Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 170 - The Will

Chapter 170 - The Will

Orea was typing fast on her phone while the other kids around her chatted loudly. They were on the bus back to the city and she sat next to Minwoo. She was using him as a cover to hide what she was really doing. The moment Jaejun informed her about what SD was up to, she instantly hacked all the CCTV cameras surrounding the Cho mansion, freezing them so that no one could find out what was happening in the mansion.

SD had managed to rescue Sunye but Orea's work was not done. She was now using one of the cameras to observe what was going on in the mansion. Jonghyun was still there and she kept an eye on him and his lackey, Yang.

Yang'¦The very sight of that man made Orea barf. She wanted to punch him across the face and dismember him in the worst way but she must be patient. Her mother's death was on this man's hands but she knew that her mom would want her to complete her mission first. Yang will meet his end as well but their mission was more important.

She watched through the camera as Jonghyun and Yang left the mansion.

"Oi, I think your boyfriend is looking for you," Minwoo muttered.

"I'm done," Orea muttered back and looked up. Myung was glaring at Minwoo, sending jealous glares their way. Orea was thinking fast.

"Get out of here," she hissed at Minwoo. "Go sit elsewhere!"



Minwoo groans and goes to the back of the bus to entertain some fans. Seizing the chance, Myung comes over to sit next to Orea.

"How are you feeling?" he asked her.

"I'm better," Orea replied, putting up a meek and awkward front. "Are you okay?"

Ever since they returned from the forest, it was hard for Myung to stay apart but Orea kept on shying away from him. He wanted to hold and comfort her because of the big revelation and somewhere in his heart, he felt that she also held him responsible for her mother's death. After all, he hid a big secret and was also related to her mother's killer.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled. "I kept a big secret but I didn't know what else to do. I'm surrounded by people who are untrustworthy and there is no one to turn to."

"I understand," Orea said in a thick voice. "I can tell. Your family is weird and it's okay. I just didn't expect that I'¦I would end up meeting my mom's killer and not even recognize him!"

She spoke in a hushed tone so that no one could hear them.

"It's a lot to take," she added. "I just hope that I don't end up doing something stupid the next time I meet y-I mean'¦"

She trailed off as if lost in deep thought. Myung could read the dilemma on her face. The choice between staying friends with him and punishing her mother's killer was hard. She did not know what to do and Myung hated himself or being related to a scum like Jonghyun. He felt like dragging that bastard to jail himself but there was nothing he could do other than wait.

Then something flicked in his mind. There was something he could do but it was risky to talk in public.

"We will talk after school tomorrow," he whispered to her. "Wait for me at the back side. I'll ditch my guards and pick you up."

Orea stiffly nodded and to Myung's surprise, rested her head on his shoulder. She was truly tired of everything and wanted some peace. Even though they were on opposing sides, Orea felt comfortable and at ease with Myung. She loathed herself for using him like this but for her mom and brother, she would go to any lengths. The Company had taken too many lives and it was time for them to stop.

"Are you alright?" he asked her again.

"No, but I want to be," she murmured. "Can I just sleep for a while? Don't go. I don't know where else I can feel at peace."

Myung blushed hard but smiled a little, letting her rest on his shoulder.

After a while, the bus pulled up in front of the school. They were finally back in the city and the children began to get off the bus, stretching and yawning. Myung nudged Orea awake.

"We're back to the city," he smiled at her. Orea flexed her fingers and stood up. Gathering her things, she followed Myung out of the bus. To her surprise, he lightly pecked her in front of the whole school.

Several loud gasps were heard in the background. Marley shrieked and stormed off while Minwoo raised an eyebrow. The Leader was not going to be happy about this and SD was going to create a ruckus.

"This is new," he muttered. Myung did not seem to care about the looks while Orea was mortified. She was red in the face as he addressed her.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he winked and left her. She was speechless for several seconds, painfully aware that everyone was staring at her. Pulling up her hoodie, she quickly ran away from the crowd, pushing past the curious gazes. She ran all the way to the subway and got on a train.

Panting hard, she sat on a bench and ran her hands through her hair.josei

"Shit!" She cursed. "He just had to do that in front of the entire school!"

If the Leader and SD found out, they would throw a hissy fit and keep a closer eye on Myung. It was the last thing Orea needed.

Please don't let them find out, she prayed. She texted Minwoo, begging him not to tell this to anyone. Knowing Minwoo, he might listen to her request but if the Leader found out through someone else, she would be in deep trouble. Fraternizing with the enemy was a definite no no!

But she needed Myung on her side in order to get the codes to the prison. Only if the codes were easy to get her hands on!

"Fuck that Sam Cheng!" She cursed under her breath. How the hell did he make such a complex network which even the former Palace IT expert, Lee Minseok, could not crack?

"I'll have to pay Lee Minseok a visit," she sighed. The train ride seemed long but she finally reached her destination. From there, she took a cab and rode it till the convenience store nearest to her house. Getting off the cab, she walked all the way to her house. Making sure that no one was around, she slid into the building and took the elevator to their apartment.

"I'm home!" She declared as soon as she entered the house. To her surprise, the atmosphere there was tense.

SD and Sunye were sitting at the dinner table, waiting for her. They looked worried as if wondering something. Orea was about to go to her room when SD called her.

"Orea. Come and sit. There's something we need to discuss with you."

Her heart was panicking. Did they find out about the kiss at school?

She hesitantly took a seat opposite to them, gulping hard. Orea was scared that SD would do something to Myung. He saw anyone with the PM's DNA as a threat. What if he hurt Myung? Or worse.

"Orea, there is something we want to talk about," Sunye began. "About'¦about you."

"I'¦" Orea said but did not dare to say it out loud. She waited for the final blow instead.

"Before the Emperor died, he made a will," SD stated. "You know that, right?"

"Huh? Yeah. I do," Orea replied. Where is this going? She wondered.

"In that will, it has been stated that whoever is chosen as the successor will ascend the throne," SD informed her. "Regardless of gender."

"Huh? But the ruler is always a male! It's the tradition-"

"The Emperor broke tradition and named a different successor," Sunye revealed. "He chose a different person and that person's lineage will inherit the throne regardless of their gender. Only the firstborn will be able to rule and if he or she dies, the next heir will rule. That is how the will has been set and the bigwigs of the parliament of that time had it secretly passed. Which means, it is the law and must be abided."

"So, who's the heir?" Orea frowned. "SD?"

SD shook his head. Orea gasped.

"Jonghyun?" She exclaimed. "That piece of shit-"

"It's not him," Sunye said. Orea calmed down but was still confused.

"Then who is it?" she asked.

"The heir the Emperor had chosen," Sunye began. "Was his sister, Kim Areum and her descendants."

It took Orea a while to digest what she had heard. Her mother was the heir? But her mother was killed so that means'¦

"You mean to say that'¦" she slowly began.

"You are the current and rightful Empress of the Nation, Heo Orea," SD declared.. "And we will ascend you to the throne by all means."

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