Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 102

Chapter 102: New Training

"Healing Combat? What?! Those two words are like complete opposites how… What?" Alex looked very confused by what Imani had just said. He looked out to the hallways to see that Oj had already left the place. He then looked at Imani and Midnight who were laughing at Alex's reactions, "We're not laughing at you… It's just that I felt the same way when I first heard of it… Hell, I was one of the first few who He trained that move on and it's really bad. I won't spoil it for you though, I think this is something that only Oj can talk about. He is the master after all." Midnight smiled. 

Imani wanted to say something but she nodded after hearing Alex, "That is true, the moves can only be talked about after the Master says that you're ready to learn them… So until then, Why don't you have some lunch and then rest a bit. Midnight's job for today is done so I guess you two can relax for now. I'll be going back to the monitoring room as I have some more things to do." Imani excused herself before walking out of the room. 

Alex and Midnight nodded as they looked around the room. Midnight looked at a small window behind the two and spoke, "We have a chef here so why not get some good food and rest?" She stood up and walked over to the window. Alex followed her. The two ordered what they liked and had their lunch. Midnight looked at the ceiling and smiled, "Well, Today, you've learned the Front Kick, Practiced the slide kick, and also learned the roundhouse… There are more which I will teach you slowly but what's the hurry with learning everything at once? Just practice these when these training weekends, You'll need to be ready anytime… They are very useful for combat, especially when you throw that dagger away and it misses." Midnight explained. 

Alex nodded, he knew why he was learning all of this but he also wanted to learn more even more quickly. 'I guess I will need to know everything that I can before entering the challenge… I'll also need to be able to finish the morning training… That also for two days just to be sure that I can do it consecutively.' Alex was determined.

Midnight walked to the door and spoke, "Well, why don't we go and visit Imani… She will teach you more on thinking during combat but today, it'll be with bots and fighting with her so good luck Alex. I'll be off now, I need to go up and work more… It seems as more awakened are needed at these times as more gates are appearing. I wanted another practice with Imani but I guess these are greater calls than mock battles with someone weaker than you." Midnight said as she walked away. 

Alex waved her goodbye and walked out of the room. He entered the surveillance room to see Imani sitting, watching every CCTV camera footage. She turned to Alex and smiled, "Ready for today?" 

Hearing Imani, Alex nodded, "I am…" He was ready. Imani smiled and stood up, "We'll start with reviewing your training than talking more about thinking properly for combat. After that, I'll take you to do some situations with bots as your enemies and we'll end with you and I have a small mock battle. How does that sound?" She looked excited. 

Alex nodded and spoke, "it sounds great, I can begin anytime you say." He was enthusiastic. Imani looked at Alex and thought, 'I wouldn't mind seeing that battle side of him today as well… He looked so excited battling those reapers so I guess I get to see that same expression but with him battling bots.' She turned to the camera, 'To be more timid in actuality but during the battle, smiling while the blood of your enemies covers your face… Alex really is a different person during combat… I guess what Master Ryan said about people's behaviors changing during certain situations and when they are doing something specific is real… Alex seems to be more… Hmm… Cold? I guess cold is the right word. Alex seems to be colder when he fights. He seems to enjoy the thrill without even knowing it… Which is good in a way. We just need to prevent him from wanting to feel that thrill all the time or else we would have an unwanted situation in our hands that that would be annoying to deal with for anyone.' Imani thought.

She turned to the screen and started to explain the mistakes he made in the morning training. She also went over the things in the simulation that Alex did the day before. Going over his mistakes then as well. She ended the explanation by Telling Alex to think more. "You might not realize it, but there is a lot more thinking than crossing weapons in combat… You think of everything before you do a certain activity in combat. Should you cut towards his legs or his hands? What will be affected if you cut a certain part of his body? What will the enemy do next if you injured them or injured a certain part of their body… What hidden weapons would they have, What hidden attacks could they have… You could never know so going over the possible things that could happen, even if they sound unlikely is the way to go for you during combat… I'm sure that the best example of you that you've experienced is the reaper yesterday, right?" Imani explained slowly and ended with a question. 

Alex nodded, "That is true… I didn't expect the long ranged reapers to act that way, especially the last two ones… I thought they would try to jump away from me but the second last one just jumped towards me and shot me… Luckily I tried an idiotic move which at least protected my head from being shot… And then there was the last one which provided so much trouble for me… It seemed to be taking time so that its buddies could come closer to me and attack me… that's how I got slash all over my back that day… But after regaining some of my energy, I stopped the bleeding and went for it without fear… It was weird at first to see something that was using a bow non stop just drop that bow and pick up a small dagger but I guess that surprise worked in its favor and it got me injured… But at last, I got it to fall on its back and took it down with a clean cut." Alex slowly spoke. He looked proud of his achievement. josei

Imani nodded and smiled, "You did yell in that battle… The pain you experience there and the pain you experience in real life are the same so all those attacks were hurting you like they would have if you were out… So holding on for that long even after bearing that many wounds are very impressive… You also took some risks, especially that las attack where you did something that you never had before… your ability to copy and imitate moves from seeing them carefully might have helped but still, that was extremely impressive." She then turned to the screen, "But we're not here to talk about that… We can work on your quick thinking by setting you up for situations that can only be solved with proper thinking… One of the best is hostage situations… Reapers don't do this, which is very obvious but doing this exercise is very good to get you thinking more… Plus, who knows, we have weird evolutions happening with reapers every day. Someday, they might gain more intelligence and even just take a hostage and use it against us. So get ready… And follow me." She said as she walked out of the room. 

Alex followed closely, he was ready for anything. The deep dive of every Mistake made by Alex made him realize how much he needed to improve. Alex could even say that he wouldn't pass the challenge no matter what it was if he didn't have proper knowledge about combat. And this was the only way. 'I need to get good at this… Once this is done, I can get into the challenge with confidence… Midnight's attacks and Imani's training… and Hopefully these secret powerful moves that combine healing and combat together to make powerful moves as well… But I don't know what or how Oj will teach them to me… My powers are different than his or at least that's what I think … But healing might also be the same… which reminds me that I need to act like I have no idea how to heal others and act like I'm slowly learning how to heal other people.. That will be a pain…' Alex was in deep thought. Imani looked at Alex and shook her head, "Don't worry about anything. Just enter the room. I will brief you on what to do once you enter." She said as she opened a door for Alex to enter.

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