Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: Improve!

Ryan looked a bit distressed when he heard about Mary taking one of the live reapers for the Army. He looked at Master Zhun and said, "Would this lead to any problems?" 

Master Zhun pointed to himself in a confused manner and smiled, "I really don't know. I'm just the leader here until either Hana or Little Gold takes the seat. Or maybe someone else who has proved even more prowess could come up to be another candidate. So don't ask me. I try to stay away from anything political, you of all people know that about me." Master Zhun said with a silly face. 

Midnight giggled and looked at Alex, "Master Zhun might look like the serious kind but when anyone takes out the topic of politics, He starts to act like a goofball and like he knows nothing." She whispered softly. 

Ryan Put his palm on his forehead and sighed, "Why did I even ask." Master Zhun smiled and shrugged when he heard Ryan. 

Ryan looked at Alex and Midnight and said, "Well, In my opinion, it's bad. The top Dogs never liked giving us freedom and individuality so If they find more ways to make the military more powerful we might be outcasts and the awakened will be forced to step down as our jobs are given to the military. And well, The military is like the small pets of the top Politicians." 

Alex nodded and said, "Is there anything that we can do?" He wanted to be of help in some way or form. Ryan looked at Alex and shook his head, "This will be the jobs of us. No matter how much Master Zhun refuses, He knows his job so he'll deal with the political matters until The next Leader is chosen. Which will take some time. So You need not worry. If you do want to worry, I'd say worry about your strength. You need to get stronger, if not… You'll be under the same mind control as the ones you fought in the Facility." His gaze then ran to Master Zhun.josei

"Lad, The meeting is now over, We have all the essential information that we needed. It was originally my plan to add you to the meeting that will happen soon with the top dogs but I think leaving you out of that would be the best. I wish I could also stay with you here but I'm obliged to join that meeting. Just keep on training. I wouldn't worry about anything as long as you're close to the apartment so don't go too far from it. I heard that you were working out this morning, good. DO more but if you decide to run a long-distance, just go around the apartment. That's all that I want to say to you." 

Master Zhun then looked towards Midnight, "Lass, You also rest up and stay close to Alex. You might have already heard but the number of gates we have is increasing so I need you and Alex to stay in that area. More gates are sure to come so It'd be for the best if you took care of the higher-ranked gates if they were to come. The other Awakened are tasked to go to other cities for the same reason. For now, We only have 4 S ranks In this city, one if busy with the investigation so she is out of the question. I'm already old and my time seems to come every day. Ryan is powerful indeed but his close combat experience is lacking. So that only leaves us with Little Gold… Well, we also Have Sir Fire but he's a wild card because of his powers. And I'd rather have him research more about 'God's blood' as well as the parasitic blobs of those under the mind control. We have a few A rank as well but they're placed in different parts of the city." 

Master Zhun sighed, "The gates have been more frequent and the reapers are starting to become more bizarre from yesterday so we need to take this precaution. Be safe." He stood up and slowly walked outside of the room. 

Ryan looked at Alex and Midnight, "You two can leave for now. As Master Zhun said, there is nothing else for now. Alex and Midnight can train together for the next week. Master Zhun and I will be going to the meeting so you two can focus on improving yourselves. I hope to see Alex close to becoming a B rank Awakened by next week. From what I've heard you're already close to reaching the high C rank so It'll only be a while till you reach the B rank."

Ryan looked at Alex once more and smiled, "And try to focus on your power. If you can manifest A dagger, by theory you could manifest some other weapon. There is an Upper Ranked Awakened in the Kingdom of Kah, Not much is known about him. But from my intense research, he could manifest weapons like you. There were reports of people saying that he could manifest different weapons, swords, guns, and much more. There seemed to be no limits to what he could manifest except for his own energy. The same goes for your healing. But you could focus less on healing for now, at least until Master Zhun sends someone to teach you about healing. Until then, You know what to do!"

Alex nodded, he looked at Midnight who was also nodding. She looked at Ryan and said, "Thank you for taking us out of that meeting. The last thing I want is to meet those creeps once again. I'll train Alex on Hand to Hand combat every day but I'll also need some time to myself to improve my powers. I feel like I could make a breakthrough soon, maybe even create a new type of attack." 

Ryan nodded and said, "I'll be off to. Good luck with your training. I'll go and make a proper written report. I'll be busy but if anything is needed, just give me a call. I've sent you my Private contact details already." 

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