Her Husband is My Lover

Chapter 20 - I Will Keep Her Safe.

Chapter 20 - I Will Keep Her Safe.


"She left?" George asked as he walked inside his home office, and Xavier followed him! Xavier closed the door from the behind, and walked into the office! 

"How could she leave like that!" uttered George, getting high at nerves! Xavier rolled his eyes seeing George's overreaction!

"We can't do anything now, Dad!" Xavier replied, making George face him!

"WHAT? We can't do anything?", George raised his voice!

"Dad, you know Val very well!", said Xavier, making George sigh!

"That BITCH...", cursed George, making Xavier take a deep breath! 

"Dad...", said Xavier and George looked at him!

"It's your fault for thinking to use her for your business! She is correct from her point of view! Wouldn't have you done the same if you were in place of Val?" Xavier asked, raising his brows!

"Can you shut up now?," George got irritated and Xavier sighed!

"You can't accept the truth! So, you are shutting my mouth! Just don't do this with me taking advantage of my weakness anymore!" Xavier said making George chuckle!

"Son..." George called making Xavier take a deep breath! 

"I guess, I need to leave... See you in the morning!" Xavier said!

"Son, wait!" George called as Xavier was about to walk out of the room!

Xavier turned around and looked at George!

"Just do me this help!" George said and Xavier shook his head in No!

"I already did enough for you!" Xavier replied!

"Val is close to you... You can make her understand!" George said!

"Are you crazy? Why will she sell her shares to Mr. Morton?" Xavier asked with a frown!

"Son, he wants her shares in her company! It's not like, we are asking her company!" George answered!

"Dad, I don't know what deals you are making with Rose's Dad but let me make you this clear that Valentina will never sell her shares to Anyone! Neither Me nor Mr. Morton!" Xavier replied!

"I don't care! I want you to do this someone!" George said!

"Do what dad?" Xavier asked!

"Get me her shares!" George answered and Xavier chuckled!

"If she gets to know that we are talking about her shares, she will make our company on her name even without our knowing! You know about her so well! She is the woman who can do anything even without mercy on anyone!" Xavier said and George sighed!

"She is a woman and still a kid in this business! Do you think, she can beat me in this business?" George asked and Xavier chuckled!

"She already did, Dad! She already crossed you in the business! And woman? Don't look down at woman! She is the woman who can bend your heads so easily! She is not doing anything to your business yet means then think that it's her gratefulness she is showing on you or else, you would have been on streets till now!" Xavier answered making George angry!

"Xavier..." George called his name angrily!

"Dad... I am not doing anything! You already ruined my life! I can't do anything right now! I just can't live like this feeling guilty all my life!" Xavier said with tears in his eyes and George chuckled!

"This is all normal, Son! You don't have to feel like that! It's all about business! Everything is fair in business!" George said!

"Dad... Just don't talk about it, please! I don't want to go back to my old self!" Xavier replied and opened the door and walked out of the room closing the door behind his back!

"Arghhhh!" George shouted as Xavier closed the door behind his back!

"Valentina, it's time to make you learn a lesson!" George said with an evil smile!

Xavier sighed as he walked upstairs to his room and opened his room door! As he opened his room door, He saw Rose smiling looking into her phone!

Xavier frowned and walked inside the closing the door behind his back! Rose turned around as she heard the door closing sound! 

"Ohh... You back?" Rose asked and Xavier nodded as he walked towards the restroom! 

Xavier walked inside the restroom and got under the shower! 

He took a deep breath as the hot water dropped on his body! 

"I am sure, Dad will do something silly again!" Xavier said to himself as he sighed!

"But why is he all doing this?" Xavier asked!

"Why is he hell adamant of ruining his own son's life?" Xavier asked himself as tears rolled in his eyes!

"I need to find out about this before it goes out of my hands!" Xavier said as he nodded his head!

"And why Mr. Morton is behind Val's shares?" 

"I need to keep Val carefully! She is already hurt! I don't want her to get her more hurt!" Xavier said as he sighed! historical

"I will! I will do anything for her to keep her safe! No matter what, I will keep her safe from these evil people!" Xavier said as he took a deep breath! 

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