Her Husband is My Lover

Chapter 56 - They Can Never Be Together!

Chapter 56 - They Can Never Be Together!

"Oh my... My sweetheart is here..." Elijah said with a smile as he got up from the couch and walked towards Margaret, Valantina, and Jason.

Elijah walked towards Valentina and they both hugged each other. Elijah kissed Valentina's forehead while Jason groaned.

"How are you, love?" Elijah asked Valentina and she smiled back at him with a bright smile.

"I am good, Uncle Elijah. How about you?" Valentina asked.

"I am so fine, Love. Heard you are sick. Are you alright now?" Elijah asked and Valentina nodded her head in yes.

"Yes... I am alright... That was nothing... Just stressed and tired!" Valentina answered and Elijah hugged her again.

"You need to be careful and shouldn't work hard, Love. Look, you became so thin too." Elijah sajd making Valentina laugh out loud.

"Come on, Uncle Elijah... Don't joke." Valentina replied and Elijah shook his head.

"I am not at all lying, Love..." Elijah said and Valentina nodded her head.

"Can you please look at your own son now?" Jason asked with a little annoyed face.

"Ohh... Yeah... Now, I think, My son finally remembers his dad and came to meet him." Elijah said and Jason rolled his eyes.

"I missed you!" Jason said looking into Elijah's eyes making Valentina smile.

Elijah smiled and walked in front of Jason.

And Jason just hugged him tightly.

"I miss you a lot, Dad." Jason said making Elijah chuckled.

"Come on, my brave man... Don't become emotional now!" Elijah replied making Margaret smile brightly.

"Why are you so good to Valentina and why not for me?" Jason asked making Valentina chuckle.

"Because she is a cutie pie..." Elijah answered.

"And what I am?" Jason asked.

"A stupid." Elijah answered.

"Dad..." Jason said making Elijah chuckle. Elijah hugged Jason again tightly.

"I miss you too!" Elijah replied making Jason smile.

"How are you?" Jason asked.

"Good. How about you?" Elijah asked.

"Good, Dad." Jason answered and Elijah nodded his head as he just kept staring at his son. 

"Why are you staring at him like that?" Margaret asked Elijah and he shook his head in nothing.

"Nothing..." Elijah answered and Jason smiled at him.

"Alright... Go to your rooms now. Get fresh and come downstairs for diner if you are not tired or else... I will send the dinner to your rooms." Margaret said.

"No, Mom... I will join the dinner with you guys tonight." Jason replied.

"Me too..." Valentina replied making Margaret and Elijah smile brightly.

"Alright... The dinner will be done in a few minutes then!" Margaret said and Jason, Valentina nodded their heads. 

Jason and Valentina walked upstairs to their rooms while Elijah turned towards Margaret.historical

"You did well bringing her here!" Elijah said and Margaret nodded her head with a smile.

"I know right... She was so stressed with her life... She needs to chill now." Margaret replied making Elijah chuckle.

"Yeah... Yeah... Let's make her chill in her holiday then." Elijah said making Margaret nod her head as she laughed and he joined in her laughter too.

"Get fresh, Love... I think you are tired." Elijah said as he tucked the hair behind Margaret's ears and She nodded her head.

"I will... But first, tell me... Didn't you miss me?" Margaret asked making Elijah chuckle.

Elijah wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the corner of her lips.

"I did... A lot... And thank you for bringing my son here... After so long..." Elijah answered looking into Margaret's eyes and she blushed.

"Well... I want him to come home... Because it's been so long he didn't visit us and I want him to settled down in his life right now! So, we can talk with him about it!" Margaret said making Elijah sigh.

"We will talk later about this... Not now!" Elijah said as he left Margaret and walked away.

Margaret sighed but walked behind Elijah.

"Elijah... Listen to me... Please." Margaret said with her cute puppy eyes and Elijah shook his head.

"Not right now... Later." Elijah replied as he sat down on the couch.

"Please..." Margaret again said.

"No, Margaret... Understand me... I said later!" Elijah replied making Margaret sigh.

"Fine..." Margaret replied and walked away from him to upstairs to their room. Elijah sighed as she walked away.

"I don't think... They can be together..." Elijah said to himself as he took a deep breath. 

Valentina walked out of the restroom wrapping a towel around her waist and sighed as she didn't look at her bags. 

"I need to arrange them in my wardrobe now... But I am so tired right now..." Valentina said as she sighed.

Just then, the door suddenly got opened revealing Jason.

"Oh my god... I... I... I am so sorry... I didn't mean to see you like this... Wear something... Why are you roaming around your bedroom with just a towel without even locking your door for god's sake? Don't you have that minimum common sense to lock while you are roaming around like this?" Jason asked as he turned away making Valentina widen her eyes.

"Woah... Woah... Woah... Hold your horses... Why do you mean by roaming around in the towel? I am just roaming in my room, not in yours. And it's you, who doesn't give that minimum common sense to knock before you walk inside the room? And asking me if I have that common sense of locking the door or not! Jeez, what a man?" Valentina asked herself.

"What the hell?" Jason asked as he turned around but seeing Valentina still in the towel, he turned around sighing. 

"Val... Wear something... I will be out!" Jason said and was about to leave the from when Valentina stopped him. 

"Idiot... Wait... It's fine... Don't bother about it. I don't mind though. Can you please get that bag onto the bed now? I am tired to lift it up..." Valentina replied.

"Umm... What? Now... Like this?" Jason asked still not turning towards her.

"Jason... It's fine... I have my towel around me... It's not like I am naked. You can turn around." Valentina answered.

"What? It embarrassing..." Jason said as he sighed and slowly walked towards Valentina's bag without looking at her.

"What embarrassing? Didn't you see any girl before in towel?" Valentina asked as she laughed out loud.

"No... I didn't!" Jason answered making Valentina's eyes wife. 

"What?" Valentina yelled.

"What what?" Jason asked as he kept her bags on the bed.

"You didn't see a girl before like this... Or I mean... Naked?" Valentina asked.

"Shut up... Get dressed now." Jason said making Valentina roll her eyes.

"Don't tell me you are a virgin..." Jason cut off Valentina in mid-sentence.

"What? No... Not at all..." Jason replied as he looked up at her making Valentina smirk and Jason zoned out in her beauty as he looked up at her.

She looks absolutely goddess with her white skin and a beautiful smile on her face. Her hairs are wet wrapping in another head towel and the water drops are falling down from her head and the drops slide down to her neck and then her shoulder and then disappeared into her chest. Her thighs look so damn gorgeous and for a minute, Jason's mind started thinking, how would it be if those gorgeous legs wrapped around his waist. But at last... That was just his imagination but nothing else... He wants that's too come true but he knows it's not easy neither it's ever possible even how damn much he tried to have her... It will never happen!

"Jason..." Valentina called and Jason looked up at her.

"Get out..." Valentina said making Jason frown.

"Huh?" Jason asked.

"Get out of my room... Let me change, Idiot..." Valentina answered and Jason nodded his head.

"Yeah... Yeah... Alright! And don't worry about unpacking about them all... The servants will unpack them. Okay? Don't take the stress." Jason said.

"Yeah... Alright..." Valentina replied and Jason nodded his head.

"Come downstairs soon. We are waiting for you." Jason said and Valentina nodded her head in yes.

"Yes... Will be downstairs in just 15 minutes..." Valentina said and Jason nodded his head.

"No worries." Jason replied and walked out of the room closing the door behind him while he feels so damn hot and his heart was started beating so fast. 

"Huff... She is so hot... And gorgeous!" Jason said as he sighed.

"I need to b careful... She excused me once... She will not next time..." Jason said as he took a deep breath.

"And Jason... Keep in mind I knock her room door from now on before entering into her room." Jason told to himself as he signed. 

"But... She looks like a goddess for sure... Her beautiful necks and shoulders. Her collar bones... Gosh... This girl is making me go crazy for her." Jason said as he sighed.

Jason shook his head and walked downstairs to the living room. Jason saw Elijah was busy on his mobile while Margaret has a growl on her face looking at Elijah.

Jason chuckled as he knows that this couple will never be on good terms...

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