Her Husband is My Lover

Chapter 63 - Marriage Revealed!

Chapter 63 - Marriage Revealed!

"What the hell?" Valentina shouted as she saw the tabloid. 

"Val... Calm down!" Jason replied.

"Calm down? How can I be calm down, Jason?" Valentina asked as she throws down the iPad on the floor with anger making Margret flinch.

"Valentina... Try to understand. You need to calm down!" Jason said and Valentina falls down on her knees as tears started falling down from her eyes. 

"Val... Val..." Jason said as he got down on his knees and held her by her shoulders.

"Calm down... Let's solve this together... Stop crying!" Jason said and Valentina shook her head in no.

"No, Jason... He cheated..." Valentina replied as she hugged him tightly and cried on his chest. historical

"Val... Please stop crying... We will sort it out!" Jason said and Valentina shook her head in no.

"Sort it out? He went for a honeymoon but he revealed himself as a married man now... I didn't expect him to do this... Not so soon!" Valentina replied with tears making Jason sigh and Margaret smiled while Elijah sighed. 

"I don't know... What's wrong I did in my life? I am losing everyone in my life!" Valentina said with tears and Margaret walked towards her and kneeled down in front of her.

"Look, Valentina... There are still down people who want you in their lives... You just need to open your eyes a little and should see the people around you that want you in their lives... You will not ever regret giving them a chance. Just try to understand and let people go away from you who doesn't care about your emotions. You need to learn to know about things even though if it's hurt you or not!" Margaret said and Valentina hugged her tightly.

"There is none on their earth who wants me, Aunt Margaret... My own parents disowned me... How can you expect me to make people like me? The only person that loves me until now is Xavier and now, he is going away from me again when I think, I can make him mine again... He is going far away from me... I don't know how to make him mine... Again and again!" Valencia said as she cried on her shoulders. 

"Valentina... Why are you thinking like that? He might be forced to do all these? Just try to understand from his Point of view too... Just think for once... Xavier might have got forced to do this!" Elijah replied making Margeret look at him but he least cared about her. 

"But... How can he just hurt her like this again and again? Marriage is not a small thing, Elijah... No one can tie a knot forcefully with a person he doesn't like... Xavier is a man of few words. He has every right to decide who to marry and not but still, he married that slut.. I don't know what he has seen in Rose but They both look like they play with People's feelings around a lot!" Margaret said making Elijah sigh.

"You will never understand me!" Elijah said fo Margaret.

"I did... But I guess, you are late in understanding me!" Margaret replied making Elijah shook his head at her. 

"Margaret... Just try to understand the situation. Everything happens for a reason! You can't be selfish!" Elijah shouted at Margaret.

"Can you please stop now? I don't want you to talk about this topic! Look, How Valentina is hurt... Of course, I will be selfish for her... Because she is like a daughter to me... I don't want to get hurt... She is so beautiful from inside and out. She deserves better than this... But... Look at Xavier... He just married Rose without anyone knowing and was back to Valentina because of what? Do you know that?" Margaret asked Elijah and he sighed.

"Margaret, don't talk nonsense without knowing anything! Heck, even if you know, you need to keep your mouth shut in times and should go with the situation! This is not the right time to talk silly things." Elijah answered.

"Then what do you want her to do now? Leave this simply without talking to Xavier about this and leaving him?" Margaret asked.

"Mom... Dad... Can you guys please shut up for a few minutes? Or else, go to your room and fight!" Jason shouted as he made Valentina stand on her feet and made her sit on the couch. 

Margaret and Elijah looked at each other and sighed.

"Calm down and have this water!" Jason said as he forwarded the glass of water towards Valentina. 

Valentina took the glass of water from Jason seeing his stern face and gulped it down in a one go. 

They just kept staring at each other until Valentina couldn't control herself and hugged him tightly. 

Jason wrapped his arms around her and caressed her hair as she cried in his arms.

"Look at me!" Jason said as he cupped Valentina's face in his hands.

"You need answers... Only answers will make you feel better now!" Jason said looking deeply into Valentina's eyes.

"You understanding?" Jason asked and Valentina nodded her head in yes. 

"He is in Greece... I am sure, This is not planned by Xavier... If Xavier planned on releasing himself on media that he is married then he would have told you beforehand!" Jason said and Valentina nodded her head.

"And I think, he still doesn't know about this... Let's wait until he calls you after settling everything! You can ask him the questions at that time... This is not the time... Okay?" Jason asked as he wiped the tears away from her eyes and Valentina nodded her head looking into Jason's eyes and Margaret gritted her teeth seeing Jason talking about Xavier to the girl he loves.

"Jason..." Margaret tried to talk but Jason cut her off in mid-sentence.

"Mom... I know, you are angry with Xavier for hurting Valentina but try to understand that this will not solve the things by being angry... This will only solve if you are calm down... Like dad said, we don't know in what situation he is in... We still don't know anything... Xavier will be the one who needs to explain everything... Only then, Valentina will be okay!" Jason said.

"But whatever happened is happens. We can't change it... Can we? No right! We need to get out of this as soon as possible... So, we can make our lives beautiful!" Margaret said as she walked towards Valentina.

"Val... Don't think about Xavier for a few minutes. Make your brain free and think... Think how beautiful this life will be if you let go of Xavier... The man who is married to another woman... He revealed it that he is married now. And if you still don't let go of him then this society will name you as his mistress, love... Try to understand... This is not what you worked for until here... Yes, you loved him for a long time... But it's high time you need to let go of him... If he a man enough to get a girl he loves in his life, then he will come to find you... No matter what! He will try to fight for you! But if he doesn't and go with his father's words then we can't do much about it... He can't support you in the future... He will leave you with just a word listening to his father... Do you want that to happen? Don't you want to have a happy life? Don't you want to get married to the love you craved for? Don't you want to live happily ever after with the love of your life and the family you created?" Margaret asked as she cupped Valentina's face.

"Just think about this, Love. Maybe the person is near you trying to get a chance to love you!" Margaret said looking deeply into her eyes. 

"You will understand everything by yourself when you try to understand them! If you don't want to understand them, then it's fine... I will still support you with the decision you make... If you want Xavier then I will understand that you are just so deeply obsessed with him that you only want him... I know his wife is a bitch and nowhere near Xavier but still, she is his wife... She has a whole right on him right now! Xavier is hers and now, the whole world knows about it!" Margaret said making a test falls down from her eyes and Jason and Elijah sighed. 

"You are one of an amazing girl. You are just so awesome in every way! I only want you to get the love in your life which you didn't at all found in your childhood. I don't want you to go through another hell!" Margaret said and Valentina hugged her tightly.

"I can understand how it will be for a woman to lose a man she loves with her whole heart... I can understand you! Because I am a woman too! But, sweetheart... This is life... This is how life is! You need to learn things from the life and if you think and take the right decision without regretting then the life will be so beautiful as ever!" Margaret said as she caressed Valentina's hair. 

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