Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 61

Chapter 61: More Reasons

Alex and Midnight entered the door to see Ryan and Master Zhun eagerly waiting for the two. "Hello Alex, Hello Midnight." Ryan smiled when he saw the two. Master Zhun also smiled at the two and said, "You two have a lot of things to say to us, I'm eagerly waiting to hear it all." Alex and MIdnight both laughed and nodded. Midnight spoke, "Today has been a weird day I must say. From the B rank awakened being possessed and attacking Hana to a gate being evolved twice and now just recently two mind-controlled intruders attacking the facility where we had a new special discovery…" 

Ryan nodded, his smile broke into a serious expression. He looked at Alex and said, "I know it must be very difficult for you to go through all of this but you just keep on hanging in there and train. I've heard from Hana that you were training this morning, good. Train until you can have a one on one battle with us. But until then, try to be extra careful. I believe there is a hidden organization behind this." Ryan stood up and walked towards a hologram.

He interacted with the hologram until a blood report popped up. He looked at everyone in the room and said, "You two did come here to brief us but as you might have guessed, we already have most of the information on everything that happened today except the Gate scenario. So you lot need only to brief on that. After that, you two will go home and rest up. More meetings to come in the future so take care of your health. But before you two explain what happened I'll give you two reports of Rhino and The B rank Awakened this morning, Juo."

Alex and Midnight nodded, They knew that the bureau already knew what had happened and only need them to brief more if they missed anything so they weren't surprised. They looked at Ryan, waiting on the report. 

Ryan looked at the blood report and said, "See anything?" He pointed at the scan of the blood samples. Alex shook his head initially but he slowly realized that there was something very off in the scan. Midnight spoke, "They seem to be mind controlled by the same person behind the Axa and Shin Mind controls. That means that the entire attack wasn't by reapers but a man." 

Ryan nodded when he heard Midnight. He looked at Alex and said, "That means that the mind controller might have been after you, Alex. I don't see any other reason he would have Rhino attack you…" josei

Alex looked confused by Ryan's words. He questioned, "Why to attack me though? I'm new to this world, I lack powers and I don't think that the amount of God's Blood is high in my system." Ryan smiled but quickly his face was filled with confusion, "God's blood?" Midnight laughed when she heard Ryan and quickly clarified, "from Sir Fire's secret research, it seems he might have come across some new things about awakened energy and no longer thinks it's appropriate to call it energy. So he put a new name to it." 

As midnight explained, Master Zhun stood up and asked in curiosity, "What did he uncover?" Midnight shook her head in response, "I'm not the researcher so I really can't answer than accurately as It could cause misunderstandings. It's better to ask the researcher himself about what he uncovered." Master Zhun nodded, "You are correct, I apologize for asking you. I'll have to ask Sir Fire for his discoveries myself when I have the time. But for now, continue on." 

Ryan nodded when he heard Master Zhun and said, "Back to the topic, Alex… There was something that we didn't say. The reason for so many military personnel to come to the gate where you came from was because they knew it was a person and not a reaper. I should have explained this some time ago but essentially, looking at the past, people who transferred here from other dimensions have a high potential to reach the top ranks of an Awakened. Although these cases can be counted in one hand and have happened a few dozen years ago, it has happened. That's the reason that other awakened have been around you most of the time. You only have had privacy in the apartment that Hana led you in as it's the most secure in the country. But outside, you will always have someone looking out for you. Why? A previous event where 2 people came from the gates in another country. They showed high potential to grow as awakened and have powers to battle against the strongest on earth. But before they got to grow properly they were assassinated. That's the same fear for you as well. You might have been confused about why Buster and midnight were there with you when the evolving gate appeared, that's the answer, To protect you. As you do show high potential." 

Ryan looked and Alex and smiled, "You see where this is going, right?" He waited for Alex's response. Alex nodded, he was still trying to understand everything, so much had been happening behind him of which he had no clue of. Alex looked and Ryan and said, "Rhino who was supposed to judge my strength suddenly became mind-controlled and attacked to kill me. But I was lucky enough to fight back and injure him."

Everyone in the room nodded when they heard Alex. Master Zhun looked at Ryan and said, "That points to the thing that you've been saying all this time… There might be an organization behind all this. Behind the organization must be the man who is responsible for all of these mind control as well as attempted assassinations. It makes sense that they would try to attack Hana as well if we think about it." 

Alex looked confused when he heard Master Zhun, "Why would it make sense that they would attack Hana with a B rank awakened." 

Ryan looked at Alex and said, "There might be another reason for that…"

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