Her Husband is My Lover

Chapter 48 - Valentina Didn't Lose Her Self Respect!

Chapter 48 - Valentina Didn't Lose Her Self Respect!

"What?" Margaret shouted and Jason shouted! 

"Yeah... Xavier git married to another woman!" Jason answered! 

"To whom?" Margaret asked!

"Rose Morgon!" Jason answered! 

"What? That bitch..." Margaret cut off in mid-sentence as she saw Jason looking at her rating his eyebrows at her! 

"Umm... I mean, Why her?" Margaret asked and Jason shrugged his shoulders!

"But... Xavier and Valentina love each other right?" Margaret asked and Jason nodded his head in yes!

"Words, Jason!" Margaret said!

"Yes, mom!" Jason replied! 

"You really don't know why?" Margaret asked!

"No! I don't!" Jason answered! 

"Oh, God! But when did they got married!? We don't have an idea about this? Why the news is not out yet if the great Xavier Avalanzo got married?" Margaret asked and Jason shrugged! 

"How would I know that? I guess, you need to ask that to Avalanzo's!" Jason answered! 

"No jokes, Jason!" Margaret said!

"Alright!" Jason replied! 

"How is Valentina is taking this?" Margaret asked making Jason chuckled and Margaret frowned! 

"Why are you chuckling? I asked you how Valentina is holding this? What about their love now? They almost loved each other for a long time... I guess around 9 years?" Margaret asked and Jason nodded his head!

"Answer! I want words out from your mouth!" Margaret said making Jason sigh!

"You order around a lot! I don't know how Dad is living with you!" Jason replied!

"Shut the hell up! Ask him later yourself! Just tell me about Val now or else, I will go and meet now!" Margaret said and Jason's chuckled again!

"She might be busy in romancing, Mom! Why do you want to disturb her?" Jason asked! 

"What?" Margaret asked! 

"Valentina is becoming a slut again, Mom..." A tight slap landed on his face even before he completes the sentence!

He looked up at Margaret and saw her angry face!

"Shut the hell up! Or else... I will kill you! You can't just talk about a girl like that. Think whatever you want seeing me slap you. But I don't care! Whatever the reason is, it doesn't matter. Because You don't have any right to call any girl slut or a bitch. I didn't make you grew up for calling a woman slut or bitch! Don't forget that you are calling a girl a slut that you are in love with! Don't ever... I mean, don't ever repeat it again in front of me again! Do you understand?" Margaret asked with an angry face! 

"Yeah... Sorry, Mom!" Jason answered as he sighed! 

"Tell me what happened now!" Margaret asked as she grabbed an ice pack! 

"I don't know what happened too but suddenly, a few days back... I think, a week back... Val came to my house and said Xavier got married to Rose Morgon! I was shocked is an understatement..." Jason cut off in mid-sentence as Margaret kept the ice pack on his cheek!

"Ahh... It hurts!" Jason said!

"Continue." Margaret replied making Jason groan! 

"What? I said to you too continue!" Margaret replied making Jason sigh!

"Alright..." Jason said as he sighed!

"Ok... So, As Valentina said that, I was shocked because it's so much to take it! I mean... Val and Xavier were together until the day before he got married! But he never informed her that he is going to marry! He is literally keeping things away from Valentina, mom!" Jason said and Margaret looked at her! 

"What did Val did?" Margaret asked and Jason looked at her!

"What?" Margaret asked making Jason sigh!

"She didn't do something silly to herself! Did she?" Margaret asked with a worried face!

"What do you think, Mom? That Valentina's is will hurt herself for this?" Jason asked making Margaret frown!

"No... Until I know she will not do something silly but I am worried about her. She loved him from her whole heart." Margaret answered and Jason nodded his head!

"True that she loved him from her whole heart but Xavier left her even without a hint but still, she is behind him." Jason said making Margaret frown!

"What?" Margaret asked! 

"Val promised herself to make Xavier hers no matter what and now, she seduced him and... They both are..." Jason cut off in mid-sentence as he looked up at his mom frowning face.

"They both what?" Margaret asked!

"They both..." Japan stuttered!

"They both what?" Margaret asked!

"They both are again together!" Jason answered making Margaret wide her eyes!

"What? You mean, Valentina is sleeping with Xavier who is married to someone else?" Margaret asked with a shocked face!

Jason nodded his head as he again started having his breakfast! 

"But... How? Valentina will never get so low to have a married man in her life." Margaret said and Jason sighed!

"If you don't believe me... Go and ask her! She will tell you everything!" Jason replied making Margaret sigh!

"But how did all this happen? Didn't you try to talk with her?" Margaret asked and Jason nodded his head in yes!

"I tried but she is not at all ready to let it go!" Jason answered!

"Ohhh... This girl... Wait... What about Xavier then? Sleeping with Valentina mean, he is cheating on his wife?" Margaret asked and Jason nodded his head in yes!

"Oh my... This is so messed up! Even though, Rose Morgon is a bitch... Xavier doesn't have the right to cheat on his wife!" Margaret said and Jason nodded!historical

"Mom, I think... We should leave off to them what they want because how much we tried to talk to make it alright... No one is gonna listen to us! Because everyone in this world is greedy to have something! We can't stop Valentina or anyone!" Jason replied and Margaret looked at her!

"But Jason... Don't you love Val?" Margaret asked!

"I do, Mom! But... She is back together with Xavier and she is hell adamant on having in his life! I was with her from the past 5 years! We moved closer but She never looked at me in any such manner other than a best friend. That supported her in every way! Maybe... We are not meant to be! If we are... We would have been together a long back... Heck, we would have been got together the day Xavier got married to Rose!" Jason answered with teary eyes! 

Margaret sighed as she hugged him tightly! 

"But... Mom. Whenever I see her craving for Xavier... It hurts my heart so badly. I want to grab her in my arms and wants to tell her how much I love and how much I crave for her. I want her in my life, Mom... But it seems like it never ever happens!" Jason said as he cried on his Margaret shoulders!

Tears rolled in Margaret's eyes but she couldn't do anything because she is now a helpless mother who can't help his son at all!

"I can understand you, Son! Calm down!" Margaret replied as she caressed his hair! 

"Why it is only happening to me, Mom? What did I do to deserve this? I just loved a girl... But she never thought of me in any way! Can't she sense how much I love her? Seeing her together with Xavier is breaking my heart into the piece! I feel like to kill him whenever his bloody hands touch her!" Jason said and Margaret hugged him more tightly!

"Calm down... We will figure out something!" Margaret replied!

"No, Mom! It's not happening to me! I can't bear this anymore! This is too much to take in!" Jason said and Margaret released him and cupped his face!

"I can understand you, Jason! I can totally understand what you are going through right now! But trust me... You will heal... Sooner or later! It will take some time! You will overcome out." Margaret replied and Jason shook his head in No!

"I want Valentina in my life, Mom! Please do something and get her out of this mess! Please!" Jason pleaded his mother! 

"Jason, we can't do anything, Son..." Jason cut off Margaret in mid-sentence!

"Val will listen to you. Just try talking with her for once... Please." Jason requested making Margaret look into his eyes!

"Please. I didn't ask you anything until now... But now, I asking you Valentina for the first time from you! Do something and bring Valentina to me. I want Valentina in my life. I want to spend the rest of my life with her, Mom!" Jason said making Margaret sigh!

"Okay... I will try to talk with her... But..." Margaret cut off in mid-sentence as she looked at Jason!

"But?" Jason asked!

"What if she doesn't listen to me either?" Margaret asked!

"She will... She respects you. You are more than her mom! She shared everything with you." Jason answered!

"Yes. She does. So, I know how she feels for Xavier! She is obsessed over him like you are for her! This obsession is making her do anything for Xavier! It sounds like a mistress in your words! That is, she will anything for Xavier even it means to be his mistress... She will just because she loves him!" Margaret replied!

"Love is a strong bond in this world, Jason! Love will make you do everything even which you don't want too... If it's really a true love... And if you deserve that love in your life then it will be meant to you in anyhow... That love will come finding you even from the corner of the world! You don't have to find it... It will make you stumble on it unexpectedly and make you fall in love! It's the only powerful thing in this world that makes a person go crazy about it! They will anything for it!" Margaret said with caressing Jason's cheek!

"But that love is not good for her, Mom." Jason said!

"It doesn't matter, Jason!" Margaret replied with a bright smile on her face! 

"It does, Mom... Xavier is not right for her..." Jason tried to explain it but seeing Margaret chuckle made him cut off in mid-sentence!

"Nothing matter to Love, Son! If you love someone truly... You can stop loving them till your last breath! Love doesn't at all fade away! If you think that you stopped loving someone then it's not at all love... But might be an infatuation or Attraction! You want to do anything to make that love yours and that is what Valentina is doing right now! She is tired of seeing people around her not loving her and the guy that loved her truly is Xavier! He is the only one who made her feel special in every way!" Margaret said!

"But... He married an another woman, Mom! Isn't this mean that he doesn't love her?" Jason asked!

"We are not sure if he loves her or not! But, if Valentina is getting so low to get Xavier on her life then it's true love! Yes, you can question that she doesn't have any self-respect that she is getting so low in front of Xavier?" Margaret asked and Jason nodded!

"She has self-respect! Because Until I know, Valentina is not a person to beg to a person to be near her! She didn't keep her self respect away for Xavier! Ask her again clearly and let me know of Xavier came to her or she went to Xavier?" Margaret asked with a smile!

"If she went to Xavier then She lost her self respect in making him hers but if Xavier came to her then she didn't lose her self respect but found it out that Xavier can't live without her! She got to know his weakness for her!" Margaret said making Jason sigh!

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