Hero of Darkness

Chapter 740 Family Drama

Chapter 740 Family Drama

Chapter 740 Family Drama

Right before Kahn, Omega declared Rudra as the disappointment of the family like an Asian parent looking at the bad grades of their child.

But the very next moment… Rudra flared up in rage after being talked down so candidly.

"Oh really? Then why don't we have a bout?" provoked Rudra as he pointed the end of his trident towards Omega.


Let's see if I can cut your head or not." replied Omega with eyes filled with battle intent while placing his hand on the katana.

Kahn on the other end had a tired face.

This wasn't the first time of their quarrel ever since Omega became a 4th stage saint & Rudra managed to get a human form.

Every week, these two would argue over one thing or some minor issue.

And sometimes, these two would even leak their auras of 4th stage saints unrestrained, which resulted in many people fainting inside their headquarters settlement spread over multiple buildings.

Yet, Kahn was helpless, no different than a helpless parent watching his sons fighting each other.

"Enough! Can't you two at least act like grown-ups?

Who the hell in the guild will respect you two if you keep acting like this?" he reprimanded both manchildren in front of him.

Both of them shut up but kept taunting and cursing each other through their gazes.


Omega growled.


Rudra hissed at the former.

"Silence! He's right. A saint has a particular job and their mastery of at least one of their weapon skills is also at Saint rank.

Since you chose a trident, you will have to practice daily and unlock those skills on your own. Otherwise, it could blow up our cover." iterated Kahn.

"Or do you want to fight people stronger than you without having any combat techniques at all?" he asked mockingly.

"Fine! I will start practicing them. Just arrange a trainer for me who would keep his mouth shut." said Rudra with an indignant tone.

"Alright… did you bring his body?" asked Kahn to the latter.

Rudra then pulled out the rest of the corpse from his space ring.

"Absorb!" commanded Kahn.

3 Hours Later.

"What the hell is wrong with this guy?! Was he a fake saint?" wondered Kahn with an incredulous gaze.

Sedaris only had one Saint Rank skill related to swordsmanship. However, compared to Kahn's Sword Emperor, Sword Apostle, Dark Lightning Strike and Dragon Strike… it was mediocre at best. Hence, Kahn was greatly disappointed.

What he didn't know was that all of his abilities were merged using different and very strong abilities at Grandmaster Rank. Because of which, when they rose to Saint Rank… their effects were 2 to 3 times stronger than a saint of the same rank as him.

After calming himself, Kahn moved to the next important issue.

"Anyone wants it?" he asked as he used Attraction to pull out the 4th stage saint's core that now hovered in the air.

"No. I need a high-tier core than this." spoke Rudra.

"Likewise." replied Omega.

Just then, a ghastly voice resounded…

"Master, others aren't high-level enough to use it. Their bodies will explode if they try to absorb it.

And you also need to become a 4th stage saint soon.

So naturally, you should have it." said Ronin who appeared out of nowhere.

At this moment, all three of them had alarmed expressions.

Forget Omega and Rudra… even Kahn hadn't sensed Ronin in the slightest despite having an innate connection with him.

"When the hell did you arrive?" asked Omega and Rudra in unison.

"I have been here before you even arrived." spoke Ronin, unbothered to even spare a glance at the two strongest people in their group.

Then, the topic shifted back to the issue.

"I became a 3rd stage saint just a few months ago. And Although I used Ranobes' core, it wasn't even to make a breakthrough, only brought me to the final stage." he revealed.

[Kid, I'm telling you… you still need at least 5 more months till your body has become adapted to your current rank.

Each Saint rank upgrade transmutes the body in many ways. Each rank-up should have a long break.

Otherwise, you'll ruin your body's potential and won't be able to rank up effectively in the future.] spoke Rathnaar, his voice echoing in all of their minds.

[Besides, the Chamber of Exaltation also concentrated mana and world energy by twice, so it will take double the time than a normal saint.

And after 5th stage saint, you will have to wait at least a year or two before your next rank up. Or you can forget about finding the other half of my soul to become a Demi-God.

It will be a lost cause to hasten your strength so rapidly.] he spoke like an authority on this matter.

Kahn nodded and agreed with his statement.

Because he could already tell the difference.

After he became a 2nd stage saint, he broke through the 3rd stage saint only in close to 3 months because of Axel's powerful core.

Then, using Ranobes' core, he became a peak 3rd stage saint and was currently level 497.

But the last 3 levels weren't rising as if his body was shutting down excess absorption of world energy altogether.

And with what Rathnaar said, Kahn found this logical.

You couldn't go from Level 1 to 100 just in a couple of days. Otherwise, all the people in the world would've easily become a saint in just a few months if they had enough resources already arranged.

It was one thing if he went from a beginner to a grandmaster within a month, but going from 2nd stage saint to 4th stage saint in succession wouldn't be possible even if he was a chosen Hero.

The body would either reject these sudden changes or it would explode due to oversaturation of energy while the container itself was weak and thin.

Even someone overpowered like Rathnaar needed more than 300 years to become a Peak Saint with the help of the Chamber of Exaltation.

Even with his Divine abilities, Kahn too had to follow the rules of reality. And the more ranks rose, the longer time he would need in the future.

"All right then. I will keep it for the future." said Kahn.

"So what's new? Why did you suddenly show up?" he asked the Spirit Assassin general. josei

"I have a message from Armin. He is bringing us a new client he met today in the Alchemy Association of Alfheim." stated Ronin with stern experience.

"What's so special about it? We already have the big guns of the city as our client." asked Kahn curiously.

"Because the client…"

Ronin revealed he came in a hurry to relay this message.

"Is a Saint Rank Alchemist."

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