Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 9 - News Clips

Chapter 9 - News Clips

The TV in Jonghyun's room was flashing with the news of Lim Byungsoo who was being escorted out by the police. His face was hidden with a black cloth but it was of no use since people already knew him as a famous cardiologist.

The media surrounded him, questioning him for his alleged malpractice.


"Dr. Lim, did you really kill those people?"

"Why are you silent?"

"Dr. Lim, the victims' families are asking for millions of dollars in compensation! Can you repay it all?"

Byungsoo lowered his head. Whether it was in shame or fear, Jonghyun did not know but he was following the case very closely. The police shooed the reporters as they escorted Lim out of his office and hurled him on a van. The reporters swarmed the van, unwilling to let go of juicy gossip but the police van drove away.

Jonghyun tutted and turned off the TV. He was in his bedroom, wearing a night robe and sitting on a couch, drinking wine. Even though he had made a big claim that LN Partners would be able to prosecute Lim Byungsoo, he was now doubting himself.

All the prosecutors in his company refused to take up the case because there was no clear evidence against Byungsoo. The allegations were nothing more than speculation and even though he was named the successor to his patients' wills, they were all in their sane minds when they had made them.

Moreover, the patients in question had disputes with their families. Even before meeting Byungsoo, they had cut off their children from their wills. The deaths might have been simply coincidences because there were no clear signs of poisoning as per the forensic reports.

Jonghyun cursed himself. There was only one prosecutor who could take up a case like this and that was Han Sunye. But she was not going to join his firm.

After taking up the position of the CEO of LN Partners, Jonghyun had been trying to recruit Sunye but she was known for her loyalty towards work. She had no intention of switching which only motivated Jonghyun more. He liked challenges and Han Sunye was a big quest for him.

But without her, his firm would lose the case.

"Should I refuse the case?" he muttered. But his pride was stopping him from doing so. After making such big claims at the meeting, he could not back out. He would become the laughing stock of the circle and that was a big blow to him. If there was one thing Jonghyun knew, it was to win.

Suddenly, his phone rang. He picked it up to see that it was his secretary, Kim Haein.

"Yes, Haein," he said, answering the call.

"Sur, we received a call from Han Sunye's office," Haein stated. "She agreed to take up your job offer."

Jonghyun leaned forward, his mind trying to grasp the news. Han Sunye agreed? They had been trying to poach her for months and she had always refused. Any other company would be thrilled to have her but Jonghyun was no ordinary man.josei

He was the CEO of LN Partners, the top law firm of the country. They had never lost a case and it was all due to his strategic methods. His firm was always careful to choose cases which he knew they would win. Even if he was not a lawyer himself, he knew enough laws to twist a case. He worked behind the scenes, controlling his employees like a puppet master. He knew people's psyche and someone like Han Sunye was not easy to recruit.

There was no way she had taken up the job as per her will. Someone had coaxed her into it.

"Tell her to meet me tomorrow at my office," he instructed. "9 am."

"Understood sir," Haein said from the other end and ended the call. Jonghyun sat back, contemplating why Sunye might have had a change of heart.

He got up from his seat and opened a walk-in closet. Instead of clothes, the closet consisted of numerous newspaper clippings attached on the wall.

He picked up one of the clips which was from a newspaper almost twenty four years ago. It detailed the coup which took place in the Imperial Palace, killing all the royal family members in one night. Only the Head Cook and his daughter survived.

Trailing his finger to another clipping, he picked it up. It was just a small news barely consisting of one paragraph.

"Prestigious Law Scholarship Handed to The Survivor of The Royal Coup."

The news mentioned Han Sunye winning the country's top law scholarship and since she was the last remaining survivor from the coup, the news described her harrowing survival from the coup-de-tat on the royal family where she used to live as the cook's daughter and her path to success after the traumatizing incident.

He had many such clippings which detailed the demise of the royal family and of Han Sunye's rise to top prosecutor. He collected each and every one of them like a trophy.

Sunye's picture flashed in front of his eyes and he smiled.

"Our little Sunye grew up so well," he sighed.

Putting away the newspaper clippings, he quietly backed out of the room and closed it behind him. Now that Sunye was finally coming to him, it was time to start his plan.

With her by his side, he was going to bring the country to its knees.


Sunye was patiently waiting in the CEO's room. She was not nervous but quite irritated. Her company was begging her not to leave and her boss, Mr. Yang, was trying his best not to let her go. Moreover, she did not have her morning coffee so she was having a terrible headache.

The door opened and Jonghyun walked in. Sunye was not much into admiring people's looks but she could not help herself from checking him out.

Wearing a dapper navy blue suit which complemented his fit physique, Lee Jonghyun looked like a model. His reddish brown hair was brushed back while his pale complexion stood out in the dark clothing. He was probably a little over 6 feet, only a few inches taller than Sunye. His dark eyes scrutinized her as he held out his hand.

"Lee Jonghyun," he greeted. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Han."

"Thank you," she said, shaking his hand. "I-"

She stopped midway when the door opened again and another tall man walked in. He was in a black formal suit with his shirt properly buttoned and had a serious expression on his face. The man was adjusting his glasses as he came to view but Sunye's jaw opened in shock when her eyes fell on him.

Before she could say anything, Jonghyun said, "Ah! Haein, you're here! Please note down the meeting minutes."

"Yes sir," the blue eyed man said. He turned to Sunye and smiled that familiar devilish smirk.

God damn it, Sunye cursed.

"Nice to meet you," SD said, pretending not to know her. "Ms. Han."

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