Her Husband is My Lover

Chapter 73 - I Will Love You And Cherish You Forever!*

Chapter 73 - I Will Love You And Cherish You Forever!*


He started unbuttoning his shirt and When he reaches the last button and shrugs off the shirt. She almost melts at the tasty sight. 

Valentina smiled looking up at him through her long lashes. Jason continues to gaze at her for a moment, before tucking her hair behind her ear. 

Jason crawls over her and kisses his way down her neck. The feeling was lethal and euphoric wrapped up into one.

"Mm." Valentina moaned entwining her fingers with his curls, she whimpers as he begins dragging his tongue down her chest, stopping when he arrives at the slope of her breasts. His hands come to grip the material of her dress and with a smirk, on his lips, he pulls to expose one of my erected buds.

His eyes light up at the sight and he bends his head to take it in his mouth. A groan passes her lips at the sensation,historical

While teasing her, he pulls the fabric of her dress off of her shoulders and she lifts her arms out to assist. When her upper body is freed of the material. Reaching to stand to his full height, he marvels at her.

"Your body is remarkable, love." Jason's declaration causes crimson heat to climb her cheeks and she batters her eyelashes, revealing her vulnerability to compliments. When noticing it, he grins so beautifully her heart almost escapes her chest. 

"That is an appealing color on you, baby." Valentina heard Jason saying that is referring to new blush. Seeing as her eyes and focus were trained on his hands slowly unbuttoning his trousers. Once they were completely off, he grabbed the trousers and took out a foil packet from within it.

With a sexy smirk on his lips. His eyes roam over her body with a mesmerizing gaze. It both elates her and makes her feel demure, but when he meets her stare those feelings vanish. He looks about to ravish her and she overcome with lust and self-assurance.

Becoming meek, she speaks.

"As much as I relish in the way you're ogling me, I'm feeling rather impatient for you." Valentina said and he chuckled low and in one swift motion he pulls off his boxers. Her mouth falls agape at the sheer length of his erection. It wasn't just long either, the width was definitely abnormal too. She could tell that she was going to feel him within her for days.

She watches, completely enthralled, as he sheathes himself in the latex. A wide grin takes over her face when he crawls over her and brings his hand up to cup her cheek. Closing her eyes, she feels him lean down to brush his lips against her ear.

"I can't wait to feel you." Jason said and without warning, he thrusts the entirety of him inside of her, causing a yelp to sound from her lips.

Nipping her earlobe, he groans so genuinely her insides begin to flutter. "Fuck, you feel so good." Jason said.

Bringing his face to her, she connect their lips and relishes in the feeling of him within her.

"Lord did he feel good." Valentina thought.

The pain, due to his size, was of course there but it was only slight. The intense pleasure almost completely drowning it out.

Her nails dig into his back and drag their way down not wanting to detach themselves from his flesh, while gasps and moans fall from her mouth.

"Agh. Jason, fuck!" Valentina moaned and the air is completely knocked out of her with one particular thrust, and he reaches where no man has reached before. It felt absolutely phenomenal to her. 

"Jesus, love. The pressure of you is driving me insane." Jason said as He admits, placing hungry kisses on her neck. Her ego was becoming quite inflamed when he spoke of her in such ways.

Her famished temptress takes control once more and flips them over so that she was now on top. Due to the surprise it must have been to him, it wasn't that hard to do so for her.

"I'm in control now." Valentina said menacing smile crawls upon her lips as she is sure the gleam in her eye twinkles. The shock that renders his face was ever so funny: but sh decide to erase it.

Leaning down, she runs her tongue up his neck, his pulse beat at an unruly pace, and along his magnificent jawline. An appreciative groan releases from the man beneath her and she grinned at the sound.

'Oh, how it turned me on even more.' Valentina thought.

"Yes. You are love." Jason growls out the words and grips her hips with urgency, she leans back up, places her hands against his chest, and begins to rock back and forth; at first, slow, to make him impatient. She adored being a tease.

"Mm, fuck. A little faster, love." Jason groaned as she does as he says. Pleasing a man is a vast pleasure of her. She revels in the feeling of knowing she making him feel good.

As her pace speeds up, she leans forward. She nips at his neck and trails her tongue along the mark to soothe it.

"You taste divine." Valentina Said and Once the sweet whisper hits him, she spring back up and starts moving slower. And then faster. And again slower, just to tease him and herself.

"You better stop testing me before you regret it, sweetheart," Jason said and even though he meant it as a threat, it sent nothing but pleasurable waves through her.

"Make me regret it." The words slip out from Valentina's enough and before she can even comprehend them. They surprise her just as much as they surprise him.

Within in seconds, he flips them around and withdraws from within her, and twists her onto her stomach. His hands come to grip her waist to lift up her bum. Her chest still firmly placed into the mattress, so her back is arched with her bum pointed at him for his taking.

"You haven't a clue of what you're in for, love." Jason said and continued to make her feel good.

Valentina didn't expect this to be so good for her... And she never thought that Jason is in love with her... Heck, she never knew that he likes me... She always thought that Jason doesn't like her because of her attitude but she is totally wrong about him in this. Jason fell in love with her and Margaret and Elijah are ready to accept her while Jason is ready to date her. 

Dating is the biggest word for her after whatever happened with Xavier. She doesn't want to go through it again and knowing that Xavier might be hurt because of today making their heart cry but she wants to make him know how it will be to break the promises you made and by giving hopes!

Valentina thought herself that she is not going to accept Xavier back again and if he apologizes for whatever he did to her. Then it will be good for her... If not, then she will try to make him regret the love he did to her... She made her vulnerable because of him and right now, she is here because of him. 

She doesn't feel bad about begin there with Jason at the time... All made her feel good at the moment. But again, she thinking about what is going to happen is making her feel scared. 

She doesn't want anyone to fight for her.

And now, her and Jason's relationship took a step... Jason said he loves her and she wants to try the relationship with him because he is the man, that was with her in every golf and bad thing and he is the second person in Valentina's that has seen her vulnerable side after Xavier. 

Valentina is sure that Jason has more chances on this relationship more than Xavier and now, Jason has every right to talk back to Xavier too... She doesn't know how well it goes for her with this relationship bit she insure that he is gonna help her out in every way Jason can. 

Valentina looked up at Jason who made love to her until now and drift off to sleep in her arms.

She smiles seeing his baby face while sleeping. And she kissed his forehead and caressed his cheek. 

"You are so good for me, Jason. I don't know if I can be able to be a good girlfriend to you." Valentina said as she caressed his cheek. 

"But, I will try my best to be a good and best girlfriend to you... Hope you never leave me as others did." Valentina said.

"I will never!" Jason replied and Valentina looked up at him.

"You are so good for me too, Valentina... The word is trying is enough for me to make my day from you... I will not force you for anything. Just take your time and let me know about your feelings. I promise, I will love you forever and will cherish you forever!" Jason said as he kissed her forehead. 

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