Hero of Darkness

Chapter 443 - Last Opportunity

Chapter 443 - Last Opportunity

Chapter 443 - Last Opportunity

25 kilometers outside the capital Aesir on the night of the same day… A warship landed amidst a mountainous region filled with dense treelines and grasslands.


The giant main door of this two hundred meters tall and four hundred meters wide massive warship opened and a group of people exited the ship.

These were none other than Kahn, Jugram, Armin, and the elite fighters amongst the covenant soldiers.



A demonkin who was tied with heavy mythril chains that also had multiple runes which stopped him from using his mana or aura.

Soon, they stopped in an open ground while the soldiers brought a black and red wooden throne with comfortable cushions.josei

"What the hell is this supposed to mean, Salvatore?! Do you think you can secretly execute me and get away with it?!

Don't you know who I am or which faction I represent?

The entire Demi-Human faction and my clan will cause a bloodbath in this shithole of a fiefdom of yours if you kill me!" exclaimed Victor angrily as he shirked his hands away from a soldier who was holding the chains.

"Arshhh… this fucking dimwit." spoke Kahn in annoyance as he took a seat.

"You still don't get it? You're no longer some heir of a clan or a young prodigy of a noble faction.

You are… a fugitive!" he said and looked down on chained Victor.

"You're now the whistle-blower in the eyes of the Demi-Human faction.

Forget the faction… even your own family won't protect you at this point. You have become…

A liability." smirked Kahn with an elated expression.

"There are two reasons why I spread the news that you escaped from my clutches.


If I did anything to you myself… it could've been turned to my disadvantage. Your faction or the clan would've come up with any reason in order to get custody over you.

If I declined, they could say that I actually orchestrated that confession and wanted to silence you or any random bullshit reason that people would eventually believe.

Because if a thousand people speak a lie together… it becomes the truth." revealed Kahn.

"And as things stand… Instead of trying to protect you…

It's more convenient for your faction to get rid of you.

If you're dead… they can shift the entire blame on you.

But if nobody knows where you are… the entire empire will think that your faction and clan are protecting you despite your crimes.

So keeping you alive will do far more damage than killing you." he said.

The next moment, his tone turned grim.

"Two…[Updated from didn't kill you because death will be a great mercy for a scumbag like you who thinks that other people's lives don't matter since you come from a noble family and prestigious background.

I bet you didn't even feel a sense of wrong or responsibility when you carried out the massacre.

I'm certain you have no remorse for causing the deaths of those twenty thousand innocent people who were only doing their job." he said while leaking his killing intent.

"As the Sovereign, I'm responsible to protect the people here.

I know that I'm no saint and have blood on my hands as well. But what I absolutely hate is when someone innocent dies because of me.

And to frame me… your faction killed so many people. Since I don't have the power and authority to go and kill that fucking faction leader of yours…

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