hold back." Howard stepped down harder this time and instantly appeared in front of Una. He was going to hit her this time! Slashing forward, a frantic look appeared in Howard's eyes, before he slashed dozens of times at Una while she stepped back and smiled, dodging the two balls of fire moving with his hands.

"Not bad. You're much faster than I was on my second day," Una flicked her finger into Howard's head and knocked him into the distance. "However, you should know I'm stronger than you. Why aren't you trying something less direct?"

"Ow! That hurt!" Howard rolled up from the ground and tossed his sword down before he turned it back into a trinket. "This is no fun! You keep moving with some strange footsteps!"

"It's not just any footsteps. It's a technique. We might find some at the treasure trove. Anyways, is it my turn to attack?"

"No! I'm going to use my head this time! You better watch out," Howard flipped up and wiped the sweat from his head, snapping his fingers before the little droplets from his pores got set on fire. "You-you may be fast, but you can dodge thousands of attacks!"

"That's cool. How can you control that many fireballs?" Una clapped. "I'm impressed. Those might itch if they hit me."

"Hmph, you're going to regret it!" Howard held out his hand, causing hundreds of little beams of fire to shoot in Una's direction yet she already had a response.

Holding up her hand, a forcefield made out of her fire ki instantly surrounded her. She somewhat snickered as Howard's attacks crashed into the shield causing her beautiful brown locks to gently float back behind her. Yet it was pretty much over. The next moment, she abruptly increased her speed and appeared in front of Howard as he struggled to raise his sword.

"Not bad, you're strong, but it's already over." 

"Behind you." Howard smiled and snapped his fingers, causing the trinket in the air to suddenly change shape. "You didn't see what I threw."

Una turned around and saw a sword spinning inches from her face. Gulping, she ducked only to find Howards hand catching it while holding his other hand against her cheek.

"Heh, you lost, You told me to use my head and now I get to kiss yours" Howard smiled and jumped up, before kissing her on the nose. "I tossed my sword when you put your fire ki shield up. Now, do you admit you were wrong about me?"

"Never. And Hmph, you should have let it hit me!" Una's hand blurred and struck Howard's in the chest. "Now fight me again! This time, I won't hold back!"

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