Hell's Handbook

Chapter 257

Chapter 257: Taking The Rap AGAIN

Chapter 257: Taking The Rap AGAIN

Black Leopard shook his head. He was only a member of Firebird, and he knew about this only because the local government had special ties with Firebird. He didn’t know much more than this.

Su Jin thought about why this could be happening but couldn’t think of anything, so he decided to ignore it for the moment. If someone was looking for him, they would meet sooner or later.

He thanked Black Leopard politely, and hearing this upset Black Leopard. To him, Su Jin was a powerful man. How powerful? Definitely more powerful than Kassimo. If you had done such a powerful person a favor, getting a nod from them would already be a great honor, never mind hearing them thank you.

Black Leopard felt that powerful people should not behave like this, but it was hard to blame him for thinking this way. In the mercenary world, the strongest person was seen as the leader. If you were just the slightest bit polite, you would be seen as a weakling. The leader had to hold their head high at all times. Even if there was a rock ahead of them, they had to just bash right through it. Otherwise, they’d be seen as cowardly or useless.

Of course, Su Jin had no idea that such thoughts were going through Black Leopard’s mind. After chatting for a while, they all went back to their rooms to rest. The International Mercenary Exchange was going to continue the next day, but Su Jin and Kano Mai didn’t have to do anything about that, so they weren’t worried about it at all.

After returning to his room, Su Jin hadn’t slept for long when he felt a beam of psychokinesis coming toward the bungalow he was in.

He remembered what Black Leopard had said earlier and wondered if this was coming from the ones who were investigating him. But he didn’t expect the other party to have psychokinesis. He had met two people with psychokinesis over the last two days, which made it seem like psychokinesis was some cheap power that everyone could have.

Since these people had come knocking on his door, he couldn’t possibly just go on hiding like this. He did not wake anybody up, choosing instead to open the window on his balcony and leap out. He also released a bit of his psychokinesis to tell the other party that he had discovered them already.

Once he did that, the other party immediately followed Su Jin and moved away from the bungalow, since their target was Su Jin.

Su Jin moved all the way to a deserted area and stood with his hands folded behind him. He was curious to find out who had come all the way to North Africa to make trouble for him. Could it be someone from Firebird who was indignant that he had killed Kassimo? But if that was the case, then why would Black Leopard come to warn him?

Before long, three people emerged from the darkness. It was a group of two men and one woman: Murray, Jack, and Tracy.

Murray was much more energetic than he was in the day, and the glint in his eyes was practically lighting up the place. Jack, on the other hand, looked rather tired. It was bedtime for most people right now, after all.

“The three of you are the ones who have been trying to investigate me?” Su Jin glanced at the trio.

Murray nodded and said, “Mr. Su, was it? We have only one motive in coming here. We want to know if Keith’s death has anything to do with you.”

“Keith?” Su Jin paused for a moment before remembering the Caucasian man on board his flight here. He laughed and said, “Are you referring to the madman on my flight? The one who wanted to kill all the passengers on my plane?”

Murray nodded. “Looks like Mr. Su has admitted to being the murderer. We will need you to pay the price for doing such a thing.”

“I do admit to being the murderer. After all, there is a limit to how much I can tolerate assholes and you guys have also crossed the line now,” said Su Jin with a smile.

Since the three of them were here because of that crazy guy on the plane, then they were definitely Handbook owners as well. And since they dared to make trouble for him, then they had to be prepared to pay the price for doing that.

Su Jin’s tough stance made Murray and Jack wary inside. This made them even more certain that this man who called himself Su Jin was actually that master in psychokinesis, Xu Ran.

Tracy, on the contrary, was very excited. She had hoped to meet Xu Ran for ages and had already decided on how she was going to attack him. She believed that she had found a way to increase her level of psychokinesis, a method to make that happen for herself alone, which was to swallow up the power of a formidable psychokinesis owner.

Her idea was a little crude and was similar to how some Chinese believed that you could nourish a particular part of the body by eating the same part of an animal. But this had actually worked for Tracy. She had previously tried swallowing the powers of owners who had just awakened their Psychokinetic Spirit Power and her own would grow in size. So, when she guessed that Su Jin was actually Xu Ran in disguise, she became especially excited.

Su Jin had taken note of the expressions on their faces and was rather puzzled. He could understand why the two men looked wary, but why was this woman so excited?

“Since you’ve admitted to it, why do you continue to hide your true identity?” said Murray in a deep voice. josei

“Hide my true identity?” Su Jin wondered if they had gotten the wrong person, but he did not react otherwise and just kept smiling at them.

“You’re from China, male, Handbook owner and you possess a high level of Psychokinetic Spirit Power. If you put all this information together, only one person fits this bill. You… are actually Mr. Xu Ran, aren’t you?” said Jack confidently, thinking he was clever for putting two and two together.

Su Jin nearly burst out laughing. He felt so apologetic toward Xu Ran. Then again, Xu Ran had himself to blame for being so famous. Xu Ran had taken the rap for Su Jin a few times now. Back then, the organization under Shen Wu who went around robbing other owners made this mistake, then the Mad Hatter had also mistaken Xu Ran for Su Jin. And now, these three had gotten it wrong again.

He wondered if he ought to give Xu Ran an award for being the most helpful person in the world, since Xu Ran had helped to take the rap for him way too many times. And based on the way this confusion usually happened, this wasn’t going to be the last time either.

“Whether I am or not isn’t the point. How do you intend to settle this?” asked Su Jin.

Murray frowned and said, “An eye for an eye. I’m sure you understand what this phrase means.”

“Indeed, I do. An eye for an eye, huh. Who among the three of you is going to take my eye?” His last three words thundered loudly in the ears of the trio. Who among them could possibly kill him?

This was the problem that all three of them had been worried about in the first place. To them, this man was Xu Ran, a top expert in using psychokinesis. Even if an army of members from the Dark Council fought him at the same time, they still might not win the fight.

“Damn it, even the best psychokinesis owner can’t possibly be invincible!” cursed Murray under his breath. His arms shook violently and he transformed into a colony of bats that flew straight for Su Jin.

Su Jin unleashed his psychokinesis and the silver light from his eyes turned into a large net that caught all the bats. Murray immediately changed his form and turned every bat into a red beam of light that shot out from the gaps in the net.

In the same way, Su Jin turned his psychokinesis net into a silver bowl that reached the ground, so the red beams couldn’t get out at all.

“That’s terrifying!” Jack couldn’t help but remark in horror. Psychokinesis was a force that could take any shape or form, so no matter what Murray transformed himself into, Su Jin had a way of dealing with it.

“Argh!” The red beams converged to form Murray’s body again. He let out angry yells as he smashed fist after fist against the silver bowl of psychokinesis on top of himself, but his punches only made the silver light shake and ripple. He couldn’t get through at all.

Su Jin remained silent. Murray was able to transform himself into two different states and his physical body was quite strong too, so that was considered not bad for an owner. He was probably around the same level as that skinny old man in W City and an average psychokinesis owner would have been no match for him. Unfortunately for Murray, he had run into Su Jin.

“Shrink!” Su Jin was like a wizard as he gave the command and made the bowl over Murray shrink. There was no need for him to launch any other sort of attack on Murray. Once the bowl shrank beyond a certain size, it would pretty much crush Murray into a meatball, unless Murray was able to stay as red beams of light for a long time.

But it was clear that Murray wasn’t able to do that and he was beginning to fear for his life. Just then, a high-pitched noise resounded suddenly, which echoed inside Su Jin’s brain and caused his focus on his psychokinesis to fall apart.

“I have psychokinesis too, so I understand you more than anybody else,” said Tracy with a charming smile. She held a hummingbird-like creature in her hands, and that was where that sound had come from.

Su Jin clutched his forehead with one hand. That sound had come too suddenly, and he had been badly impacted because he hadn’t been prepared for it at all. His entire head was spinning, and he couldn’t pull his psychokinesis together at all.

“Time to die!” Murray seized this chance to dash toward Su Jin. One of his fists was covered in a dark mist that turned his hand into what resembled a demon’s claw. He used it to punch Su Jin squarely in the face.

Su Jin was like a shooting star as he flew backward and crashed heavily onto the ground, creating a large crater as a result.

Murray’s face lit up and he said to Tracy, “Your method’s really effective! I can’t believe how easy it was to cut through his psychokinesis. Once a psychokinesis owner can’t use psychokinesis, he’s nothing more than a useless bum.”

Tracy smiled prettily and said, “I told you before, a psychokinesis owner knows another psychokinesis owner best. But I can’t use this method more than once. If he’s prepared for it and can retract his psychokinesis quickly enough, it won’t work.”

“HAHA! And what’s the point of having psychokinesis if you have to keep it inside you the whole time?” Murray laughed merrily. He had been prepared for the worst after he had been trapped in that bowl, so now that he had defeated Su Jin, he was especially elated.

Jack said, “That’s… it? The most formidable owner of the East, Xu Ran, a master in psychokinesis, was defeated just like that?”

“There’s an old Chinese proverb that says that a good attack is one that’s surprising and is targeted at an area where the opponent is not prepared for. You might find it simple, but this was a risky move. If this tactic didn’t work, guess what would have become of us by now?” said Tracy to Jack with a smile.

Jack thought through her words and shuddered immediately. He had seen how Murray had been trapped in that huge bowl earlier. If Tracy’s method hadn’t worked on Su Jin, then the three of them would probably end up under their own bowl.

Tracy licked her lips greedily and was prepared to absorb the powers of a mighty psychokinesis owner. Just then, someone suddenly stood up in the middle of the huge crater in the ground.

“You’ve got pretty good moves up your sleeve. Let’s start on round two?”

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