Her Husband is My Lover

Chapter 90 - Jackson Company. (Past Two.)

Chapter 90 - Jackson Company. (Past Two.)


"Hello, everyone..." Valentina said as she walked inside the Conference room and everyone just kept staring at her. 

Amelia sighed as she looked at Valentina. 

Valentina frowned seeing Amelia's face but again turned towards others and said again.

"Hello... Let's start?" Valentina asked but a person chuckled.

"Are you serious? What should we even talk with you?" A director asked.

"About your worries." Valentina answered.

"My worry is just that I don't want to lose my money by still investing here." He replied and Valentina nodded her head.

"How can you say that you will lose your money?" Valentina asked and he chuckled.

"It's easy... Your father passed away and there is no one to look after your business... Your mother, she is of no use and can't control this business..." The director answered.

"Mind your bloody tongue." Valentina yelled as she got up from the chair and kept her hands on the table making everyone's wide.

"Mind your blood tongues while talking to me... Or else... I will do something you all regret it later." Valentina said with a dangerous voice and for a second, the atmosphere looks so uncomfortable with her... But few nodded their heads in yes. While few got angry at you.

"Who the bloody you are to yell at us?" A director asked angrily.

"Who the bloody hell to ask me that?" Valentina asked angrily. Amelia got up from her hair and grabbed Valentina's hand.

"Let's go from here..." Amelia said.

"What?" Valentina asked.

"I said, let's go... It's my fault to give you a chance..." Valentina cut off Amelia.

"Can you please be patience for a while?" Valentina asked and Amelia looked at her with a frown.

"Patience... You gave me a chance. Then have some patience till I prove it to you!" Valentine said looking directly into Amelia's eyes. 

"Valentina... You are still a kid... You don't know anything..." Valentina cut off Amelia in mid-sentence. 

"Let me prove that I am not a kid anymore in this meeting." Valentina replied making Amelia sigh.

Valentina turned around and looked at the director.

"Trust me... My dad passed away but still... His hard work didn't... This is where you are with all his hard work. You just invested but my dad... Worked hard for this... Can't you just give me a chance?" Valentina asked.

"Look, Sweetheart... I can totally understand you and we are really sorry for your loss but Business is not a children's game... That you can play around with. We would have surely given you a chance even if you are a fresh business graduate student but you aren't... You are just a high schooler... How do you want us to believe a high schooler?" Another director asked with politely.

"I know... That it sounds impossible for a high schooler but can't you just give a one chance? I am just asking for only one chance. I know you will have your doubts but I will work hard and will try to do my best... But you get any loss... I will bear the losses. Trust me... Only a chance. My father worked hard and I don't want to let it go just like that... So, please try to understand." Valentina requested. 

"I would really love to give you a chance to see your confidence but still, I don't think it's possible." The director said.

"How can you just say that it will not possible until you try anything? I have come across your file in my father's office. You invested a very little amount in this company when it's so new... Did you ever think that Jackson can come here until now? Or were you just okay with the less amount you would be getting if Jackson isn't famous enough?" Valentina asked.

"Well... I didn't think that Jackson will come until here... I would say, it's all luck what matters the most." The director replied.

"So, you don't look at the hard work behind it?" Valentina asked and he took a deep breath.

"I do... But..." Valentina cut him off in a mid-sentence.

"But what? There are no ifs and buts here... You can't work hard as my Dad did... Can you? You can't... Because you got habituated by just investing... You couldn't do anything." Valentina said making them sigh.

"Listen... Valentina. You are still young to understand all these... So, I don't want you to take any position in this company. And this is my decision. Let's go with the majority." Another director said.

"Yes, that sounds good." Another director said making Valentina chuckle.

"I don't understand what you are talking about? When did I say that I will take any position in this company?" Valentina asked making everyone frown at her. Amelia looked at her with a confusing face and Valentina smirked.

"I didn't tell that I will take any position in this company." Valentina said.

"What do you mean by that? Then why is this discussion we are having right now?" A director asked making Valentina sigh.

"How can you even become a shareholder of this biggest company when you are not even understanding what I am talking about?" Valentina asked.

"Can you just be straight with your words?" A director asked.

"Sure, I can..." Valentina answered.

"I just what you all to give a chance to me... I will not take any position over here... I will look after things as an unofficial one... Only till my company stands back on the position. I am confident that I can do it..." Valentina said.

"And how can you do that?" Another one asked.

"I don't have to answer you that!" Valentina answered.

"Well... I don't think, I can do this... So, I will drop off... I can't just keep listening to a high schooler's words." A director said as he got up from his chair and turned around and walked out of the conference room without talking anything.

"Well... I think I will drop off too..." Another director said as he got up from the chair too.

"But... Why can't we just give one more chance?" Another asked.

"But... There will be of no use... If you wanna give... You can! I am not giving any chance." A director said and turned around and was about to walk out from the conference room when someday suddenly opened the door.

"Huh?" Amelia asked.

"Why are you back? You left just now... Did you forget anything?" The director who was about to leave asked.

"Umm... I... I... I want to give her a chance." He said making Valentina smirk.

"What?" The director asked.

"What what?" He asked as he walked inside and just then the other director phone got vibrated in his suit. He took out his phone and looked at the unknown message. His eyes widened as he saw a few pictures of him and a girl kissing who is his mistress and he saw another message popping up on his screen. He opened it and saw the message, "Accept to give Valentina a chance or else... You might regret it later." 

His eyes widened. He turned around and looked at Valentina. She smirked seeing them as she sat on the desk with an attitude face. 

Amelia frowned seeing Valentina suddenly changing her attitude. She surely knows Valentina did something that she will regret it later. But now, she is shocked that few of the shareholders returning back to give a chance.

"I want to give a chance too." An another shareholder said and Amelia looked at him with her wide eyes. 

"Yeah... I am ready too!" Another one said and Amelia looked at him.

"Yeah... Me too." Another one said making Amelia smile and Valentina smirk.

"But... You were all just declined a few minutes ago... What changed you all?" A shareholder asked.

"Umm... Nothing. It just I gave a thought... If Anthony can bring these companies to the highest positions then Valentine is his daughter... He might share a lot of things with her. They are quite close. So, I am thinking to give a chance." Th another one answered.

"True... He did! And so, I am confident about this." Valentina said and they all looked at her. 

"I am not going to stop anyone here... It's your choice to give me an another chance or not... If you don't want, then you can walk out from here..." Valentina said as she shrugged her shoulders, and Amelia looked at everyone and turned towards Valentina. Just then, Valentina turned towards Amelia and smiled.

"I told you, they will listen to me and understand me. They are really so good!" Valentina said to Amelia and she sighed. 

"Umm... Yeah!" Amelia replied and just then the door got suddenly opened and worried George came into the view. Valentina chuckled as she stood straight.historical

"Hello, Uncle George... I think you got the message. My shareholders accepted in giving me a chance." Valentina said with a smile and George looked at everyone with the confusing face ever. 

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