Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 167 - Villain Without FL (6)

Chapter 167 - Villain Without FL (6)

Jonghyun ducked behind a pillar as the bullets showered at him. The guards had discovered their locations but thankfully, Haein's men had taken out most of them. But enforcement arrived and there was still no sign of Sunye.

He shot at some of the guards, killing them and ran towards another pillar.

"There are too many of them!" he yelled at his men. "Where's Haein?"

"He's on the second floor, sir!" one of them yelled. "Trying to find Miss Han!"

"Keep these guards busy!" Jonghyun ordered. "Cover me!"

The men obliged and stepped forward to shoot at the guards who were running into the mansion. Their snipers took out several of Choi's men while covering Jonghyun who headed for the second floor. He ran through the mirrored corridors, looking for Sunye.

Glass was shattering as bullets hit them while the road ahead was filled with broken china. Jonghyun shot at more guards as he kicked down several doors.

"Sunye?" he screamed but she was nowhere. He entered more rooms to no avail.

A barrage of guards were running towards him but he ducked behind a room and hid there. They ran off, not noticing him and once the coast was clear, he came out.

This isn't gonna work! He thought. I'll call Yang.

He took out his phone and texted Yang to bring his men and save them. There were too many guards and they had little time. Not waiting for Yang's reply, he slid into the next room.

Jonghyun entered the bedroom only to freeze. He raised an eyebrow as he studied a man who was lying on the bed. Several machines were attached to his veins and he was sickly. There was a heart monitor which was connected to his chest. Jonghyun immediately recognized who it was.

Choi Kibum.

Seeing this man made Jonghyun's blood boil. This was Sunye's boyfriend, the one she slept with to gather information on the Choi's and their activities.

He pointed his gun at Kibum and shot the man, killing him for good.

"Fucker!" he cursed and spat at Kibum's dead body. He shot more rounds of bullets into the comatose man, leaving nothing behind but a bloodied mess. His hatred for this man knew no limits and he was so blinded that he did not care if Kibum was ill. All he wanted was for that man to die.

Whoever touched Sunye should die!

"She's mine!" he growled in a menacing tone. "Mine!"

Meanwhile, SD and Sunye made their way to the second floor. They camouflage themselves well, hiding behind the many glass corridors to get to the second floor where Taek's bedroom was located.

Sunye was still in shock that SD was San but she had no time to dwell on it. The happiness in her heart needed to be controlled for a while because she had a job to do.

"His room is on the right wing," SD said. "There!"

He pointed at a large mahogany door which was guarded by a few guards. Despite the commotion, they did not move because they must protect the master bedroom at all costs. The duo ran up to the guards who pointed their guns at him.

"We caught the intruders' leader!" SD exclaimed. "The rest of the intruders are being rounded up!"

"But the gunfight is still going on!" the guard remarked.

"They need help!" SD claimed while Sunye nodded. "The reinforcements are coming! But-"

"We can't leave!" the guard snarled.

"But the girl escaped and she might be in there!" SD revealed. "We saw her climbing up the pipe and entering this room!"

"What?" the guards yelled and opened the room using a passcode. SD glanced at the passcode, memorizing it. The door opened and the guards entered. SD quickly closed the door behind them.

"There's no one here-" The guard was saying but Sunye shot at him.

The other one shot at her but it hit her bulletproof vest. SD used the back of his rifle to knock him out.

"I need to keep this somewhere!" Sunye said, taking out the map. "Some place which Jonghyun will find-"

SD kicked a painting and revealed a safe behind it. "This should do," he murmured.

Leaning down, he typed in the passcode which he had seen the guards use at the bedroom entrance.

"9-8-7-1," he typed. To his delight, it worked.

"Old people can't remember too many passwords," he winked at her.josei

"But how will Jonghyun find this in here?" Sunye frowned, handing the map to him. SD merely smiled and put the map in the safe. He closed the safe and partially covered it with the painting.

"He'll find it," SD said. "But now, we'll have to get you out of here. Luckily, I have something up my sleeve."

"As usual," Sunye sighed. He motioned her to follow him to the bathroom. Sunye followed him and watched him as he searched for something. There was a gargoyle statue which he pressed.

Instantly, another passageway opened and Sunye gasped. How many secret passages were in this mansion?

"Choi has many passages," SD muttered. "He keeps them in all rooms because he might have to escape the mansion any time if it's under attack. I had my drone check the place and I found this one. It leads to an empty car park. My men are waiting for you there. I'll deal with Jonghyun and make sure he finds the map."

Sunye smirked and pecked his cheek through the mask. She was not so worried that he had to return to the shootout because she knew SD was going to return to her alive and well.

"Don't be late," she whispered and slid through the passage. SD closed it properly and went back to the gunfight. He was dodging the bullets and shot at several guards when he nearly bumped into someone.

SD pointed the gun at the guy but it turned out to be Jonghyun who had taken off his mask.

"Sir?" he frowned.


Both of them got up and hid behind a pillar.

"Where's Sunye?" Jonghyun demanded.

"Turns out, Miss Han escaped on her own!" SD lied. "I searched everywhere and found a cellar near the basement. She had knocked out the guards and somehow escaped."

"WHAT?" Jonghyun snarled. Damn it! I was supposed to save her…

"But there's something else," SD said. "The master bedroom is unlocked! We should check it out! What if we find something against Choi Taek?"

"As soon as this ends!" Jonghyun yelled.


The main entrance burst open and the pair peeked downstairs. Several army men were entering the mansion and shot at Choi's men. They quickly rounded up the mafia guards and arrested them.

The gunfight was over. Jonghyun and SD came out of their hiding places to face the army commander, Yang.

SD hid his hatred for this man, keeping an impassive expression.

"Are you alright, Master Lee?" Yang asked.

"I am fine, thanks to Haein's quick thinking," Jonghyun panted. "Arrest all the guards and put this mansion under siege! Check the bedrooms too!"

Yang nodded and dispersed his men. Jonghyun and SD went to the master bedroom which was now unlocked. Some of their men followed them.

"Search everywhere you can!" Jonghyun ordered. The men searched the place while Jonghyun and SD watched over them. One of the men was looking at the painting when he found something behind it.

"Sir, there's something here!" he yelled. Jonghyun stepped forward and yanked off the painting from the wall and found the safe.

"Stand back," he ordered and pointed a gun at the safe. He shot several times at the lock. An alarm was set off but he did not care. The safe broke open and he searched the content until he found a paper which interested him.

"What is that, sir?" SD asked, feigning ignorance.

Jonghyun read the content and let out a menacing laughter.

"This...this is proof of Choi Taek's betrayal!" he grinned. "This is the map of Aberville Prison! Something only Song Tamlin had possession of. But no one found it after his death. Which means…"

He looked up at SD with glee. "Choi Taek killed Song Tamlin and stole this map! He's planning something there."

"We should let the Prime Minister know-" SD began but Jonghyun shook his head.

"No, Haein," he said. "We'll need this to break number 8 out of prison. Only then we'll be able to break the Sailor's Dam and take over the government. This…"

He smirked.. "This is the ticket to our success."

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