Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 150 - You Will Come To Me

Chapter 150 - You Will Come To Me

Orea was busy catching fish. As she had predicted, Marley was of no use because she was off trying to flirt with Myung. The latter was paying no attention to Marley but was glancing back every minute to check that Orea was still on the boulder.josei

"Myung, give me a berry too!" Marley insisted but he shook his head.

"These are for the task," he said, feeling annoyed. "You'll get it only when the counselors distribute them."

He was cold and distant towards her which infuriated Marley. She shot a glare at Orea who was still on the boulder, fishing. Myung and his partner were busy with the task so no one paid much attention to Marley.

Time to teach that brat a lesson, she thought. She stealthily made her way towards the boulder. Orea still did not notice her; a fish was pulling the string so she stood up to reel it in.

"Come on!" she muttered, pulling at the fishing rod. The fish was a stubborn one so she pulled harder, unaware of Marley's tactics. Marley snuck up behind the rock and pushed it. The boulder was heavy but she used all her strength to push it just a little while Orea was busy with the fish.

Just a little bit more...Marley thought and finally managed to give the rock a push-


Myung looked up in alarm to find Orea falling off the boulder. Dropping the berries, he rushed to save her but instead of falling into the water, Orea reached out her hands to break the fall. She pushed her palms against a visible rock and in a flash, somersaulted backwards, landing back on the edge of the stream.

"Woah!" she exclaimed, steadying herself.


Myung held her hand to help her regain balance. Myung's partner was awed by what he had witnessed.

"Did you just somersault?" he asked in awe. "That was some crazy stunt!"

"Are you alright?" Myung demanded. "Are you hurt?"

"I just jagged my palms," Orea replied in a sheepish tone. Myung took her palms and to his horror, they were slightly bleeding.

Marley approached them, faking her concern. "Are you okay?" she asked. "That was a nasty fall! For a moment I thought you'll fall into the water-"

"She's hurt," Myung said shortly. "I'll take her to the nurse."

"I'm fine!" Orea assured him. "I've got a fast aid kit here. I can handle myself-"

But Myung threw her a warning glare. "Shut up and follow me," he said firmly.

"Myung she said that she's fine," Marley stated. "Why are you bothering with her?"

To everyone's shock, Myung bent over and carried Orea into his arms bridal style.

"W-what the hell are you doing?" Orea stammered in embarrassment. "Let me down! My hands are injured, not my feet!"

But he did not listen and kept on carrying her towards the camp. Marley gasped as Myung carried Orea away despite the latter's protests. Not only did her plan fail but now Myung was holding that wench in his arms!

"That bitch!" she scowled. Her temper flared and she was now more determined to teach Orea a lesson.

I won't spare her! She fumed.

Meanwhile, the students were staring in shock as Myung passed by, still carrying Orea. The girl was very embarrassed to be in that situation and wanted to bury herself somewhere. The extra attention was something she wanted to avoid but with Myung acting that way, it was impossible. Minwoo was watching them carefully, his eyes peering at Orea. She caught his suspicious gaze and looked away. No doubt he was going to report back to the leader.

Ignoring everyone's stares, Myung headed straight for the nurse's tent. The nurse was out so he put her on the bed.

"I really am fine!" Orea protested but Myung put his finger on her lips to shut her up.

"Quiet!" he warned her. "You're hurt and let me help."

He picked up a first aid kit from the bedside desk and began to disinfect her palms. Orea winced when the alcohol touched her skin, burning it slightly.

"How did you learn that move?" Myung asked. "Only a professional stunt person can pull it off."

"I have fast reflexes!" Orea claimed. "I know a few fighting styles. I'm not simply a pretty face, ya know!"

Myung rolled his eyes. "You claim to have a pretty face?" he teased her. "Where? Looks like a chipmunk to me!"

Orea gaped. "Just so you know, chipmunks are cute!" she exclaimed. "But you're more into that Marley, right?"

She mockingly flipped her hair and imitated Marley. "Myung, come and see my designer heels and the non-existent top I'm wearing!" she mocked. "Look at me, Myung! On Myung baby! Tch!"

"She's just an annoying fly," Myung muttered.

"You could just slap her away," Orea pointed out. "And yet, you're letting her fly around you. Are you a masochist?"

Myung put bandages on her palms and looked at her. "Why are you so concerned?" he asked, feeling suspicious. "I thought you didn't care about me."

Orea pursed her lips. She would be lying if she said she was not jealous. In fact, she wanted to rip off Marley's hair every time she went near Myung and even though the prospect was tempting, she had to swallow down her anger.

She could not afford to jeopardize their mission. They had come too far and if she made one mistake, SD and the others would be caught. Everyone was working for her and she could not let them down for the sake of Myung.

There were bigger things for her to work for.

"I don't," she lied. "But your girlfriend keeps on annoying me and I want to live a peaceful life."

She snatched her hands away from his, hardening her heart. Myung blinked at her in surprise. Her change in tone confused him. One moment she sounded like a jealous lover and now she was back to her aloof attitude.

"Tell her not to come in my way," Orea ordered. "Otherwise I won't stay quiet. I might look weak but even you know that I can make her life hell if I want to."

For once, there was a bone chilling authority in her words which made even Myung nervous. Who was the girl? A regular idol loving teenager? Or something else?

He no longer knew.

"Stay away from me, Myung," Orea said in a clear tone. "That'll be the best for both of us."

She turned away to leave but Myung grabbed her wrist. Orea did not attack him but glared into his dark eyes.

"I'll stay away," he promised. "But I can assure you that you won't stay away from me. Next time, you'll come looking for me."

With that, he released her wrist and left the tent. Orea stood there, shocked by his promise. Did he actually mean those words? Why would she look for him?

"What the hell?" she muttered.

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