Hell's Handbook

Chapter 220

Chapter 220: Kano Yuuko

Chapter 220: Kano Yuuko

The main gate opened and Ishida Shouichi came out with a smile on his face. He continued smiling as he apologized to Su Jin, “I’m sorry, Mr. Su. I actually forgot all about you. It is an oversight on my part, I am very sorry.”

Ishida Shouichi made himself seem very apologetic and humble as he immediately said sorry to Su Jin and looked very sincere about it, but Su Jin merely scoffed inwardly. If he hadn’t used his psychokinesis to contact Kano Mai and Kano Mai hadn’t told Ishida Shouichi to come out and fetch him, he was probably going to stand out here all day.

“It’s alright. Can I go in now?” Su Jin smiled nonchalantly. He was here to support Kano Mai, so even though her family wasn’t nice to him, he was willing to look past that. Of course, there was a limit to how much he was willing to look past. Ishida Shouichi and all these other people could continue pushing the boundary and pressing his buttons. Once he lost patience with them, they were going to be beaten so soundly so quickly, they wouldn’t even have the time to cry.

“Of course!” Ishida Shouichi smiled. His smile was so gleeful, as though he was happy to have made Su Jin’s life difficult.

The two men at the gate moved aside to let him pass, but before he could take his first step forward, more trouble came his way.

“Who said he could go in?” said an agitated voice in Japanese. The voice belonged to a young lady. Su Jin turned to look and saw a 17 or 18 year old girl staring disdainfully at him.

“Miss Yuuko.” Ishida Shouichi walked over immediately and introduced her to Su Jin, “Mr. Su, this lady is the third daughter of the Kano family, Miss Kano Yuuko. She said…”

“I don’t need you to translate what she said for me. I can speak Japanese too,” said Su Jin in Japanese. He had undergone foreign language training in his Personal Hell Domain and had learned Japanese a long time ago. He just hardly used it since he always spoke to Kano Mai in Mandarin.

Ishida Shouichi was a little surprised by this. To him, Su Jin was just some lucky gigolo whom Kano Mai had taken a fancy to. He didn’t expect this young man to actually learn to speak Japanese so fluently in order to gain his Young Mistress’ affection.

Su Jin had no idea that the old man thought of him as nothing more than a gigolo. If he found out, he wouldn’t know whether to be happy or sad. Su Jin wasn’t considered handsome. At best, you could just say his facial features were proportionate. But after going through so many Handbook Challenges and everything he had experienced lately, there was a strange change in the way he carried himself.

In particular, his psychokinetic powers made him seem a little flippant and somewhat carefree. It wasn’t surprising for Ishida Shouichi to mistake him for a gigolo.

“Miss Yuuko, this is Mr. Su Jin. He’s from China and he’s Miss Mai’s… friend, so it would be a little inappropriate to not let him go in.” Since Su Jin turned out to be able to understand Japanese, Ishida Shouichi wasn’t going to stupidly say something awful in front of Su Jin.

Kano Yuuko glanced at Su Jin. She agreed that this young man gave off a different sort of aura, but so what? It took more than aura to become a son-in-law of the Kano family. As far as she could tell, this weak looking fellow wasn’t up to standard.

“A son-in-law of the Kano family doesn’t have to be particularly capable right now, but he ought to have a minimum level of ambition and boldness. After you were barred from entering, you just stood out here and waited for my older sister to fetch you. Such a useless man doesn’t deserve my sister.” Kano Yuuko spoke very directly and made it clear that she thought of him as a useless weakling.

Su Jin rubbed his nose and smiled. “And what do I have to do in order to meet the standard? If I had fought those guards, wouldn’t you say that I’m a rude barbarian from the countryside who doesn’t deserve your sister?”

He could tell immediately that Kano Yuuko was just trying to make things difficult for him, so no matter what he did or said, she was going to paint him in a negative light.

She scoffed and said, “If you fought those guards? The Kano family guards are the best fighters in all of Japan and they’ve all undergone very strict training. And you think you’re a match for them?”

Su Jin shrugged and said, “I don’t want to stand here and argue with you all day. The eldest daughter of the Kano family has invited me in. Are you really going to stand in my way?”

“The eldest daughter of the Kano family? I’m a daughter of this family too. Mai’s instructions are valid, but aren’t my instructions valid too? I’m going to say it right now: the Kano family does not welcome you.” Kano Yuuko sneered at Su Jin. To her, Su Jin was nothing more than a piece of trash who was weak, shameless ,and was hoping to gain reputation, wealth, and power through her older sister. Such a man was not qualified to even walk into her house.

Su Jin shook his head. Was this girl stupid or something? She had made the situation so awkward now, but if he got Kano Mai to come out now, this young lady was definitely going to end up apologizing to him instead. The more she made things difficult for him, the more embarrassing it was going to be for her.

“Of course, you could complain about me to my sister. That’s what a weak man does best, right?” said Kano Yuuko in a mocking voice.

Su Jin’s lips twitched. This young lady wasn’t all that stupid after all. It had only taken her one sentence to throw him into a dilemma. He could go ahead and call Kano Mai to come out and resolve this situation, but if he did that, he would become the weak man that this girl spoke of. Being mocked by this girl made Su Jin very annoyed indeed.

“So, what do you think would be the best way for me to join this party without looking like a weakling?” asked Su Jin half-jokingly.

“Do you really have to ask me? Didn’t you say you could fight the guards?” Kano Yuuko took a step backwards and got the two guards to take a step forward.

The two guards immediately got into a fighting stance. They were employed by the Kano family, and Kano Yuuko was considered a high ranking family member. Her instructions were the same as an order from the family.

Su Jin shook his head. He had hoped to quietly and calmly accompany Kano Mai during her trip home, but clearly, things were not going the way he had hoped. Sometimes, it was easier to solve a problem with violence.

“In that case, I won’t hold back anymore.” The look in Su Jin’s eyes hardened as he charged at the two guards.

Kano Yuuko and Ishida Shouichi followed Su Jin, but by the time their gaze caught up with Su Jin, the two guards were already lying on the ground and Su Jin was dusting his hands off.

“It’s over?” Kano Yuuko could hardly believe her eyes. How could the fight end when it hadn’t even started? How did the two guards end up sprawled on the ground? The Kano family guards were the best fighters in Japan, and they could fight ten men by themselves. How could such a weak looking man like Su Jin have knocked them out in an instant?

Su Jin didn’t care about what Kano Yuuko or Ishida Shouichi thought of him. He marched past them and walked into the estate, leaving both of them to stare at the two guards in shock.

“What just happened? They’ve both fainted.” Ishida Shouichi squatted down to take a closer look at the two men and confirmed that the two guards had been knocked out cold.

Kano Yuuko was in a state of disbelief as well. After thinking about what could have happened, she said, “Could he have used a drug of sorts, so the two of them lost consciousness immediately?”

Ishida Shouichi froze for a moment before nodding. “That is extremely possible. I myself know of several drugs that could make an ordinary fighter faint instantly.” josei

Kano Yuuko felt a little more assured after Ishida Shouichi agreed that her guess was plausible. *So, he’s just a clown who’s used some underhand methods. But how dare he use such shameless methods in front of me*, thought Kano Yuuko. *This fellow is definitely a gigolo who’s just hoping to make use of my older sister. I cannot allow him to stay by my sister’s side.*

Meanwhile, Ishida Shouichi’s gaze kept flickering. He had inspected the two unconscious men again and noticed that some digested food had shot out from their mouths, which meant that their stomachs could have been hit just before they lost consciousness. If Su Jin had drugged them, then even if this drug caused them to vomit, the food would dribble out of their mouths, not shoot out like this.

“What’s going on? Could it be… that this young fellow is really some expert Chinese martial artist?” Ishida Shouichi looked puzzled for a moment, but his gaze quickly became steady again. So what if Su Jin turned out to be a martial artist? This was the Kano family after all. Unless Su Jin was some outstanding grandmaster, a martial artist would still be defeated easily.

By this time, Su Jin had already made his way into the party venue. He located Kano Mai easily since he had left a trace of psychokinesis on her, but she was now like a superstar, surrounded by a large group of elegant and classy looking members of high society trying to butter up to her.

He did not walk over to bother her and just found a place to sit down with some food and drink. Kano Mai noticed him and was relieved to see him come in. She threw him an apologetic glance, but he just smiled and motioned to her that he was fine and she need not worry about him.

Kano Yuuko and Ishida Shouichi entered the hall shortly after him. They both glanced at Su Jin, but walked away from him. They didn’t want to get into a conflict with him at the party itself.

Instead, Kano Yuuko started walking toward another part of the hall that had gathered a lot of attention as well. A man in a black hakama was standing there. A wooden sword hung from his belt, and he looked especially handsome. A lot of the wealthy young ladies kept looking at him, but he only smiled politely in return and did not do anything else.

“Tooru-kun!” called out Kano Yuuko affectionately as she approached him.

He nodded and smiled at her. “Miss Yuuko.”

“Tooru-kun, my sister is over there. Why aren’t you going over to say hello?” asked Kano Yuuko with a big smile on her face.

He smiled faintly and said, “I heard that Miss Mai has brought her boyfriend back as well, so… disturbing her at this time seems a little inappropriate.”

Even though he had put it so nicely, there was nothing but contempt in his eyes. He had just received news that the man that Kano Mai brought back was merely a weak and bulliable young fellow.

“Humph, he’s just a loser who lives off women. He can’t be compared to Tooru-kun from the Miyamoto family. Besides, my sister will naturally go with the marriage arranged by Grandpa before he passed away. You are a son-in-law of the Kano family!” said Kano Yuuko resolutely.

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